
xìn xī liàn
  • Information chain;message strand
  1. 研究了精密零件装配的基准信息链模型与基于该模型的3D偏差累积计算方法。

    The datum flow chain model was researched and 3D variation buildup was calculated based on the model .

  2. 为此,分析了我国传统农产品物流信息链模式,提出了基于信息门户(InformationPortal,IP)的农产品物流信息平台,对农产品物流信息平台的概念进行了定义;

    The paper analyses the traditional model of agricultural product logistics information chain , introduces the agricultural product logistics information platform based on the information portal .

  3. 这种结构体系现在包括各种战术数字信息链(TADIL)标准和NATO链标准。

    This architecture currently consists of various tactical digital information link ( TADIL ) standards and NATO link standards .

  4. A549细胞的Fas/FasL凋亡动态信息链在没有外界刺激下处于非激活状态,因此非小细胞肺癌细胞不能通过自身表达的Fas/FasL引起自身的凋亡。

    The Fas / FasL apoptosis dynamic signal chain remains unactivated in A549 cells in the absence of external stimuli , and apoptosis of non-small-cell lung cancer cells will not result from Fas / FasL expression by cancer cells .

  5. 着重分析了BMD系统中的天基信息链,包括天基信息获取和天基信息传输,最后指出了天基信息链在未来信息化战争中必然起着重要的作用。

    Spaceborne information link of ballistic missile defense systems are mainly described , such as spaceborne information-obtained and spaceborne information transfer . At last , it is concluded that spaceborne information link play an important role in the future information warfare .

  6. 数字制造中关于信息链的研究

    The Study of Information Chain in the Digital Manufacture

  7. 机载激光武器作战信息链分析

    Information link analysis of airborne laser weapons

  8. 在实施细则上重点关注信息链的搭建和完善,实现公司内部各客户资源共享,注重开发新资源,评估整合信息。

    Concerned about the building and improving of information chain , to achieve internal customer resource sharing .

  9. 这个人再传信给一个认识以利亚的人可是以利亚死了我的信息链也就断了

    knows somebody who knows Elijah , who 's dead , and that 's where my connection ends .

  10. 船体结构三维数字模型是船舶CAD/CAM应用的基础,也是船体结构信息链中最重要的组成部分。

    Three-dimensional digital model of hull structure is the application foundation ofCAD / CAM and the most important part in structure information chain .

  11. 信息链由信息获取、信息传输和信息传处理三个环节组成,他们构成了信息获取科学的三大学科支柱,即信息获取、计算机、通讯。

    The information-chain is made up of information acquisition , processing and transportation , which form the three mainstays of Information Science , namely .

  12. 语义信息链中的语义检索首先利用本体库中的语义信息,扩展得到与查询整体语义相关的概念。

    Semantic retrieval of semantic information chain uses semantic information in ontology library first , and then expanses the semantic query into related concepts .

  13. 可能没有耳机插孔这件事,我们是凭借一个全球信息链得知的,它和苹果产品的供应和制造链形影不离。

    We know about this potential absence thanks to a global information chain , one that shadows the supply and manufacturing chain that produces Apple 's products .

  14. 同时,对企业应该如何建立自己的信息链,从而保障市场信息在企业的有效传递进行了阐述。

    In additional , the way to establish information chain of enterprise itself ensuring a effective transfer of market information in enterprise was also presented in this paper .

  15. 通过具体的补偿实例说明信息链空穴灰色生成与正交试验设计生成是一种极为有效地信息缺失补偿方法。

    The given example proves that the gray generation of date chain holes and the generation of orthogonal test design are effective methods to compensate the information chain lack .

  16. 而这个信息链的目的,则是搜寻和苹果有关的传言:早在传言成为事实之前就开始传播传言,讨论传言,再讨论更多传言。

    The shadow chain is intended to ferret out Apple rumors : promoting them , discussing them and then discussing them some more , long before they become facts .

  17. 本文将电子调速器分为转速调节单元、驱动控制单元、电动执行单元,对这些功能单元从结构、功能上进行原理仿真,建立单元的热点信息链与具体功能建立二次热点信息链。

    For above three parts , the author also makes principle emulating from structure and function and constructs the hotspot information chain with next class hotspot information chain of specific functions .

  18. 运用灰色理论与正交试验设计方法建立了信息链缺失补偿模型并给出了信息链空穴补偿优化准则。

    The model of information chain lack compensating was established by utilizing the grey theory and orthogonality test design method and the principle of information chain hole compensate criterion optimization was provided .

  19. 为达到此目的,广告中惯用的手法为词语连贯,省略以及信息链的巧妙使用以假定读者观点与广告商一致。

    The common practice in this step is lexical cohesion , ellipsis and the skilful use of information chain in the assumption that the readers share the same opinion with the advertisers .

  20. 供应链管理涵盖了五方面的内容:计划、采购、制造、配送、退货,包含了产品链和信息链,不仅是单纯的销售产品,还是对客户需求的预测和保障。

    Supply chain management is composed by scheme , purchase , manufacturing , transportation and return of goods , including product chain and information chain , not only marketing , but also customer prediction .

  21. 共生体系的建设主要包括四大生态工业链条:物质循环生态工业链、能量梯级利用生态工业链、水循环生态工业链以及信息链。

    Symbiotic system construction mainly including four ecological industrial chains : Material circulation ecology industrial chain , Energy cascade utilization of the ecological industry chain , Water cycle ecosystem industry chain and information chain .

  22. 基于对数字图书馆用户信息链的分析,描述综合工作站的系统实现,并着重探讨数据库技术及网络通讯在数字图书馆中的应用。

    Based on the analysis of information chain of digital library users , the author describes the fulfillment of digital libraries and stresses the discussion of the application of database technology and network communication .

  23. 提出应采用取水定额这一表述,并提出了取水定额的体系,包括基础计量体系、定额制定体系、信息链体系、定期更新体系4部分。

    The article presented the conception of norm of water intake , system of norm of water intake process which including measuring system , the process of quota formulation , info-chain system and periodical renewal program .

  24. 装备管理不仅仅只是代表对库存中各种装备的出库、入库以及盘点等具体业务的信息化,装备管理信息链的形成才是装备管理信息化的意义所在。

    Equipment management is not just representing the informatization of the specific business like in and out warehousing and inventory of various types of equipment , the formation of equipment management information chain is the significance of the informatization of equipment management .

  25. 在科技期刊的传播过程中,通过反馈使作者、编辑、出版物、读者构成了一个传播“信息链”,编辑则是这个“信息链”中最重要的一环。

    In the course of the communication of the journal , through feedback , the author , editor , the publication and the reader form an " information chain " of communication , with the editor as the most important link of it .

  26. 文章阐述了五大中心管理系统,即费用中心、用户质量管理中心、产品发展中心、市场拓展中心、人力资源开发中心等为核心的企业整个信息链系统。

    The article expands on " five centers " management system , the core of which is a company 's entire information chain system including cost center , center of quality control for customer , product development center , market development center and human resource center .

  27. 但是,随着人们质量意识和环境意识的增强,人们要求供应链不仅应当是物流链、资金链、信息链和知识链,还应当成为生态链。

    With the improvement of the consumer 's quality conscious and environment conscious , the consumer asks that the supply chain should not only be the physical material chain , the fund chain , the information chain and the knowledge chain , but also be the ecological chain .

  28. 基于PG图的空间信息服务链建模方法

    An Approach to Modeling Spatial Information Service Chain Based on PG Graph

  29. 论文的主要研究内容以及创新点如下:(1)构建B2B在线支付信息生态链和信息生态系统模型。

    The main content and innovations are as follows : ( 1 ) Build the B2B online payment information ecological chain and information ecosystem model .

  30. 构建信息产业链驱动信息资源共享

    Constructing Information Industry Chain to Promote the Sharing of Information Resources