
  • 网络Disseminator
  1. 现今信息传播方式多元化,公众接受信息的渠道多样化,社会上的每个自然人既可以是信息的接受者,也可以是信息传播者。

    The diversifying channels of dissemination and reception of information make each natural person in the society both the recipient and disseminator .

  2. 健康教育信息传播者审美观念的提高对传播效果的影响

    Influence of aesthetic standards of health education communicators on communication effectiveness

  3. 第三部分论述了网络服务商(即网络信息传播者集团)的权利与权利限制。

    The third discusses the rights and duties of the internet service provider .

  4. 在新闻报道中,提供背景材料有助于构建和扩大信息传播者与接受者之间的共同经验范围,为有效传播创造前提条件。

    In news reporting , back-grounding is conducive to building and enlarging the field of experience shared by the news reporter and his target readers , thus paving the way for effective communication .

  5. 由于在网络世界里,信息传播者与受众的界限非常模糊,因此,通过对受众心理的分析,文章继而阐发出网络传播对诗歌创作主体的影响。

    World as a result of the network , information disseminators and the audience is very fuzzy boundaries , so the audience through psychological analysis , the article further elucidate the networks of the main effects of poetry .

  6. 同时研究还表明,从传播学的角度来看,谈话节目中的主持人和嘉宾就是信息传播者,自译的目的是达到有效的对外传播。

    The research also indicates from a communicative perspective that the host and guest ( s ) in a talk show program play the role of information communicators and the purpose of auto-translation in Up Close is to achieve a successful intercultural communication .

  7. 新闻记者是新闻信息的传播者,是新闻事实与大众之间的纽带和桥梁。

    Journalists who propagate news and message are the bond and bridge between the fact of news and the masses .

  8. 出版者、广播组织和信息网络传播者的信息网络传播权以及网络汇编作品尚未得到应有的法律保护。

    The legal protection of the rights of publishers , broadcasting organizations , network propagators and network compiled works are still unavailable .

  9. 城市社区模式的传播主体是社区居民,他们既是科学信息的传播者又是科学信息的受众。

    The main mode of spread of urban communities is community residents , who are both disseminators of scientific information and-audiences of scientific information .

  10. 法律传播,是指法律信息的传播者通过一定的方式、渠道向公众传播法律信息、法律知识、法律规行为准则或规范以及法律价值观念等内容的活动。

    Legal communication , it is to point to the disseminator of the legal information through a certain way , channel communication to the public of information law , legal knowledge , laws and regulations governing behavior standard or specification and legal values content of the activities .

  11. 针对未来飓风或地震,为人民提供他们保护自身所需要的信息对科学传播者来说至关重要。

    Providing citizens with the information they need to protect themselves against future cyclones or earthquakes is a crucial role for science communicators .

  12. 视觉传达设计艺术&信息时代的文化传播者

    The Designing Art of Visual Transmission & The Cultural Communicator in the Information Age

  13. 手机不仅是表面的物质壳体,也是文化的载体、信息的传播与沟通者。

    Mobile telephone is not only a material housing , but also the cultural carrier , information disseminator and communicator .

  14. 网络德育信息传播是信息拥有者与信息承受者之间,凭借网络媒介沟通或交流信息的过程。

    The information infection of Internet moral education is the process of ditching or exchanging information between information-owners and information-receivers by Internet medium .

  15. 信息价值、信息传播者特征以及社区工具效用三者共同影响社区成员的参与层次,信息传播者特征的影响则最大。

    The value of information , disseminators features and community tools utility which together affect the level of participation , and disseminator features is the maximum factor .

  16. 社区态度方面,信息价值、信息传播者特征和社区工具效用正向影响社区成员对社区的态度,其中社区工具效用对成员对社区的态度影响最大。

    The value of information , information disseminators ' features and community tools utility positive influence on the attitude of the members to the community , and the effectiveness of community tools have the greatest impact .

  17. 对此,本文有针对性地就科技信息制造者、传播者、受众、调控者及整体生态系统的调控提出了相应对策。

    In view of the current condition of sci-tech transmission ecosystem , the pertinence suggestion for sci-tech information maker , communicator , audience , regulators , and relevant regulating countermeasures for the overall eco-system control are proposed .

  18. 在此基础上,运用信息选择或然率公式对信息传播的供给者的信息传播行为和需求者的信息接收行为进行了分析。

    Based on the above , information choice probability formula was used to analyze the actions of information suppliers and demanders .

  19. 微博引领着自媒体时代的发展,受众不再只是信息的接收者,也变成了信息的生产者和传播者。

    With leading the development of self-media era , weibo recipients are not only information receivers , but also turning into information producers and disseminators .

  20. 信息环境具有对社会艺术潮流的控制功能,是制约美术信息传播者信息行为的重要因素。

    Information surroundings have the capacity to control social art trends , hence , it is an important factor in terms of restricting art information and relevant behave of transmitters .

  21. 其次,论文还运用信息学、解释学和接受美学等方法对建筑信息、受众以及传播者进行专项研究,深入分析了每一个环节在传播过程中的地位与作用。

    Secondly , this dissertation uses knowledge of information theory , interpretation theories and acceptance aesthetic make some special studies on architecture information , acceptor and communicator , and analyses their state and effect in the communication process deeply .

  22. 因此,网络上所传播的信息的内容某种程度上既反映了信息生产者的意图,也反映了信息传播者的倾向。

    So the contents of the information disseminated on the network , both reflect the intention of the producers of information in a certain extent ; and reflect the tendency of communicators .

  23. 新的传播方式使信息接收者的自由选择意识增强,主动性得到了尊重和实现,他们还可以随时通过自己的主页发布信息,成为信息的传播者。

    The information recipient 's consciousness of free choice has been strengthened under the new spread way , and the initiative has been respected and realized , they can issue information through their own homepage at any time .

  24. 随着网络技术和办公自动化的高速发展,信息技术已经深入到了社会的每一个角落而手工管理操作也逐渐被自动网络化管理取代,学校又是接受现代化信息的先行者和传播者。

    With rapid development of network technology and OA , information technology has entered into every corner of the society . Meanwhile , the manual administration operation has gradually been replaced by automatic network administration . Colleges are the forerunners and disseminators of modern information managements .