
bīng luàn
  • turmoil, havoc, disaster, etc. caused by war;suffering caused by warfare
兵乱 [bīng luàn]
  • [suffering caused by warfare] 战乱

兵乱[bīng luàn]
  1. 发射架火药筒检查口蠢兵乱射箭,箭筒很快空。

    Launcher cartridge access A fool 's bolt it soon shot .

  2. 因此,唐代之后,随迭遭兵乱,但屡毁屡建,以至保存到现在。

    Although it was destroyed many times during dynastic wars , it was rebuilt time and again so that it is now preserved as before .

  3. 上述特点是在乾嘉以后岭南人口骤增、兵乱、经济结构变化、沿海对外交往频繁等社会背景下形成的。

    These characteristics were formed under the following social background after the year of Qianjia : rapid increase of population , turmoil caused by war , economic structure change and frequent foreign contact .

  4. 董永,相传为东汉时期千乘(今山东高青县北)人,少年丧母,因避兵乱迁居安陆(今属湖北)。

    According to the legend , Dong Yong was a man of Qiancheng ( today 's north of Gaoqing County , Shandong ) in the East Han Dynasty . His mother died when he was young and the family moved to Anlu ( in today 's Hubei ) to avoid the war .