
  • 网络subscriber;Feed reader
  1. 它们分别是KPI搜索、KPI订阅器和警报通知器。

    These are the KPI search , KPI subscriber , and Alert notifier .

  2. epContainer是一个简单类,用于在订阅器和退订器实现间传递订阅引用。

    EpContainer is a simple class used to pass subscription reference between subscriber and unsubscriber implementations .

  3. 一个通知代理包含一个订阅管理器,用于管理Query、Delete或Renew订阅的请求。

    A notification broker includes a subscription manager that manages requests to Query , Delete , or Renew subscriptions .

  4. 定义在插件pub/sub场景中使用的两个常用接口,通知生成方和订阅管理器。

    Defines two common interfaces used in common pub / sub scenarios , the notification producer and subscription manager .

  5. 例如,以订阅管理器为例&它根本没有请求消息,而事件接收者(位于防火墙后)仍然必须发起连接。

    For example , take the case of a subscription manager & one where there is no request message at all but the receiver of the events ( being behind a firewall ) still must initiate the connections .

  6. 适配器订阅文档管理器上的事件,并使用这些事件来使选项卡式工作区控件保持最新状态。

    The adapter subscribes to events on the document manager and uses those events to keep the tabbed-workspace control up-to-date .

  7. 它描述了允许服务管理其事件相关订阅的订阅管理器。

    It describes subscription managers that allow a service to manage its subscriptions about events .

  8. 订阅本出版物的订阅器是什么类型的?

    What types of Subscribers will subscribe to this publication ?

  9. 订阅筛选器,允许订阅器定义通知使用者感兴趣的主题列表。

    Subscription filter allows subscriber to define a list of topics that a notification consumer is interested in .