
  • 网络filtration washing
  1. 该公式对于油烟过滤洗涤净化过程的参数优化和净化器设计具有实际意义。

    The formula has practical significance for the optimal design of filtrating-washing equipments .

  2. 过滤洗涤干燥多功能设备的开发与应用

    Development and applications of a combined filtration-washing-drying apparatus

  3. 螺旋霉素发酵液不同过滤洗涤方式的对比研究

    Study on the Different Scrubbing Method in the Plate and Frame Filter of Spiramycin Fermentation Broth

  4. 但国内各厂家在过滤洗涤时都采用置换洗涤法,大大增加了洗涤水的用量,也影响了收率。

    The method used in the production today is substitution scrubbing method which weakens the advantage of the plate and frame filter greatly , and reduces the yield rate .

  5. 工艺流程为:酸处理红辉沸石→水热反应→晶化合成→过滤、洗涤→烘干→P型沸石产品;

    The technical process is " acid treated stellerite → hydrothermal reaction → crystallization and synthesis → filtration and washing → drying → zeolite P product " .

  6. DI型移动室带式真空滤机在催化剂二套分子筛车间生产过程中承担着回收液的过滤、洗涤任务。

    Band vacuum filters of DI movable house undertake to filtrate and wash the recovery liquid in the process of production of catalystic sieve shops .

  7. 以H2SO4处理四甲基氯化铵的有机溶液,立即生成沉淀,经过滤、洗涤、干燥后,得到白色结晶状固体&TMAHS。

    To treat tetramethyl ammonium chloride with H2SO4 in organic solvent , a precipitate is produced . A white crystallizing solid TMAHS is prepared after filtrating , washing and drying .

  8. 沉淀经过滤、洗涤后,用标准的EDTA溶解,过量的EDTA以PAN为指示剂用Cu(NO3)2标准溶液回滴。

    Next , the precipitate of the solution is soluted by standard EDTA after its filtering and washing . Finally . a standard Cu ( NO_8 ) _2 solution is titrated back to the excessive EDTA by using PAN as an indicator .

  9. 蒸镏余液用止己烷溶解,溶液很快沉淀分层,经过滤、洗涤得到VES,回收率为82%,纯度为93%。

    The residue was dissolved in hexane . The solution precipitated and separated quickly , then it was filtrated and washed ; the reclaiming of VES is 82 % and purity of the product is 93 % .

  10. 采用溶胶凝胶法,利用天然粉石英与纯碱反应制得的硅酸钠和硫酸反应得硅凝胶,再经过滤、洗涤、干燥、煅烧得球形纳米SiO2;

    Silicon gel was prepared from the reaction between sulphuric acid and sodium silicate which was produced from the reaction between silicon powder and sodium carbonate by Sol-Gel method . The silicon gel was treated with filtrating , washing , drying and sintering . Then the spherical nano-SiO_2 was obtained .

  11. 油烟过滤-洗涤净化效率的研究

    Study on the purifying efficiency of FILTRATING-WASHING cooking fume

  12. 反应后,分批添加固体碳酸氢铵,直到沉淀完全。然后经陈化、热解、过滤、洗涤、干燥、粉碎、煅烧等工序制成轻质氧化镁。

    After reaction we add ammonium bicarbonate solid into the solution in batches until deposited completely .

  13. 控制颗粒污染物的技术包括过滤、洗涤、离心分离、静电沉降。

    Techniques for controlling particulates include filtering , washing , centrifugal separation , and electrostatic precipitation .

  14. 采用沉淀分离法,用滤速快、易洗涤和吸附极少的混合纤维素酯滤膜快速过滤、洗涤,消除干扰离子和对紫外光产生吸收的挥发性有机物。

    The interfering ion and other volatile organics which will cause the ultraviolet light loss were depleted by filtration with mixed cellulose .

  15. 在基本假设的基础上,建立起了油烟过滤-洗涤复合式净化效率的理论模型,推导出了净化效率的理论公式。

    Based on little basic assumptions , a theoretical purifying model of filtrating-washing cooking fume is derived and modified by means of the simulation tests .

  16. 富钼解吸液再经除杂净化、酸化沉淀、过滤、洗涤、烘干、煅烧,制得三氧化钼产品。

    Molybdenum trioxide was prepared from the Mo rich desorption solution in steps of purification , acidic precipitation , filtration , washing , drying and calcination .

  17. 并且,该固载催化剂经过简单过滤,洗涤而回收,重复使用多次,催化活性无明显降低。

    In addition , the immobilized catalyst could be recycled by simple filtration and washing . After several reuses , the catalytic activity did not decrease significantly .

  18. 根据工艺试验得到的一定条件下滤速与滤饼厚度及压力之间的关系,确定了满足生产要求的过滤器操作工艺参数以及青霉素脱色过滤和洗涤操作的步骤和工艺流程。

    Based on the analysis of the collected data , optimized filtration processing parameters and operating stages and process of decolorization , filtration and washing of penicillin were confirmed .

  19. 分析盐中水不溶物含量测定时过滤、洗涤、称量等操作过程中存在的一些问题,提出了相应的解决办法。

    Some problems existing in the determination of insoluble matter content in salt in the process of filtrating , washing and weighing were pointed out and the related solutions were put forward .

  20. 样品经微波短时间辐射后,用氢氟酸除去分子筛骨架,再进行过滤、洗涤、干燥,然后进行红外光谱测试分析。

    After microwave radiation of samples within short time , the zeolite frames was removed by HF , the samples was filtrated , cleaned and dried again , then was analysed by infrared spectra .

  21. 研究表明,该类催化剂可以有效催化此反应的顺利进行,并且催化剂经过简单的过滤、洗涤和干燥后即可再生,重复使用多次催化活性无明显降低。

    Studies showed that the catalyst could effectively catalyze the reaction . Moreover , the catalyst could be recovered and reused several times after a simple filtration , washing and drying without significant loss of activity .

  22. 确定了多工位系统控制方案,使结晶、过滤、洗涤、干燥、出料等多处工艺操作过程与最佳的工位相适应,以达到工艺效果最优。

    The Multi-position system control program has been determined , so that crystallization , filtration , washing , drying , discharging process operation can adjust to the best position in order to achieve optimal process results .

  23. 通过简单的过滤、溶剂洗涤回收催化剂,并能多次重复使用。

    The catalyst can be recovered by filtration and washing with solvent , and reused for many times .

  24. 对重力沉降、絮凝与凝聚、过滤理论、洗涤与脱水及介质的性能进行了详细分析。

    The gravitational settling , flocculating and condensation , the theory of filtering , flushing and dewatering , the property of medium have been studied in detail also .

  25. 洗涤水槽过滤网孔大大小于洗涤碰嘴,保证了不锈钢喷嘴系统永不堵塞。坚固耐用,容易清洗。

    Stainless steel wash arm with specially shaped nozzles having large openings and arranged to effectively direct water jets to all ware surfaces .

  26. 该催化剂经过滤分离、溶剂洗涤,循环使用7次仍有较高的催化活性,产率为87.5%。

    Filtrated from the reaction mixture and washed with the solvent , the catalyst could be reused for 7 times without much loss of activity , and the yield of cinnamamide can still attain 87.5 % .