
  • 网络process innovation
  1. 过程创新基准收益分析

    Analyzing on benchmark benefit of process innovation

  2. 本文运用比较静态法证明了在垄断市场中产品创新和过程创新的互补性。

    The paper proves the complementarity between product and process innovation in a monopoly setting .

  3. 结构设计中引入拓扑优化技术在克服传统CAE设计过程创新能力不足的同时,也极大地提高了设计效率。

    The introduction of topology optimization in structural design overcome the lack of innovative capacity in traditional CAE design process , while also greatly improved the design efficiency .

  4. 本文所提出的RKY模型亦解释了U-A模型中明确性阶段产品创新和过程创新活动均减少这一现象。

    Apart from those , we also explain why both process and product innovation activities reduce in the specific phase in " U-A model " .

  5. 竞争情报人才培养过程创新研究

    An innovative study on the personnel training model of competition intelligence

  6. 创业推动了产品和过程创新,是社会变化与发展的至关重要的发动机。

    Starting enterprises boots the product and process innovation , which is critical to social change called development engine .

  7. 研究结果表明,产品和过程创新是中国企业在国际化初期中起着重要的作用。

    Results of this research proved that product and process innovation are the ones important for the initial internationalization of Chinese companies .

  8. 根据本文的实证分析结果,我国技术创新对就业的影响呈现出两个重要特点:一方面,过程创新的劳动力节省效应在我国主要是通过投资产生的。

    Empirical studies of the relationship between technological innovation and employment in China show two important aspects : On one hand , process innovations are mainly introduced through investment .

  9. 然后依据技术创新的产品创新和生产过程创新的两方面对企业经济增长的影响分析,结合平衡计分卡模型得出基于技术创新的企业经济增长模型。

    Based on product innovation and process innovation the article analyzes influence on economic growth , combined with the Balanced Scorecard model get the model of technology innovation-economic growth .

  10. 创新是以开放性建设高校基层党组织的灵魂,包括内容创新、时空创新、过程创新、评价创新等内容。

    Innovation is the soul of open construction of grass-roots Party organizations in institutions of higher learning , which includes innovation in the content , time and space , process , evaluation , etc.

  11. 从电影企业规模来看,无论是在电影企业技术过程创新还是产品创新,大规模电影企业都占绝对优势,中小规模电影企业总体创新能力较弱。

    From the perspective of enterprise scale , large scale film enterprises have overwhelming superiority no matter in technology innovation or products innovation and small and medium scale companies overall are weak in creativity ability .

  12. 产品创新平台不仅仅包括技术创新,更重要的是组织创新、过程创新、管理机制的创新,是技术平台创新,管理平台创新,信息平台创新等的集成。

    Product innovation platform is not merely the technology innovation but organization innovation , process innovation and management mechanism innovation . It is the integration of technology platform innovation , management platform innovation and information platform integration .

  13. 而风险认知和自主行动在核心实践与产品及过程创新绩效之间的中介作用也得到证实,但共存包容的中介作用在本研究中没有得到证实。

    And the mediation role of risk perception and initiative action between core practices and product and process innovation performance has also been confirmed , but the mediation role of mutual tolerance has not been confirmed in this study .

  14. 首先讨论了技术创新的意义,将技术创新分为产品创新、过程创新和管理创新三个部分,并对这三部分的关系进行了探讨。

    In the paper , at first the significance of the innovation has been discussed , then the innovation is divided into three parts : product innovation , process innovation and management innovation . The relation among the three parts is explored .

  15. 如:追求产品创新和过程创新需要选择不同的创新网络配置模式。(五)企业应当考虑其自身的规模、科技类型选择适合的创新网络配置模式。

    Such as : The product innovation performance and the process innovation performance need to match the different types of innovation network configuration pattern . ( 5 ) Enterprises must select correct innovation network configuration pattern according to their own scale and sci-tech types .

  16. 在横向维度,本文根据创新类型的差异,深入解构了以过程创新实现成本领先、以产品和市场创新形成差异化和以组织创新实现网络化三类横向维度的市场势力形成机制。

    On the horizontal dimension , the dissertation divided the forming mechanism into " Cost-leading mechanism by process innovation ", " Differentiation mechanism by product and market innovation " and " Network mechanism by organization innovation " based on the difference of innovative type .

  17. 教练员训练指导思想正确,能针对少年儿童训练的基本规律与特点进行训练,重视运动员的心理素质训练,有较强的创新意识,重视训练过程创新与创新能力的提高。

    These coaches have correct training theories , and could train children according to their basic rules and peculiarities , and emphasize the training of mental quality of athletes , they have strong consciousness of innovation , they emphasize the training process and the abilities of innovation ;

  18. 房地产企业进行品牌创新,从房地产产品创新、市场创新、传播与营销创新、品牌资产管理创新等四个方面入手,进行开发理念创新、强化规划设计能力、建设过程创新、服务创新;

    The real estate enterprise carries on the brand innovation , from the real estate product innovation , the market innovation and so on four aspects obtains , carries on the development idea innovation , the strengthened plan designed capacity , the construction process innovation , the service innovation ;

  19. 介绍了一体化PET键盘的研制过程、创新点和产品性能。

    The paper introduces the developmental process of integrative PET keyboard 、 the creative point and the performance of the product .

  20. 论教学过程与创新意识培养

    The Relationship Between Teaching Process and the Nurture of Innovative Ideology

  21. 国内外学者对技术创新商业化过程以及创新风险有不同的观点。

    Scholars hold different viewpoints upon innovation commercialization process and the risks .

  22. 这一过程需要创新、大胆、慷慨。

    The process requires us to be innovative , bold and generous .

  23. 开放教学过程强化创新意识

    To strengthen creative consciousness in the open process of teaching

  24. 中小企业二次创业的关键:过程管理创新

    Key of small and medium-sized enterprises to restarting undertaking : process-management innovation

  25. 优化教学过程培养创新意识

    Optimize the Teaching Process , Develop the Creative Sense

  26. 产业集群发展过程中创新资源的聚集和优化

    Congregation and Optimization of Innovation Resources in the Development Process of Industrial Clusters

  27. 高校博客思想教育的基本特点、实践过程及创新路径

    Analysis of Basic Characteristics and Practice Process Path of College Blog Ideological Education

  28. 毕业论文指导过程中学生创新能力培养问题的探讨

    On the Training of Originality Ability in the Process of Graduation Thesis Guidance

  29. 产业集群网络化创新过程与创新绩效的实证研究

    The Networked Innovation Process and Innovation Performances within Industrial Clusters : An Empirical Study in Zhejiang

  30. 基于过程管理创新的硕士生培养质量体系探析

    Exploration of the Postgraduates ' Cultivation Quality System on the Basis of Creativity of Procedure Management