
  • 网络Phosgene Poisoning;Phosgene poison
  1. 目的探索急性光气中毒的临床特点。

    Objective To explore the clinical features of acute phosgene poisoning .

  2. 目的探讨急性光气中毒的临床表现与救治。

    Objective To study clinical manifestation and remedy of acute phosgene poisoning .

  3. 结果急性光气中毒的潜伏期1.5h~3d。

    Results The latency phase 1.5h to 3d .

  4. 根据观察结果,作者认为双光气中毒可以造成典型的成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的形态改变。

    According to the results of the observation , the authors believe that diphosgene poisoning may cause typical pathological changes of ARDS .

  5. 24例急性三光气中毒的急救及护理

    Emergency treatment and nursing care of 24 patients of acute triphosgene intoxication

  6. 双光气中毒性肺水肿家兔肠神经内分泌细胞的脱颗粒现象

    Degranulation of intestinal neuroendocrine cells in rabbits with pul - monary edema by diphosgene

  7. 1起光气中毒事故的调查报告

    Report on an accident of carbonyl chloride poisoning

  8. 口服高氧液对急性光气中毒性肺损伤小鼠的干预效应

    Interventional effect of oral administration of hyperxia solution on phosgene-induced acute lung injury in mice

  9. 高氧液对急性光气中毒肺损伤保护作用的实验观察

    Observation on the protective effect of hyperoxia solution on the acute lung injury caused by phosgene poisoning

  10. 低剂量双光气中毒对家兔下呼吸道和肺损伤的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Changes of Lower Respiratory Tract and Lungs of Rabbits Intoxicated by Low-Dose Diphosgene

  11. 结论急性光气中毒时,若现场能得到及时处理,可使潜伏期延长;

    Conclusion When acute phosgene poisoning occured , the latency phase can be extended if the patients were handled in time .

  12. 结论医护人员在抢救急性光气中毒患者时应增强防护意识,落实防护措施,以防发生二次中毒事件。

    Conclusion To prevent the secondary phosgene poisoning after treating the patients with acute phosgene intoxication , medical workers should enhance protection awareness and take some necessary measures .

  13. 方法对19例急性光气中毒患者的临床症状、体征、动脉血气变化和肺影像学改变等临床资料进行综合分析。

    Methods To aggregate analyse the clinical symptoms , signs , the changes of arterial blood gas and lung imaging and so on of 19 acute phosgene poisoning patients .

  14. 方法以《职业性急性光气中毒诊断标准》为诊断标准,对比分析二次中毒患者与原发患者的临床表现、实验室检查及胸部X线片。

    Methods According to the diagnostic criteria of occupational acute phosgene poisoning , the differences of clinical manifestation , laboratory results and chest X-ray between secondary poisoning patients and primary patients were compared .

  15. 目的明确光气急性中毒的剂量-反应关系与其半数致死浓度(LC50),建立光气中毒肺水肿动物模型,为进一步研究光气损伤机制及防治手段奠定基础。

    Objective To determine dose-response relationship of phosgene poisoning and establish pulmonary edema animal model , so as to provide basis for further study on lung injury and treatment of phosgene .

  16. 光气急性中毒的剂量-反应关系与肺水肿动物模型的建立

    The dose-response relationship of acute phosgene poisoning and animal model establishment of pulmonary edema

  17. 目的:分析口服高氧液对双用途毒剂光气所致急性中毒性肺损伤小鼠的干预效应。

    AIM : To analyze the therapeutic effects of oral administration of hyperxia solution on acute lung injury induced by phosgene in mice .

  18. 双光气损伤机制的探讨:豚鼠双光气中毒后支气管&肺灌洗液中LDH活性的变化

    Mechanism of diphosgene damage I. Changes of lactate dehydrogenase activity in bronchopulmonary washings of guinea pigs after diphosgene poisoning