
  • 网络Information Technology
  1. 如何上好信息技术课的探讨

    Discussion about how to teach the Information Technology of middle school well

  2. 中学信息技术课中任务设计的探讨

    A Study on " The Task " Design in Information Technology Lesson

  3. 信息技术课上,老师会给学生约20分钟浏览网站。

    Technology - the teacher will give students websites to look up ( about 20 minutes )

  4. 将微机组装实验CAI系统应用于信息技术课教学中,在配合实验教学改革方面效果良好。

    This CAI system can get good effects in helping with the experiment teaching reform , which is proved by our practice .

  5. 尝试在moodle平台上,建立以初中信息技术课内容为主题的网络教学课程。

    Try to establish the net-teaching course taking Secondary School IT Education Content as its subject on moodle platform .

  6. 《信息技术课》课堂教学与课件应用

    " Information Technique Lesson " Classroom Teaching and Lesson An Application

  7. 通过信息技术课可以进一步培养学生的语文基本技能。

    Another advantage lies in calculating the basical Chinese skills .

  8. 运用新的学习方法教好中小学信息技术课

    Having Information Technology Classes for Primary and Middle School In New Method

  9. 我在这儿的工作是教孩子们信息技术课。

    My job here is teaching the children IT lessons .

  10. 在高中信息技术课教学中开展研究性学习的实践与探索

    Practice and Research of Starting Inquiry Learning in Senior Information Technology Course

  11. 中等学校信息技术课教与学方法探讨

    Ways of Middle-school Class Teaching and Learning of Information Technology

  12. 程序引导教学法在信息技术课中的应用

    Application of Program Boot-loading Study Method in Information Technology Teaching

  13. 小学信息技术课协作学习的分组方案

    Elementary School Information Technology Class Cooperation Study Grouping Plan

  14. 高职信息技术课异步教学的探讨与实践

    Exploration and Practice of Asynchronous Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges Information Technology Teaching

  15. 基于网络的信息技术课多媒体教学资源设计

    On Web-Based Multi-Media Instructional Resource Design in Information Technology

  16. 浅谈初中信息技术课中的任务驱动教学法

    Talk about Task Base Learning of Information Technology Lesson in Junior High School

  17. 基于网络模式的信息技术课的研究

    A teaching model research based on Internet / Intranet in the information technology course

  18. 新课标下信息技术课网上考试的设计与开发

    Design and Exploration of On-line Testing of Information Technology Class under the New Curriculum

  19. 总结已有的信息技术课教学实践经验,为改进信息技术课堂教学提供借鉴;

    Summarizing known practical experiences of classroom instruction , provide classroom instructional reform with references ;

  20. 任务驱动,动手实践,学以致用&改善信息技术课课堂活动的有效策略

    Assignment Guiding , Practicing and Applying & Effective Strategies to Improve Teaching of Information Technology Course

  21. 高中信息技术课中学生信息素养的培养研究

    Explore How to Train the Students ' Information Literacy in the Information Technology of High School

  22. 本文通过对高中信息技术课自主学习型课件设计开发背景的分析,指出自主学习型课件的设计开发势在必行。

    It is necessary to design on autonomous learning courseware in high school Information Technology Course .

  23. 初中信息技术课培养学生自主学习能力的研究

    Research on Cultivating Students ' Ability as Autonomous Learners in Junior Middle School Information Technology Class

  24. 摘要信息技术课是中学里一门新兴而又重要的课程。

    The course of information technology is a newly emerging and important course in high schools .

  25. 中小学信息技术课课堂教学的设计与实践探索

    The Design and Practice Exploration of Classroom Instruction of Information Technology Subject in Primary and Secondary Schools

  26. 初中信息技术课动态分层互动教学设计模式研究

    The Research on Dynamic Lamination Interaction Instruction Design Model of Information Technology Curriculum in Junior Middle School

  27. 上好信息技术课的几点体会和探讨

    Discussion on Information Technology Lesson

  28. 对中小学信息技术课教师职能认识的偏差分析及对策研究

    The Study on the Deflection of IT Teacher 's Cognition to Their Function in High and Elementary School

  29. 信息技术课主要体现了应用性特征,操作学习是主要的方式。

    Information technique curriculum show its feature of application mainly and operation study is the main study way .

  30. 针对学生差异的高中信息技术课分层教学研究与实践

    Teaching Research and Practice in Different Levers of the High School Information Technology Class for the Different Students