
  • 网络photon counter;photon counting;pmt;VLPC
  1. 应用单光子计数器测量尼龙-11的热释光

    Applying Photon Counter for Measuring Thermoluminescence of Nylon-11

  2. 单光子计数器

    A single - photon counter

  3. GM-APD单光子计数器工作于门控方式,根据统计光学理论,确定GM-APD单光子计数器输出的光子计数值为离散型随机变量。

    The photon counting values were discrete type random variables according to statistics optical theory .

  4. 本文以汞灯为激发光源,利用自组装的高灵敏芯片毛细管电泳荧光光子计数器检测系统,NDA柱前衍生检测神经递质多巴胺和组胺。

    Using home made highly sensitive fluorescence detection system with Hg-lamp as excitation source and a photon counter as detector in microchip capillary electrophoresis , a sensitive , rapid and accurate method for the analysis of dopamine , histamine were accomplished by precolumn derivatization .

  5. 用于真空紫外波段内弱光光谱测量的光子计数器

    Photon Counter for Weak Light Spectrum Measurement at VUV Wavelength Band

  6. 这就是用于检测微弱光的单光子计数器。

    This system used for testing weak light is called single-photon counter .

  7. 单光子计数器光电转换与倍增器件的研制

    The New Photo-electron Transformation and Multiplication Device Fitting to Single-photon-counting

  8. 微光图象光子计数器象管光子增益测试研究

    Measurement study on the photon gain of LLL image photon counting intensifier

  9. 单光子计数器冷却系统的设计

    Design of the Cooling System of Single-photon Counter

  10. 具有多级缓冲的快速光子计数器

    A Fast Photo-Counter With Multi-level Buffers

  11. 接收机采用光电倍增管和双通道光子计数器,量子效率是10%(48000个脉冲累加)。

    The receiver employs double channel photo counter and photomultiplier tube with quantum efficiency of 10 % .

  12. 接收机采用了近红外光电倍增管和光子计数器,量子效率1%;

    The receiver employs photon counter and near infrared photomultiplier tube with quantum efficiency of 1 % .

  13. 通过实时采集单光子计数器响应输出的时间分辨每个同步事件研究光场的光子统计分布特性。

    This paper presents the photon statistics determination by measuring the every time resolved photo-event from single photon detector in real time .

  14. 使用发光二极管制成标准光源来进行校验和标定光子计数器是一种较好的解决方法。

    So it 's a nice solution that a photon counter can be calibrated conveniently by the LED weak standard light source .

  15. 采用光纤和光子计数器自行组装了一套结构简单、紧凑的微流控芯片激光诱导荧光光纤检测系统。

    Then , an optical fiber detection system with simple and compact structure was assembled using optical fibers and a photon counter , which was applied to the detection of laser-induced fluorescence .

  16. 实验结果表明,由于光子计数器的核心器件光电倍增管及其高压电源不很稳定,光子计数器需要经常校验和标定。

    Experimental results shows that the core device of the photon counter-PMT and it 's high voltage power supply is not stable , the photon counter can be test and calibrated frequently .

  17. 讨论了光子计数器在小型米散射激光雷达信号探测系统中的应用。介绍了光子计数器的结构、作原理并对其进行了响应校准。

    The structure and principle of photon counter are clarified , and it was calibrated particularly . The applications of a photon counter in a signal detection system of a compact Mie Scattering Lidar is described on this paper .

  18. 我们用纠缠的压缩态构造贝尔基,并证明当压缩态的振幅充分大的时候,我们能以任意高的精确度识别这样的贝尔基,前提是要有理想的光子计数器。

    We construct orthogonal Bell states with entangled squeezed vacuum states and show that if the perfect photon counters are feasible , these Bell states can be discriminated with arbitrary precision when the amplitude of the squeezed states becomes sufficiently large .

  19. 利用零角度单韧致辐射过程(e++e-→e++e-+γ),发射的γ光子的计数来监视正负电子对撞的亮度,γ光子的计数器包括转换体和熔融石英Cherenkov辐射体组合的探测系统。

    The counter of γ photons is a detecting system including converter and fused silica Cherenkov radiator to detect emitted γ photons from zero degree single Bremsstrahlung radiation Bhabha so that the luminosity of e ~ ( + ) e ~ ( - ) collisions can be monitored .

  20. 我们采用光子数可分辨探测技术,直接探测回波光子数,实现了基于多像素光子计数器(MPPC)的激光测距系统。

    We introduced the photon-number resolving detection technology and realized a laser ranging system based on multi-pixel photon counter ( MPPC ) .