- 动 be called upon to assume one's duties before the end of the mourning period for one's parents;reinstate

(1) [reassume office]
(2) 古时官员服父母丧守期未满即应召赴任官职。明清时专指服父母丧期满后重新复出做官
(3) 旧指官员被革职后复出
Parameter determination for hydraulic re-railing equipment used in railway rescue operation
SONG DANDAN : LOVE AGAIN On Official Mourning System of Tang Dynasty
waves rise up and sink again , dreams break and form .
Diesel and Electric Locomotive , Coach and Lorry Car Rapid Rescue Recovery Method under Contact Line
The poignant song is echoed through all the sky in many-coloured tears and smiles , alarms and hopes ; waves rise up and sink again , dreams break and form .
It plays a decisive role in such railway rescue work as the treatment , lifting up overturned vehicles , eliminating the circuitry obstacles and shortening the time of railway traffic disruption in the rescue operations .
Considering the value of bandwidth resource , this paper gives two improved scrambled code ways which can both take the role of complex - scrambled code and increase the system capacity rapidly .