
  • 网络wrinkling
  1. 根据一批研究者的调查,起皱现象是一种有益的进化结果,它能帮助人体握住表面湿滑的物体。

    According to a number of researchers , the wrinkling is an evolutionary advantage that helps to increase grip in wet conditions .

  2. 本文以金属板材冲压成形为工程背景,对正交各向异性金属板材在冲压成形过程中的弹塑性起皱现象进行了系统的理论分析。

    In this thesis , a theoretical analysis of the elastic-plastic wrinkling of orthotropic sheet metal during the process of forming is systematically presented .

  3. 研究了基于多层次B样条的曲面拟合,并且针对稀疏网格模型拟合曲面的起皱现象给出了改进方法。

    The B-Splines surfaces fitting algorithm with Multilevel B-Splines is also studied . And a modified fitting method about sparse meshes is put forward .

  4. 推制速度较小时,弯管内侧厚度减薄,随着推制速度的增大,内侧壁厚逐渐增加:当推制速度超过4.0mm/s时,易出现起皱现象,壁厚公差明显增大。

    The smaller pushing velocity V , the thinner inner wall thickness ; With the V increasing , inner wall thickness will also increase gradually , but given the bigger than 4.0mm/s V , pipe bending is prone to crinkling , its wall thickness tolerance will increasing .

  5. 同时提出了一种冲压加工工艺&多点压板成形冲压工艺,并且通过理论分析与演算证实该工艺与杆系柔性成形模具相结合可以显著地减少板件在成形过程中的起皱现象。

    Through theoretical analysis and calculation , the stamping process combined with Poles Flexible Die can suppress wrinkling in the process of forming sheet metal effectively .

  6. 重型钢制车轮结构复杂、壁厚变化不规则、成形载荷大,在体积成形过程中易出现断裂、起皱等现象。

    Due to the complicated structure , irregular wall-thickness , large forming load , some shortcomings such as tension fracture and crinkle always emerge in the process of molding .

  7. 对球形零件拉深变形的特点、拉深变形中的起皱和破裂现象进行了分析。

    Analysis of stainless steel sheet forming and preventive measures for the defects in deep-drawing ;

  8. 汽车覆盖件拉伸起皱和开裂现象分析及控制措施

    Analyzing and the controlling measures for the wrinkling and cracking phenomenon during stretching process of automobile blanketing pieces

  9. 自动尾纸抚平装置,消除复卷后的起皱或气泡之现象。确保复卷成品的平滑顺畅。

    Automatic ending paper smoothing equipment , wipe out the wrinkling or air bubble after rewinding .

  10. 丝纤维及其织物的起皱程度与溶剂极性和生成氢键能力密切相关,且受溶剂分子的体积和粘度的影响,其中丝纤维在50%乙醇溶液中的起皱现象最为严重。

    The creasing mechanism of silk fibre and its fabrics relates closely with solvent polarity and resultant hydrogen bonding energy , and is affected by the volume and viscosity of solvent molecules . It is found that the silk fibre in 50 % alcohol solution creases most severely .