
  1. 完善中国大学排行榜的若干建议

    Some Suggestions on Improving China University Ranking

  2. 本文作者通过定性与定量分析认为:由于中国大学排行榜所使用的评价指标体系的缺陷导致了中国大学排行的不准确。

    On the basis of qualitative and quantitative analyses , the authors point out that the defects of the index system of evaluation in ranking Chinese universities result in the inaccuracy of this rank .

  3. 《2012中国大学杰出校友排行榜》总榜单仍是北京大学居首,1952年(含)以后毕业于北京大学的政学商界杰出人才最多,有456人。

    The school topped the list of 2012 Distinguished Alumni , producing 456 distinguished politicians , academic talents and businessmen since 1952 .

  4. 大学评价的改进与完善&2009年中国大学及学科专业排行榜出炉

    Reforms of Chinese Universities Evaluation & Analysis of Chinese Universities and Majors Ranking in 2009

  5. 传统上,在教学和研究水平方面,中国大学在国际排名排行榜上的评价要比美国和欧洲的高校逊色一些。

    Traditionally Chinese universities scored less well in international ranking tables compared to US and European incumbents in levels of teaching and research .