
  1. 传统爬虫由于不具备处理Ajax的能力,在爬取此类deepweb数据时面临困难,在一定程度上影响信息覆盖率。

    Since the traditional search engines do not have the ability to handle Ajax , they face difficulties in crawling Deep Web data .

  2. 定义了诊断值、诊断灰度和信息覆盖率等医学新概念。

    In it , some new medical concepts such as diagnostic value , diagnostic grey degree and information cover rate are defined .

  3. 垂直搜索引擎的出现在一定程度上解决了通用搜索引擎对专业领域及特定主题信息覆盖率过低的问题。

    To a certain extent , the vertical search engine resolves the problems of low coverage of information for professional areas and specific subjects which a common search engine has .

  4. 同时,增加浮动车系统中配置的车辆数,在提高路网交通信息覆盖率时也会导致系统初期投入以及维护费用的增加。

    However , with the increasing of probe vehicle number , the traffic information coverage of road network is improved , while the cost of initial investment and system maintenance will usually substantially increase .

  5. SGA是二维空间中的一种覆盖算法,该算法不需要节点位置信息,覆盖率或冗余节点率方面也有一定的优势,但是没有考虑节点的能量均衡消耗问题。

    The SGA is the free-location coverage algorithm in two-dimensions ( 2D ), which has advantage in coverage percentage and redundant node rate , but is bad in energy consumption .

  6. 从RequisitePro数据库中,你能够查询需求信息以检查覆盖率并衡量变化的影响。

    From the RequisitePro database , you can query the requirement information to check coverage and measure the impact of change .

  7. 现有的搜索引擎仅用于Web上的信息检索,而且覆盖率有限、精度不高,无法发现Web上潜在的知识。

    The target of the search engine is not knowledge discovery but information retrieval .

  8. 随着互联网信息的持续爆炸性增长,通用搜索引擎的信息覆盖率和检索精度都在不断下降,发展面向主题信息的专用网络信息检索工具已经成为趋势。

    With the explosive growth of information on Internet , the coverage and retrieval precision of mainstream search engines have been declining . It has become a tendency to develop specific Internet information retrieval tools .

  9. 说明了四川信息化水平提高较快,信息技术开始大面积的推广普及,信息化基础设施初具规模、信息网络覆盖率加大、信息产业也逐步崛起,已成为四川省经济发展的重要支柱之一。

    And all illustrates that the level of information increase rapidly in Sichuan , a large area of information technology began to promote , the popularization of information technology infrastructure beginning to take shape , information network coverage to increase and the information industry is also gradually rise .

  10. 信息收集是搜索引擎的基础,本文针对目前垂直搜索引擎信息收集中存在的网络信息覆盖率较低、被收集信息中无效信息较多等问题,提出了基于统计用户浏览时间的信息收集方法。

    Information collection is the foundation of the search engine . In allusion to the low-recall ratio and inefficacious information , this article provides a method which based on the browsing times of the webpage .