
  • 网络Global Award
  1. 我们在台词上花了5年呢我看见你在全球奖颁奖典礼

    We 're like five years on that script.And I saw you with the Golden Globe .

  2. 名气和地位正迅速提升的另一个职位是全球奖酬主管。

    Another role increasing rapidly in prominence and seniority is that of the global head of reward .

  3. 在一些公司,人力资源总监和全球奖酬主管都会参加董事会会议。

    In some companies both the HR Director and the global head of reward attend the board meeting .

  4. 此外,瑞信全球奖金池总额也将减少5%,这一削减适用于该行4.74万员工中所有应得奖金的人士。

    There will also be a 5 per cent reduction in the global bonus pool , applicable to anyone among the bank 's 47,400 staff who is due to receive a bonus .

  5. 英国演员和电影导演在洛杉矶的全球奖上大获全胜,影片《平民窟的百万富翁》赢得了包括最佳剧本奖在内的许多种类的大奖。

    British performers and filmmakers have triumphed at the annual Golden Globe awards in Los Angeles , winning in a number of categories including best film drama for the movie Slumdog Millionaire .

  6. 韩国轰动世界的流行歌手Psy的“江南Style”赢得了最佳视频奖,而已故巨星惠特尼•休斯顿由于她对流行音乐的影响而获得全球巨星奖。

    South Korean pop sensation Psy 's " Gangnam Style " won the award for Best Video and the late Whitney Houston was named Global Icon for her impact on pop music .

  7. 一个周六的晚上,41岁的乌鲁卡亚从安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young)挑选出的48名企业家中脱颖而出,在蒙特卡洛获得安永年度全球企业家奖(WorldEntrepreneuroftheYear)。安永挑选的候选人都是在各自国家出类拔萃的企业家。

    On Saturday night in Monte Carlo , Ulukaya , 41 , was named Ernst & Young 's World Entrepreneur of the Year , copping the grand prize in a competition that pitted him against 48 entrepreneurs whom E & Y designated tops in their own countries .

  8. 第十七届杜邦全球包装奖精彩缤纷

    " 17th Dupont global package awards "

  9. 周三,在纽约市举行的联合国通讯奖颁奖典礼上,联合国年度全球公民奖被颁发给出生在贝鲁特的以及两个孩子的母亲艾默。

    The Global Citizen of the Year Award was bestowed on the Beirut-born mother-of-two at the annual UN Correspondents Awards on Wednesday , in a ceremony held in New York City .

  10. SpringRoll狗玩具获2005年全球最佳设计奖

    Spring Roll toy dog wins a gold IDEA award of 2005

  11. 并在第66届年度最佳图片国际比赛中获得评审给与的“全球视野摄影奖”特别推荐。

    He was accorded the judges'special recognition for the Global Vision Award in the66th Pictures of the Year International Contest .

  12. 北京乡村的可持续规划设计探索&2009年豪瑞全球可持续建筑奖获奖项目介绍

    Approach to the Sustainable Planning and Design for Beijing Rural Community : Introduction to the Winning Project in the Global Holcim Awards 2009

  13. Skytrax在英国范堡罗国际航空航天展览会期间公布了“2016年全球最佳航空公司奖”,这家总部位于迪拜的国际航空公司摘得桂冠。

    The international airline , based in Dubai , won the top honors at the Skytrax World Airline Awards ceremony at the Farnborough International Airshow in England .

  14. 全球领先的大学有四分之三位于美国,全球70%的诺贝尔奖得主在美国工作。

    Three-quarters of the world 's leading universities are in the US and 70 per cent of the world 's Nobel prize winners work there .