
  • 网络common criteria;collective code;SharedNormsfortheNewReality
  1. 水资源保护与经济的可持续发展战略已经成为各国社会、经济和环境发展的共同准则。

    Water resources protection and economic sustainable development have become the common criteria of social , economic and environmental development of each nation .

  2. 世界贸易组织的前身是关贸总协定(GATT)。关贸总协定最早于1947年签订,主要是对缔约方在货物贸易方面规定的共同准则。

    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ), which was replaced by World Trade Organization ( WTO ) set up on January 1 , 1995 , was established in 1947 and the agreement itself was mainly the common principles in cargo trade regulations .

  3. 监测与评价的共同准则

    Common Guidelines on Monitoring and Evaluation

  4. 自从美国的思想家和开国者将三权分立由理论变成现实性的制度之后,审判独立业已成为一个世界性的司法共同准则,体现在诸多国际法律文件中。

    Ever since the American ideologists and founders put the theory applicable to practice , trail independence has been a common judicatory principle worldwide and gone into the various law documentation .

  5. 乒乓球比赛规则是进行乒乓球比赛的基本规范和共同准则,乒乓球比赛规则的演变与乒乓球运动技、战术的发展是相辅相成的,他们之间的关系是既相互促进又相互制约。

    Table tennis game rules is table tennis match basic standard and common standard , table tennis game rules and the evolution of the table tennis skill and tactics of the development complement each other , they both restrict each other and promote each other .

  6. 但是条约将建立一些各国都必须遵守的共同准则,包括禁止出售可能用来侵犯人权、违反人权法、加剧冲突或者阻碍发展的武器。

    But it would establish common standards that all nations would have to abide by , including prohibiting the transfer of weapons if they are likely to be used to violate human rights and humanitarian law or if they could fuel an existing conflict or hinder development .

  7. 在流域系统优先原则下,各行政区与水用户参与者在讨论和协商的基础上,确定共同的准则、目标和具体措施,在不损害它方利益的前提下都能取得自己的利益。

    Under the priority principle , the administration in each province in the basin and water-users may find the common guild-lines , goals and detailed measures through discussions and negotiations , so that each party can reach its own interests without causing any harm to other parties .

  8. 熟悉FIDIC合同条件并认真履行,是监理、承包商及业主等应共同遵守的准则;

    FIDIC contract conditions are rules which should be abided by all parties such as contractor , supervisor , owner , etc.

  9. 并以集体的社会性目标和共同的生活准则为前提,分析了形成大学生良好的人际关系的基本条件。

    Furthermore , in the precondition of group 's social target and common guideline , basic condition of establishing the good interpersonal relationship is also researched .

  10. 在他的两种“敬”的学说中,敬不是单向性的义务,而是上下之间共同遵守的准则,他强调礼的本质高于形式,高扬了人的道德自觉意识与生命意识。

    There are two kinds of respect in his thought ; the respect is a general rule that obeyed by high and low , not a unidirectional duty .

  11. 公务员职业道德伦理是公务员在公共行政过程中必须遵守的共同的行为准则及价值理念和思维方式的总和。

    Professional ethics and morality of civil servants are the sum total of the common standard of conduct , values and mode of thinking which civil servants must comply with .

  12. 我们在尊重伦理多元化的同时,还应致力于寻求人类共同的道德准则和全球伦理的建设。

    When we respect the ethics pluralism , at the same time , we should be to seek the human common ethics principles and the building of the global ethics .

  13. 1988年颁布的巴塞尔协议是针对十国集团银行实行资本充足率监管的公约,随着时间的推移这项举措被全球银行业所普遍接受,成为全球银行业共同遵守的准则。

    Basel Capital Accord has been published since 1988 , and used for supervising the banks of GlO . The process gradually was accepted by banks all over the world as a guile line .

  14. 这些新技术开发起来是如此便捷,且成本是如此之低,以至于我们对于国际法和国家行动的最乐观期待莫过于是,它们能够促成一批数量有限的共同的行为准则,从而阻止这些技术被应用于最具危害性的用途。

    The new technologies are so easy and cheap to produce that the best international law and state action can hope for is to generate a limited set of shared norms to prohibit their most harmful uses .

  15. 公务员职业伦理较难制定明确的规范和行为标准,但它是公务员在执行公务中保持共同的行为准则、共通的思维方式和共有的处理问题方法的基础。

    It is hard to constitute the specific standard of professional morality of civil servants . But it is the basis of the common standard of conduct , mode of thinking and means of settling problems that the civil servants comply with when they administer public affairs .

  16. 随着1988年巴塞尔协议的实施和新巴塞尔协议的即将出台,资本充足率监管逐渐成为全球银行业共同遵守的准则与银行审慎监管的一项核心制度安排。

    The Capital Adequacy Ratio ( CAR ) supervision has gradually been the norm complied to by global banking industry in common and the core arrangement of the prudential supervision institution on bank with the enforcement of 1988 Basel Accord and the coming forth of New Basel Accord .

  17. 随着1988年巴塞尔协议(1988BaselAccord)在全球的普遍实施,最低资本充足率要求已经成为全球银行业共同遵守的国际准则,资本充足率监管也成为各国最重要的银行监管手段之一。

    With the popular enforcement of the 1988 Basel Accord , the minimum capital adequacy ratio has become the international norms generally accepted by the global banking industry , and has become one of the most important instruments in banking supervision mechanism .

  18. 每个成员都按照一套共同的标准与准则工作。

    Everyone is working to a common set of standards and guidelines .

  19. 人们在注重物质利益的同时,还必须要有共同遵守的行为准则和道德理念。

    People pay attention to material interests must also have a common code of conduct and moral philosophy .

  20. 只有在集体中,在与他人的交往中个体才能逐渐获得社会的共同规范、道德准则、生活方式。

    Only if the individual make interaction with others in the collective , they can gradually get social common specification , codes of ethics and way of life .

  21. 该协定为国际服务贸易的发展,创立了各缔约国可共同遵守的国际准则,促使各缔约国对服务市场的保护与贸易对立转向互相开放和合作。

    To develop international service trade , this agreement establishes an international standard for all contracted parties and enable their shift from protectionism and antagonism of service markets to mutual access and co-operation .

  22. 在各方共同努力下,准则磋商已取得积极进展,各方同意在协商一致的基础上早日达成准则,并就早期收获达成重要共识。

    Thanks to the concerted efforts of all parties , the COC consultation has made headway , with all parties consenting to an early conclusion of the COC based on consensus and arriving at an important agreement on the early harvest .

  23. 重庆谈判国共双方各自的根本利益不同,但还能达成《会谈纪要》,从谈判学视角分析,其根本原因在于国共双方共同遵循了一般谈判准则,即遵循着谋求与扩大彼此共同利益的准则;

    The two parties of Chongqing Negotiation represent fundamentally different benefits respectively but have reached an agreement .