
  1. 数字银川建设是宁夏回族自治区信息化发展规划中的关键和重点。

    Constructing digital Yinchuan was key in Ningxia Information developing program .

  2. 吉林网通企业信息化发展规划实施与策略

    The Planning and Strategy of Enterprise Informatization for JILIN CNC

  3. 制定一个具有较好战略性、开放性、政策性和操作性的信息化发展规划是实现公司信息化科学发展的前提。

    Establishing an exercisable informatization development planning of good strategy , opening , policy and maneuverability is a premise to realize the company 's information science development .

  4. 国家建设部全国工程勘察设计行业2000~2005年计算机应用工程及信息化发展规划纲要发布后,备受工程设计企业关注,但推行情况却不甚理想。

    The summary of computer application project and information development planning in national engineering survey and design issued by the Ministry of Construction has been greatly concerned by the engineer - ing survey and design enterprises , but the implementation is not so good .

  5. 随着《全国农业农村信息化发展十二五规划》的发布,各地农业信息化相关工作也在如火如茶进行中。

    With the announcement of " the Twelfth Five-year Plan " of the countrywide agricultural and rural informatization development , the heat of agricultural informatization throughout the country is on the rise .

  6. 二是国家应尽快研究和制定我国信息化发展的规划和工作方案,改变政府管理信息化、社会信息服务和企业信息化两张皮现象;

    The government must study and formulate a plan and working project as quickly as possible in order to eliminate the phenomenon of " two pieces of skin " that is government administration of the informationalization , the information service and the enterprise informationalization ;

  7. 河北省旅游信息化现状及发展规划

    The Tourism Informatization Situation and Development Strategy of Hebei Province

  8. 《教育信息化十年发展规划(2011&2020年)》,进一步提出加快实施教育信息化战略,把教育信息化纳入国家信息化发展战略。

    Development plan of education informatization decade ( 2011-2020 ) further puts forward to accelerate the education informatization strategy , the education informationization into national informatization development strategy .

  9. 近年来,交通运输部相继颁发了《公路、水路交通信息化十一五发展规划》等重要文件,加快了交通信息化的发展,使交通信息化取得了良好的成绩。

    In recent years , Ministry of Transport has awarded ' Eleventh Five-Year Plan of traffic informationization of highway and waterway ' and other important documents in succession ; speeded up the development of traffic informationization ; and made good results to it .

  10. 但是,长期以来,作为银行IT员工人力资源管理建设的重要组成部分之一,某国有商业银行职业生涯管理要么被忽视,要么执行不到位,与企业信息化人才建设发展规划严重背离。

    However , for a long time , as the bank IT staff of human resource management is one important part of building , career management either ignored , or just the bud . A serious departure from the development of personnel development exists in the enterprise information planning .

  11. 政府信息化发展缺乏整体性规划;

    The development of government informationization scarces globality to plan ;

  12. 面向信息化的城市可持续发展规划探讨

    Sustainable development strategy for urban planning toward informational city

  13. 高等级公路交通信息化与智能化发展规划研究

    Development Planning of the Freeway Transportation Informatization and Intellectualization

  14. 国内外的教育信息化发展表明,加强规划及加强与规划活动相关的理论研究已迫在眉睫。

    The development of EI at home and abroad shows that it is imminent to strengthen the planning and theoretical research concerning the planning .

  15. 国家大力推进教育信息化建设,出台了《教育信息化十年发展规划》,希望各级教育机构充分利用信息化手段,推动优质教育资源的建设和共享,提高教育管理信息化水平。

    Our government vigorously promote education information construction , and publish Educational information ten-year development planning , which hope that education institutions at various levels take full advantage of informative methods to drive high quality education resources construction and to improve the information level of educational management .

  16. 一直以来由于缺乏全国教育信息化水平的基础数据和评估方法,严重影响了我国教育信息化发展战略规划的合理性和科学性。

    Due to lack of the basic data and evaluation methods on the national level of education informatization , the rationality and scientificity of national education informatization strategic planning was influenced seriously .