
  1. 宋代福建食盐的生产试论中国盐业垄断经营的法律规范问题

    On the Law Regulation of the Monopoly of Chinas Salt Industry

  2. 中国盐业包装仓储发展历程及趋势

    Developing Course and Trend of Package and Storage of Chinese Salt Industry

  3. 中国盐业的行业偶象与神祗

    The Professional Idol and Expression of Chinese Sale Industry

  4. 日本帝国主义对中国盐业的劫掠

    The Plunder of Japanese Imperialism to Chinese Salt Industry

  5. 中国盐业起源与早期盐政管理

    The Origin of Chinese Salt Industry and the Early Management of Salt Policy

  6. 中国盐业总公司调运食盐保证灾区供应。

    China National Salt Industry Corporation ensured the salt supply of disaster areas .

  7. 中国盐业总(集团)公司实施战略导向的全面预算管理研究

    The Research on Strategy-Oriental Comprehensive Budget Control Implemented by China National Salt Industry Corporation

  8. 中国盐业与地方会节

    Chinese Salt Industry and the Native Festival

  9. 但是,对中国盐业发展史研究而言,这显然是一个不可或缺的部分。

    However , it is obviously an indispensable part in the studies of the history of the Chinese salt business .

  10. 中国盐业也着手一个紧急应对机制,提高产量及开始24小时分配计划。

    Also , China Salt has launched an emergency response mechanism to step up production and start a24-hour distribution program .

  11. 此外,据行业组织中国盐业协会秘书长宋占京说,中国食用盐中只有一小部分是海盐;

    Further , only a fraction of China 's salt for consumption comes from the sea , said Song Zhangjing , a spokesman for industry organization the China Salt  Association .

  12. 中国盐业总公司说,拥有充足的盐储存以满足人们的需求,恐慌购买及囤积是没有必要的。

    The company , China National Salt Industry Corp. ( China Salt ) said it had ample salt reserves to meet the people 's needs and panic buying and hoarding was unnecessary .

  13. 对它进行研究,可以丰富我国祭祀建筑宝库,并且可以为研究中国盐业历史提供建筑方面比较详尽的资料。

    This study can enrich the treasury of sacrificial architecture . At the same time , this study provides a detailed data for the study on history of Chinese salt industry in building aspect .

  14. 在2010年的一篇论文中,武汉大学的孙晋、范舟、秦丽指出,食盐专营意味着,市场上的盐价比中国盐业公司从授权生产商手中收购的价格高出两到三倍。

    In a 2010 paper , Sun Jin , Fan Zhou and Qin Li of Wuhan University noted that the monopoly meant that the price consumers paid for salt was three to four times higher than the price the China National Salt Industry Corporation paid for salt from authorized producers .

  15. 学者傅罗文(RowanK.Flad)在《古代中国的盐业生产和社会等级》(SaltProductionandSocialHierarchyinAncientChina)一书中写道,早在公元前685年,山东半岛的齐国就开始对盐业生产进行垄断,但这种制度或许出现得更早。

    A monopoly on salt production was introduced as early as 685 B.C. in the state of Qi on the Shandong Peninsula , though it may have existed even earlier than that , the scholar Rowan K. Flad writes in " Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China . "

  16. 浅述新中国井盐业的发展

    An Introduction to the Development of Chinese Well Salt Industry

  17. 中国制盐业作为一个传统的产业,拥有悠久的历史。

    The salt industry in China has long history as a traditional domain .

  18. 中国计划取消盐业专营,这标志着一个已有近2700年历史的制度的终结。

    China plans to scrap its state monopoly on the sale of salt , marking the end of a system with nearly 2,700 years of history .

  19. 随着中国实现工业化,盐业专营制度对总税收的贡献大幅减少,但仍然发挥重要作用。

    As China has industrialized , the contribution of the salt monopoly to overall tax revenues has greatly diminished , but it has still served important functions .

  20. 针对中国入世后盐业发展现状及面临的机遇和困难,提出了积极应对的策略和措施,尤其是就盐行业体制改革提出了自己的构想,仅供盐行业领导参考。

    Based on the current developing situation , opportunity and difficulty of Chinese salt industry after China 's entry into WTO , active strategies and measures are put forward . Particularly , the authors put forward their own idea of system reform in salt industry to the leaders for reference .

  21. 中国的经济规划者数年来一直试图取消盐业专营制度,但遭到控制盐类分销的国有企业中国盐业公司及担心物价及食品安全的消费者的反对。

    China 's economic planners have tried for years to eliminate the monopoly , but faced opposition from the China National Salt Industry Corporation , the state-owned agency that controls salt distribution , and from consumers concerned about prices and food safety .