
  • 网络train TV
  1. 列车电视作为一种在多屏混媒时代中产生的视频新媒体,由于其独特的媒体属性,呈现出相应的媒体特征和媒体价值。

    Train TV , emerging in the multimedia era as a kind of new outdoor video display media , has presented its media characteristics as well as great values due to its unique properties .

  2. 至少这讲座本周起酷刑商数作为法官,同时列车电视收看到毁掉整个新水平。

    At least that 's the talk this week as the judges up the torture quotient , taking train-wreck TV viewing to a whole new level .

  3. 新时期移动电视的发展方向&列车移动电视

    The Developing Direction of the Mobile TV in the New Period & the Train Mobile TV

  4. 在展望列车移动电视发展前景的同时,提出了发展列车移动电视应注意的问题。

    This paper looks forward to the developing prospect of the train mobile TV , and puts forward some problems needing attention in developing the train mobile TV .