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bīng shū
  • a book on the art of war
兵书 [bīng shū]
  • [book on the art of war] 讲述兵法的书。如《孙子》、《吴子》等等

兵书[bīng shū]
  1. 兵书战策与散手战术

    The relation between strategies in fighting and tactics in modern free fighting

  2. 《孙子兵法》是中国古代著名兵书。

    The Art of War is a famous military publications of ancient Chinese .

  3. 《孙子兵法》与中国原典兵书研究

    Study of Military Science of Sun Tzu and Chinese Original Books on Military Science

  4. 这两部兵书都是军人的必读著作。

    Both books on the art of war are the required works for the soldiers .

  5. 其全面新颖的体例,豊富的内容,深深地影响了后世兵书的编纂。

    Its novel style , rich content , deeply influenced the later military books ' compilation .

  6. 明清之际兵书文献中弹道知识描述的辨析

    A Primary Discrimination for the Description about Trajectory Knowledge in Chinese Military Books of Late Ming and Early Qing

  7. 在古代兵学史上,许多兵书战策对武术文化的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    In the history of the ancient strategy , many strategy books take important function to the development of Wushu culture .

  8. 赵括到前线后,只是依照兵书,就放弃了廉颇的军事计划。

    When he arrived at the front , Zhao Kuo deserted his predecessor 's military plan only on the basis of military documents .

  9. 兵家著作既是兵书和政书,又是管理哲学书,包含了丰富的管理学思想。

    Works of military strategists are books on military science and politics as well as management philosophy , which contain rich management thoughts .

  10. 我国古代军事学家对军队给水卫生非常重视,历代兵书中多谈到水源的选择与保护。

    Ancient militarists paid extraordinary attention to hygiene of water supply in the army . Most military works mention about selection and protection of water sources .

  11. 军事在我国古代社会活动中占据着重要的地位,因此古人编写了诸多作为军事活动指南的兵书。

    Military affairs played a very important role in the social activities of ancient China . As a result , lots of military books were compiled at that time .

  12. 从文学史范畴看,有些兵书可从文学史角度研究,如先秦兵书与先秦文学;

    Some books on strategic , such as books on strategic before Chin and literature before Chin , can be studied from the point of view of literature history .

  13. 我常常抽空阅读兵书,从中得到了不少好处。多看看前人的经验之谈,你会有更大的进步。

    Even I often find time to read books on the art of war and gain much benefit from them . To read more about the experience left by our ancestors will make you progress .

  14. 由于计量为军事活动提供了技术保障,因此兵书中蕴含着丰富的计量知识,由此,研究古代兵书中的计量知识,是计量史所必不可少的组成部分。

    Since metrology is the technical support of military actions , these books contained huge amount of related information . Therefore , the research in these knowledge is an essential part in the study of metrology history .

  15. 撰有《兵法》13篇,是中国古代第一部有系统的兵书,也是世界上最早的系统精辟地论述战略战术问题的军事学著作。

    Sun Wu 's The Art of War , composed of 13 articles , was the first systematic book on military strategies and tactics in ancient China and one of the earliest works on military strategies and tactics in the world .

  16. 为了支持结构化建模方法,提高概念建模的效率和规范性,在对概念模型结构化建模工具进行详细需求分析的基础,设计并实现了结构化建模工具兵书一号2.0版。

    For the sake of supporting method of structured modeling and improved the efficiency and formally of conceptual modeling , we designed and implemented structured modeling tool ' military book NO 1'version 2.0 based detailed requirement analysis about concept model structured modeling tool .