
  • 网络Information indexing
  1. 文化网格中的信息标引及其实现

    Information Indexing and Its Realization in Cultural Grid

  2. 为实现资源的有效共享,分析研究了教育网格中的信息标引与统一内容定位技术,给出了在局域网中课件内容标引与主动服务的实现方案。

    In order to realize the efficient resource sharing , information indexing of educational grid and uniform content locator are studied . The schemes of courseware indexing and active service in the local area network ( LAN ) is given .

  3. 一种基于数字图书馆的文本信息标引技术的改进研究

    Research on a New Text Automatic Indexing Technology Based on Digital Library

  4. 本文从检索工具、信息标引和检索语言三个方面分析了网络信息检索中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。

    This article analyzed the problems ling in network information retrieval from three aspects : retrieval tools , information index , information language , coming up with the corresponding solutions .

  5. 而传统的信息标引及组织排序方法主要是分类法和主题法。然后论述了图书情报界长期发展起来的这些信息描述和信息标引及组织排序方法在网络环境下的运用。

    But in fact users are more likely to adopt synthetic methods of information organization , such as classification methods and subject methods , which are key researches in this article .

  6. 在确定网页基本信息标引源的基础上,中文网页主题标引运用了基于词频的统计加权法;

    After determining the indexing data of Web pages , the method of weighted word frequency , which combined with statistical algorithms , is adopted to exercise the subject indexing of Chinese Web pages .

  7. 笔者认为,其不足之处主要在于:收录论文较为滞后、收录文献语种分布不合理、中文信息标引不规范及输出功能有待增强等方面。

    And the author elaborates on the following points : the lagging of the papers included , the irrational language distribution of the documents included , non-standard citation of Chinese information and inconvenient output of the results .

  8. 通过比较主题词法与关键词法的功能,分析两种方法在网络文献信息标引检索中的应用,探讨了网络环境下检索语言的发展趋势。

    Through comparing the functions of subject words and Keywords , this paper analyzes the application of two modes in network literature information index search , and probes into the developing trend of index language in network environment .

  9. 基于遗传算法的Web信息自动标引研究

    Research on Automatic Indexing for Web Information Based on Genetic Algorithm

  10. 第三章在介绍网络信息的标引原理的基础上,着重就如何确定Web页面标引关键词进行了分析和讨论,然后讨论了各种信息检索模型的索引结构及其索引词的处理。

    On the basis of the introduction of index principle of the network information , Chapter three analyses how to choose the Web page index keyword emphatically , then discusses the index structures of various kinds of information retrieval models and the their processing of index word .

  11. 详细论述了采用TRS平台建立了中药免疫数据库的目的,数据的来源、数据信息的标引原则和数据库检索功能的设计,以及数据库在中药免疫研究中的应用。

    This paper describes the aim of developing the Immunological Information Database on Traditional Chinese Medicine with TRS , especially the sources of the cited data , the indexing principles and design of searching functions of the database as well as its application .

  12. 浅析网络信息自动标引

    Analysis on the Auto - indexing of the Network Information

  13. 文献信息自动标引研究

    On Automatic Indexing of Document

  14. 试论网络信息的标引

    On Indication of Net Information

  15. 对精粹信息的标引、加权、长度、删节等进行了讨论。

    In addition , it discussed essence information 's marking , token adding , length , abridgment , etc.

  16. 中文信息的标引是国内信息导航系统实现的基础,汉语分词和语义提取是目前尚未解决的难题。

    We are all aware that a Chinese information indexing subsystem is the foundation of the internal information navigating system .

  17. 基于多层次概念语义网络结构的中文医学信息语义标引体系和语义检索模型研究

    Research on Semantic Indexing System and Semantic Retrieval Model for Chinese Medical Information Based on Multilayer Conceptual Semantic Network Structure

  18. 本论文试图从计算机技术和图书情报学理论与实践手段出发,应用文献信息自动标引和组织技术于网页的加工处理过程上。

    With traditional informatics theory and practice , the paper try on using automatic indexing technology of documents to process Web pages .

  19. 人们越来越迫切地希望能够对信息进行标引、提炼与浓缩,以较少的文字表达主要内容和中心意思,从而减少信息获取的时间。

    People desire to index , abstract and condense the information and express main idea with fewer characters , in order to reduce the time of accessing information .

  20. 网络环境下图书馆文献工作标准化包括文献信息分类标引标准化、主题标引标准化、编目工作标准化、藏书建设规范化、文献数据库标准化、文献信息处理系统标准化以及文献信息网络标准化。

    In network environment , it includes standardization of classification , indexing , cataloging , collection construction , documentary databases , documentary information processing system , and documentary information network .

  21. 从网络自动标引的概念出发,研究了网络信息自动标引的对象、方法和技术,并预测了其发展趋势。

    Starting from the conception of the network auto-indexing , this paper studies on the targets , methods and skills of the auto-indexing of the network information , and forecasts its developing trends .

  22. 根据概念层次树中所包含的主题词上下位信息对待标引的文本候选主题词的权重进行调整,并扩充未出现在文本中的上位主题概念。

    Firstly , according to the information of the concept hierarch tree , weight of keywords which were extracted from text are adjusted , and some latent keywords which donot appear in text are recruited .

  23. 使用基于《中图法》知识库的中文信息自动标引和自动分类系统,对中文图书进行自动标引与自动分类的实验,以测试该系统对图书的适用性。

    By using an automatic indexing and automatic classification system based on Chinese Library Classification knowledge base , the authors make an experiment of automatic indexing and automatic classification of Chinese books to test the suitability of the system for monographs .

  24. WWW科技信息资源自动标引的理论与实践研究

    Study on the Theory & Practice of Automatic Indexing of WWW Science and Technology Information Resources

  25. 基于SKOS的网络信息资源主题标引

    The Subject Indexing of Network Information Resources Based on SKOS

  26. 提出用户关联对信息检索的标引效应。

    The indexing effect of User relevance to the information retrieval is also raised .

  27. 提出了用于网络信息资源的标引、传输、识别和应用的《网络信息的元数据框架》。

    And then Metadata Framework of Network Information is created , which is used in the content indexing , transmission , recognition , and application for the network information resource .

  28. 通过对几种搜索引擎的实际搜索效果进行比较,建议图书馆馆员加强网络信息资源的深度标引和评价工作,有针对性地建设网上Web虚拟图书馆,提高网络环境下图书馆的信息服务质量。

    On the other hand , by making a comparison among the searching effect of several search engines , the author suggests that librarians should strengthen deep indexing and assessment and construct the Web virtual library on the network and improve information service quality under the network environment .

  29. 数据预处理,信息过滤和自动标引;

    Pre-processing the data set , filtering information and automatic indexing ;

  30. 基于相邻实词关系的汉语信息检索潜语义标引与汉语信息检索研究

    Chinese Information Retrieval Based on Relations between Adjacent Content Words