
  1. BYD公司的王传福创业经历只有14年的时间;

    Wang Chuanfu of BYD Company has a14-year pioneering experience ;

  2. 另外,王传福表示,比亚迪和戴姆勒(Daimler)将于2013年在中国推出它们联合开发的电动汽车。

    Separately , Mr Wang said that BYD and Daimler would launch their jointly developed electric car in China in 2013 .

  3. 中国汽车制造商比亚迪(BYD)董事长兼创始人王传福表示,比亚迪计划从明年开始,在欧洲销售电动和混合动力汽车。

    BYD , the Chinese carmaker , plans to begin selling electric and hybrid cars in Europe next year , its chairman and founder said .

  4. 比亚迪创办人王传福可是个天才,巴菲特说。

    BYD founder Wang Chuanfu , Buffett said , is a genius .

  5. 比亚迪董事长王传福决胜商海的秘诀是什么?

    BYD chairman Wang decisive sea What is the secret ?

  6. 王传福立场坚定地反驳了这一点。

    Mr Wang deflects the point firmly .

  7. 王传福表示,他已做好了准备好。

    Mr Wang says he is ready .

  8. 王传福说,合作关系将为两家公司创造一种“双赢的商业模式”。

    Mr Wang said the partnership " creates a win-win business model " for the two companies .

  9. 比亚迪老总王传福的创业灵感来自一份国际电池行业动态,一份简报似的东西。

    BYD chairman Wang Chuanfu'entrepreneurial inspiration is from a dynamic international battery industry , things like a briefing .

  10. 巴菲特显然在打赌,王传福将会成为启动汽车技术领域下一次革命的怪才。

    Mr Buffett is clearly betting that he will be the geek who launches the next revolution in automotive technology .

  11. 但王传福辩称,地缘政治担忧是出台面向替代能源汽车的政策支持的最大因素。

    But Mr Wang argued that geopolitical concerns loomed largest in its formulation of policy support for alternative energy vehicles .

  12. 王传福说起话来轻声细语,他表示,他的目标是在2025年前把比亚迪建成全球最大的汽车公司。

    The quietly spoken Mr Wang says his goal is to make BYD the world 's largest car company by 2025 .

  13. 不过,他谦逊的话语掩饰了一种文化骄傲:王传福说,中国企业比西方竞争对手更聪明,更肯干。

    But his unassuming words mask a cultural pride : Mr Wang says Chinese companies are smarter and work harder than their western competitors .

  14. 比亚迪主席王传福最近说,比亚迪的目标是要在2025年成为全球最大的汽车制造商。

    Wang Chuanfu , chairman of BYD , said recently that the car maker is aiming to become the world 's largest auto maker by2025 .

  15. 王传福,比亚迪的董事长,被当做一个近乎天才的人被称赞,而且比亚迪的员工据说也具有不同寻常的积极性。

    BYD 's chairman , Wang Chuanfu , is lauded as a near-genius , and the company 's workers are said to be uncommonly motivated .

  16. 13年前王传福创办公司时,甚至缺乏进口日本电池自动生产线的资金。

    Thirteen years ago , when he founded the company , Mr Wang lacked even the capital to import an automated battery production line from Japan .

  17. 当时,政府研究人员缺乏资金,王传福备感气馁,便从一个亲戚那里借了钱,并开始自己制造镍电池。

    Frustrated by the lack of funding available to government researchers , Mr Wang borrowed money from a relative and set up on his own making nickel batteries .

  18. 王传福呼吁采取折扣、减税和在政策方面为更多出租车公司采用电动轿车铺平道路。

    Mr. Wang called for rebates , tax cuts , and policies to pave the way for more taxi companies to use electric cabs , among other measures .

  19. 此举刺激了香港股票市场:王传福持有25%股份的比亚迪股价上涨了42%。

    The move electrified the Hong Kong Stock Market : shares in BYD , which is 25 per cent owned by Mr Wang , rose by 42 per cent .

  20. 王传福和其他行业及政府官员在天津的会议上都提到,电动“绿色”汽车面临着日益成为市场主流的良好前景。

    Mr. Wang and other industry and government officials at the Tianjin conference pointed to what they described as good prospects overall for electrified ' green ' cars to become more mainstream .

  21. 对于巴菲特来说,王传福的魅力和价值何在?本书将从他的经营方式、管理理念、人才观念、商业模式等方面做深入分析解读。

    For Buffett , Wang 's charm and value ? Book from his mode of operation , management philosophy , personnel concepts , business models and so do in-depth analysis of reading .

  22. 王传福说,迟迟未公开销售是由于这款车的定价高达15万元左右(约合22000美元),对中国大多数私人买家来说售价太高。

    Mr. Wang has said the delay is because the car , priced at about 150000 yuan , or roughly $ 22000 , is too expensive for most private buyers in China .

  23. 比亚迪主席王传福在周日的一个业界会议上表示,缺乏对消费者的鼓励和补贴阻碍了比亚迪生产出适合私人买家的充电式混合动力车。

    Speaking at an industry conference Sunday , BYD Chairman Wang Chuanfu said a lack of consumer incentives and subsidies has kept BYD from making a plug-in hybrid car available for private buyers .

  24. 随着世人的注意力从内燃发动机转移到了更环保的选择,王传福觉得,自己在电池生产方面的专业技术将赋予他在电动汽车竞技场上不可阻挡的优势。

    With world attention focused on greener options than the internal combustion engine , Mr Wang feels his expertise in battery production will give him an unstoppable advantage in the arena of electric cars .

  25. 除了在一个政府主导的行业成为一个成功的民营企业家(比亚迪最初是一家手机电池制造商,后来进军汽车业)以外,王传福还有一些不寻常的合作伙伴。

    In addition to succeeding as a private entrepreneur in a state-dominated industry – BYD began as a manufacturer of mobile phone batteries before diversifying into cars – Mr Wang also has rather unusual partners .