
  • 网络database project;Data Base Engineering
  1. 如何在数据库工程中优化SqlServer数据库性能

    How to Improve the Performance of SQL SERVER Database in Database Project

  2. 论文根据数据库工程经验和对ER模型的理解,就ER模型转换为关系模式的规则问题进行了全面而细致的讨论,并给出了12个非常实用的转换规则。

    Depend on the practice of database system implement and the theory of ER Model , this paper presents the converting rules , and offers 12 rules which can really use in the Database project .

  3. 基于模板数据库的工程CAD拓扑建模方法

    Topological modeling system of engineering CAD based on template data library

  4. 我还演示了如何使用SpringRoo数据库反向工程特性根据现有数据库创建应用程序。

    I also showed how to create an application from an existing database using the Spring Roo database reverse-engineering feature .

  5. 此外,Cayenne还支持数据库逆向工程和生成,以及基于Velocity的类生成引擎。

    The framework also supports database reverse engineering and generation , as well as a Velocity-based class generation engine .

  6. 应用程序包括X山的平面直角坐标和高程求解、抵抗线求解、断层及节理信息查询数据库、工程资料查询数据库等。

    The applications contains computing Mountain X 's coordinate and the lines of resistance , querying the database of faultage , joint and the information of mining engineering .

  7. 我们涵盖了许多功能,如:JPA、Selenium测试、SpringSecurity、电子邮件集成、SpringRoo社交功能、数据库逆向工程等。

    We covered a lot of features , like JPA , Selenium testing , Spring Security , email integration , Spring Roo social features , database reverse-engineering , etc.

  8. 采用数据库和工程数据管理技术(PDM)实现电站异构环境下的信息集成。

    The information integration for the LSPP heterogeneous environment is implemented by use of the technologies of database and product data management ( PDM ) .

  9. 我们还将探究Roo的一个数据库逆向工程特性,将该应用程序转化为一个功能全面的企业应用程序。

    We will also take a look at a database reverse-engineering feature of Roo , and convert this application to a full-featured enterprise application .

  10. 本文首先介绍了ER模型的主要构造子,然后描述了数据库逆向工程的概念和处理过程。接着分析了前期研究人员提出的多种逆向工程方法和主要CASE工具逆向工程方法的特点。

    This paper introduces the constructors of ER model , describes the concept and process of database reverse engineering , and analyzes several methods for transforming a relational database into a conceptual model produced by researchers over the past few years and the characteristics of main CASE tools .

  11. 例如,SpringRoo数据库逆向工程附加组件需要PostgresJDBC驱动程序来完成任务,因此您将使用该附加组件包装PostgresJDBC驱动程序。

    For example , the Spring Roo database reverse-engineering add-on requires the Postgres JDBC driver to complete its tasks , so you will wrap the Postgres JDBC driver using this add-on .

  12. 数据库反向工程(DBRE)能让您从内部检查一个现有的数据库并将其公开为应用程序。

    Database reverse engineering ( DBRE ) allows you to introspect an existing database and expose it as an application .

  13. 关系数据库逆向工程方法的设计和评价

    The Design and Evaluation of Reverse Engineering Methods for Relational Databases

  14. 数据库逆向工程方法比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis on Approaches of Database Reverse Engineering

  15. 基于多数据库的工程数据库模式集成与查询分解的研究

    Research on Integrated Data Model and Query Decomposition in Engineering Database Based on Multidatabase

  16. 基于面向对象模型的关系数据库逆向工程研究

    Relational Database Reverse Engineering Based on Object_Oriented Model

  17. 数据库的工程界面

    Engineering interfaces of databases

  18. 该系统的核心部分有:连杆设计导引、中小功率内燃机工程数据库、工程算法库及图形输出平台。

    The CAD system for connecting rod is organized into four core subsystems , including instruction for designing connecting rod , engineering database of IC engine , analysis algorithms and graphic algorithms .

  19. 在设计过程中,促进了我们对数据库,软件工程和PowerBuilder等相关知识的进一步加深认识。

    During the course of design , we know more deeply about Data-Base , software engineering , PowerBuilder , etc.

  20. 他希望对现有的GSDB数据库执行反向工程生成模型。

    He wants to generate the model by reverse engineering the existing GSDB database .

  21. 系统利用Whip控件和ASP技术,解决了存储于数据库中的工程图形浏览问题。

    We can use it to accelerate enterprise 's information industrialization , which use Whip Technology and ASP Technology to solve the browse question of engineering graphics stored in the database .

  22. ◆数据库设计;工程数据库在机械设计中的应用

    The Application of the Engineering Database in the Design of Machineries

  23. 数据库及知识工程在中医专家系统中的应用

    Applications of Database and Knowledge Engineering in the TCM Expert System

  24. 正在计算数据库经反向工程后的状态与其当前状态之间的冲突

    Computing the conflicts between the reverse engineered and the current state of the database

  25. 本系统的资料都储存在数据库里。工程数据库的双缓冲区管理机制

    The Double Buffering Management System for an Engineering Database A New Double - direction Replication Method for Database

  26. 它是一个面向工程数据库、面向工程应用、面向油田研究的一个多功能的实用的数据库系统。

    It is a practical multiple-function database system oriented to engineering database , engineering application and oil development .

  27. 从系统动态设计角度考虑:软件系统包含主要布线厂商的产品数据库以及布线工程所需产品的产品图库;

    For the sake of the design engineer , the software includes the database of some main manufacturer of the structured cabling system and a series of intelligent masters .

  28. 本管理系统充分结合了面向对象、数据库、软件工程等理论知识,并将这些知识运用到实际中去,提高了解决系统需求问题的能力。

    The management system is combined with knowledge theory of object-oriented , databases , software engineering , and for knowledges to be applied to improve the ability to solve problems of system needs .

  29. 数据库能对工程造价信息进行采集、整理、存储、统计、分析和动态查询等科学化管理,实现对工程建设项目的全过程,全方位及远程的造价控制。

    The database can scientifically manage project cost information by data collecting , sorting , counting , analyzing and dynamic querying , to realize all-directional and remote cost control through the whole process of construction projects .

  30. 提出了一个将质量通病数据库应用于工程信息管理系统的观念,为我国建筑行业质量通病的防治做了有益的尝试;

    This paper also promote an idea applying the database about common fault of quality to management information system , which does an beneficial attempt on prevention and cure of common quality fault in construction industry of our country .