
wánɡ chē yì wèi
  • castling;artificial castling
  1. 进行王车易位的车在游戏中还没有移动过。

    The rook that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game .

  2. 王车易位是每个人在玩象棋时都应尽力走出的一步棋。

    Castling is a move that everyone should strive to make while playing chess .

  3. 避免把兵移到王车易位后的王前,使那儿成为你的软弱部位。

    Avoid moving pawns in front of your castled king and creating weaknesses there .

  4. 在这些残局库中,都假定王车易位不再可能出现。

    In all of these endgame databases it is assumed that castling is no longer possible .