
  1. 印刷电路板化学镀铜液回收EDTA的研究

    The Recovery of EDTA in Waste PCB Chemical-copper Solution

  2. 碳纤维经过预处理,在酸性镀铜液中电镀,得到镀层厚度为1.3μm的Cu/Cf复合丝。

    Through electroplating , copper coating about 1 . 3 μ m thick was formed on the carbon fibers .

  3. 用EDTA作显色剂,通过光度法测定酸性镀铜液中硫酸铜的含量。

    Copper sulfate in acid copper plating bath was determined by spectrophotometry with EDTA as chromogenic agent .

  4. 利用比浊法,以OP乳化剂作为稳定剂测定酸性镀铜液中的氯离子。

    Cholride ions in acid copper plating bath were determined by nephelometry with OP emulsifier as stabilizer .

  5. 在Cu(Ⅱ)-EDTA-HCHO的化学镀铜液中,阴极过程受电化学步骤或电化学步骤与异相表面化学转化步骤共同控制。

    The cathodic reaction process of electroless copper plating in Cu (ⅱ) - EDTA-HCHO solution is controlled by either electrochemical step or by the combination of electrochemical and surface chemical reaction steps .

  6. 针对EDTA测定酸性镀铜液中高量铁存在的不足,利用铁(Ⅲ)与EDTA和H2O2形成三元配合物的显色反应,光度测定酸性镀铜溶液中的高量铁。

    High content ferric ion in acidic copper plating bath was determined by spectrophotometric method using EDTA and H 2O 2 as chromogenic agent , and optimal measuring wavelength was selected .

  7. 对印制电路板孔金属化所用胶体钯的性质、从废胶体钯溶液中回收金属Pd的工艺方法及染料对酸性镀铜液的均镀能力和深镀能力的影响等进行了研究。

    Study is made of the nature of colloid palladium , the process of recovery of metal Pd from waste colloid palladium solution and also the effect of dye on the covering power and deep-coating power of the acid coppering solution experiment .

  8. 影响化学镀铜液稳定性和镀速的因素

    Factors Affecting the Stability and Deposition Rate of Electroless Copper

  9. 氰化镀铜液中游离氰化钠的分析误差和含量控制

    Error Analysis and Concentration control of Free Cyanide in Copper Plating Bath

  10. 焦磷酸盐镀铜液中正磷酸盐含量对镀层性能的影响

    Influence of orthophosphate content on coating characteristic in pyrophosphate copper plating bath

  11. 镀铜液中焦磷酸铜和焦磷酸钾的快速分析

    Rapid Determination of Cupric Pyrophosphate and Potassium Pyrophosphate in Copper Plating Solution

  12. 研发出一套针对木材的非电解镀铜液及工艺,包括预处理方法,镀液的配方以及工艺条件的控制。

    It includes pretreatment means , prescription of plating liquid and processing craft .

  13. 离子色谱法测量酸性镀铜液中微量的氯离子

    Determination of Trace-amounts of Chloride ion in Acidic-Copper Plating Solution by Ion Chromatography

  14. 随着时代对环保物质的需求,目前以甲醛为还原剂的化学镀铜液终将被取代。

    It is highly desirable to replace the conventional electroless copper plating solution using formaldehyde as the reductant due to the issues of environmental protection .

  15. 采用柠檬酸铜为主盐,加入氢氧化钾和合适的光亮剂,配制出一种无氰碱性镀铜液。

    A kind of non-cyanide alkaline copper plating bath was prepared with copper citrate as main salt and by adding potassium hydrate and suitable brightener into the bath .

  16. 本课题的目的是研究出一种在性能上与氰化镀铜液相近,并且在实际生产中也能够切实取代氰化镀铜工艺的无氰碱性镀铜工艺。

    A new copper plating bath is found which capability is close to cyanide copper plating bath and can be the good substitute of cyanide copper plating bath in actual production .

  17. 讨论了乙二醇用量、硝酸银用量、酸性镀铜液(底液)用量、硝酸用量、时间及试剂加入顺序对共振光散射强度的影响。

    Effects of time , order of adding reagents , contents of ethanediol , silver nitrate , acid copper plating bath and nitrate on scattering intensity of resonance light were studied .

  18. Ni-P和Ni-Mo-P的电沉积采用氨性柠檬酸盐镀液,铜镀层采用最简单的酸性镀铜镀液。

    Ni-P and Ni-Mo-P alloys were electrodeposited in ammoniac citrate electrolyte and copper layer in acidic sulphate electrolyte , respectively .

  19. 论文(Ⅰ)陶瓷基上化学镀铜及其镀液性质研究论文(Ⅱ)有机涂层下金属腐蚀研究

    Electroless Copper on Ceramics and Study of Characteristics of the Solution / Corrosion Under Organic Films

  20. 为了解决焦磷酸盐镀铜锡合金镀液的稳定性问题,对KNO3在镀液中的作用机理进了探讨。

    Cyclic voltammetry was used to investigate the action mechanism of KNO_3 in the electroplating of Cu-Sn alloy coating from a pyrophosphate bath , which was aiming at increasing the stability of the plating bath .

  21. 研究了影响化学镀铜镀速和镀液稳定性的诸因素,并根据实验确定了适宜的化学镀铜液配方及其工艺。

    Factors affecting stability and deposition rate of electroless Cu are investigated and proper formulation and process for electroless Cu bath determined .