
  • 网络SED;Strategic and Economic Dialogue;Strategic Economic Dialogue
  1. 本章首先对中美战略经济对话的意义进行了深入探讨。

    First of all , this chapter elaborates the significance of SED .

  2. 中美战略经济对话可能引发有关中国企业在美国实施并购的预期。

    The SED may raise expectations for mergers and acquisitions in the US .

  3. 面对中美战略经济对话收效甚微的指责,美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)周二为这一对话机制进行了辩护。

    Hank Paulson , US Treasury secretary , on Tuesday defended his strategic economic dialogue with China against charges it has achieved little .

  4. 正如人们可以预见到的,美国财政部长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)要求人民币加速升值的呼声,揭开了本周中美战略经济对话的序幕。

    This week 's strategic economic dialogue between China and the US predictably kicked off with US treasury secretary Hank Paulson calling for faster appreciation of the Chinese currency .

  5. 由于在美国财长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)发起的中美战略经济对话中,美国未能在贸易和汇率失衡方面获得(中国方面的)重大让步,美国国会在汇率立法方面的共识强化起来。

    The consensus in Congress in favour of currency legislation hardened after talks with China led by Hank Paulson , the Treasury Secretary , failed to secure big concessions on Trade and foreign exchange imbalances .

  6. 试析中美战略经济对话及其对中美关系的影响

    Analysis on Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue and Its Impact on Sino-US Relations

  7. 第三次中美战略经济对话将于12月举行。

    The third meeting of the dialogue will be held in December .

  8. 中美战略经济对话:国际经济协调新框架

    A New Framework of International Economic Coordination

  9. 权力因素是影响中美战略经济对话的重要因素。

    SED is deeply affected by power .

  10. 中美战略经济对话是国际经济协调的新发展。

    Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue ( SED ) is a new development of international economic coordination .

  11. 在拟于周三举行的第三次中美战略经济对话中,将讨论产品质量和食品安全问题。

    The Third China-U.S.Strategic Economic Dialogue , which convenes tomorrow , will address product quality and food safety .

  12. 中美战略经济对话创建了一种宏观经济政策国际协调的新框架,其主要特点是双边、发展中国家对发达国家,以及协调内容超越了传统经济协调范畴。

    Sino-U. S. strategic economic dialogue has given rise to a new framework of the international coordination of macroeconomic policies .

  13. 中美战略经济对话机制实际上是新兴大国和霸权国家之间相互调整与适应的机制。

    In fact , SED mechanism is a mechanism of adjustment and adaptation between an emerging power and the superpower .

  14. 保尔森将带领美国代表团出席为期两天的中美战略经济对话,两国设立这一对话机制的初衷,是为了应对长期双边问题。

    Mr Paulson will be leading the US delegation at the two-day strategic economic dialogue , an initiative designed to address long-term bilateral issues .

  15. 中美战略经济对话不是一时出现的偶发事件,而是具有历史的必然性,也是中美关系的现实需要。第三章,中美战略经济对话的议题。

    SED is not a temporary incident , but with the inevitability of history , and real requirement of Sino-US relations . Chapter ⅲ, The Issues of SED .

  16. 作为每年两次的中美战略经济对话的中方负责人,吴仪已在着手准备解决这一问题的政策。

    Ms Wu was already preparing to manage policy on this issue as part of her stewardship of the Chinese side in twice-yearly bilateral meetings with senior US officials .

  17. 昨日在华盛顿举行的中美战略经济对话中,中方谈判代表同意缩短外国投资者必须在岸持有大额资金存款的时间。

    At the Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue in Washington yesterday , Chinese negotiators agreed to cut the period of time that foreign investors must hold large capital deposits onshore .

  18. 在刚刚结束的第三次中美战略经济对话上,外资公司登陆A股政策有了新突破。

    Under agreements reached at the concluding day of the Third China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue , the policy for foreign companies to issue A shares has take a big step forward .

  19. 中美战略经济对话存在的最大问题是,由于非对称的中美经贸关系和整体实力的差距,中国在对话中更多地处于被动反应的弱势地位。

    The most serious problem of SED is that China is in a weak position which responses passively because of asymmetric interdependence in Sino-US economic and trade relations and overall strength disparity .

  20. 周一和周二,来自美国政府几乎各个部门的接近200名官员将前往北京参加高端会谈,也就是中美战略经济对话。

    said Clinton . On Monday and Tuesday , nearly 200 U.S. officials from nearly every corner of American government will be in Beijing for high-level talks known as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue .

  21. 在创立中美战略经济对话机制之前,中美联合经济委员会、中美商贸联委会是两国经贸协调与合作以及经贸争端磋商的主要机制。

    Before the foundation of SED mechanism , Sino-U.S. Joint Economic Committee and Sino-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade are the main mechanisms of bilateral economic and trade coordination , cooperation and disputes negotiation .

  22. 本章还从多个视角展望了中美战略经济对话的前景,认为中美今后将继续延续、深化、提升诸如中美战略经济对话之类的高层协调与合作机制。

    This chapter forecasts the prospects of SED from a number of perspectives , and considers China and the US will continue , deepen and lift high-level coordination and cooperation mechanisms , such as SED .

  23. 中国本月将派遣多达14名高层官员前往华盛顿,进行第二轮中美战略经济对话。该论坛为处理两国关系提供了一个长期框架。

    China is sending up to 14 cabinet-level officials to Washington this month for the second Strategic Economic Dialogue , a forum established to provide a long-term framework to manage the two nations ' relationship .

  24. 由于政治体制的差异,中美战略经济对话尤其受到美国国内政治的影响,美国涉华利益集团和美国国会都试图直接或间接地对中美战略经济对话施加影响。

    Because of differences in political system , SED is especially influenced by the US domestic politics . Interest groups concerning China in the US and the US Congress are trying to influence SED directly or indirectly .

  25. 如果确立全球趋势算是一个基准的话,那么明日在北京城外一座仿紫禁城建筑中举行的第三次中美战略经济对话,可以算是一个成功。

    If setting global trends is any benchmark , the US-China top-level dialogue which begins its third meeting tomorrow at a near replica of the Forbidden City outside of Beijing , can already be marked down as a success .

  26. 保尔森将于下周率领美国高层代表团访问北京,参加一年两次的中美战略经济对话。他表示,目前的金融和经济形势,将增强人们对于中国经济责任的关注。

    The US Treasury secretary , who will lead a high-profile US delegation to Beijing next week for the twice-annual Strategic Economic Dialogue , said the current financial and economic situation would increase the focus on China 's economic responsibilities .

  27. 在为展望将于本周举行的中美战略经济对话所做的演讲中,保尔森呼吁中国采取措施,使中国经济实现持续、强劲和平衡的增长。

    In a speech looking forward to this week 's Strategic Economic Dialogue between China and the US – a forum much prized by Beijing – Mr Paulson called for China to take measures leading towards sustainable , strong and balanced growth .

  28. 美国财政部长杰克•卢在中美战略与经济对话期间宣布了这一突破性进展。

    Treasury Secretary Jack Lew announced the breakthrough at the sed .

  29. 第五轮中美战略与经济对话取得丰硕成果。

    The fifth round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue produced bountiful results .

  30. 本年度的中美战略与经济对话闭幕。

    This year 's China-U.S Strategic and Economic Dialogue has come to an end .