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bīng quán
  • military power;military leadership
兵权 [bīng quán]
  • [military power] 指统率军队的权力

  • 汉人未可假大兵权。-- 清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

  • 杯酒释兵权

兵权[bīng quán]
  1. 这一迥然差异的表层原因在于阉寺是否握有兵权,而其深层原因则在于两代的军事制度截然不同。

    The surface difference of the facts is whether the eunuchs had controls over military power , but the deep difference lies in the military systems of the two dynasties .

  2. 将军允诺于一月份之前交出兵权。

    The General had promised to cede power by January .

  3. 革命委员会释了他的兵权。

    He was relieved of his command by the revolutionary committee .

  4. 兵权一经授予,就不能马上收回。

    Once the military authority has been granted , it should not easily transfered .

  5. 她集兵权和王权于一身。

    She had both military and imperial powers .

  6. 真正的权力掌握在幕府将军手中,因为他手握兵权。

    The true power was held by the shogun because he had command over the military .

  7. 三帅统兵权和枢密院调兵权职责分明,相互制约,直接对皇帝负责。

    The two departments had their respective duties so that they restricted each other and responsible to the Emperor directly .

  8. 兵权,就是将领统帅三军的权利,也是主将树立威信的关键。

    Military control is the rights of the general , and it is the key that will allow him to establish authority on his army .

  9. 为了取消列强在北宁路的驻兵权和收回兵营,中国人民进行了长期不懈的斗争,并于1943年取消列强在华驻兵权,于新中国成立后收回兵营。

    The persistent struggle of the Chinese people forced the big powers to abandon their garrison right in1943 and returned the barracks to New China .

  10. 你的军队和兵权必须全部交卸,让凯西奥主持塞浦路斯的军政重务。

    You must forsake this room , and go with us : Your power and your command is taken off , And Cassio rules in Cyprus .

  11. 但是太监并无兵权,袁绍和其弟袁术率兵人宫,诛杀2000多名太监。

    The powerful eu-nuchs being without military support , Yuan Shao and his brother Yuan Shu broke into the palace with their forces and killed more than 2 000 eunuchs .

  12. 取消禁军最高统帅殿前都点检、副都点检职务,朝廷设枢密院掌管调动军队,但无统兵权。

    Taizu abolished the post of Commander of the Imperial Army and set up a Military Council to take charge of troop-deployment arrangement , but without any power to command troops .

  13. 除去四川地区外,南宋中期地方军事领导体制的特点可概括为兵权散主。

    Beside of the Sichuan areas , the features of the military leading system during the period can be summarized a sentence that " the military power are controlled by different institutions " .