
  • 网络spectral irradiance
  1. 光谱辐照度测量的数学模型及其方法研究

    Mathematical model and method for measurement of spectral irradiance

  2. 太阳模拟器的光谱辐照度分布

    Spectral Irradiance Distribution of a Typical Chinese Solar Simulator

  3. 计算了到达探测器靶面上目标和背景的光谱辐照度。位于类GPS卫星星座时,与中轨道探测器探测星下点基本相同,不会影响光辐射辐照度的探测和爆炸当量的确定。

    The target and background irradiance that can arrive at the detector 's target plane were computed . Detection of the irradiance and the power would not be effected when the detector on the ISGO or similar GPS constellation .

  4. 在不同的参数和工作条件下,测量了氙灯(150W)的紫外绝对光谱辐照度(200~380nm)。

    The UV-spectral irradiance ( 200-380nm ) of high-pressure xenon lamps ( 150W ) has been measured in various operation conditions .

  5. 第二阶段:太阳跟踪模式下进行250nm-400nm的光谱辐照度测量,光谱辐照度测量结果与AURO卫星上OMI仪器测量的臭氧数据正演所得照度数据相比对。

    Comparison was done at the same time between the ultraviolet spectral radiance obtained by the two spectral instruments and the results from the OMI instrument on AURO satellite .

  6. 描述了一种新的紫外和真空紫外光谱辐照度的定标方法。

    A new spectral irradiance calibration method in the UV and VUV region was described .

  7. 为此,提出采用探测器进行量值传递标定光辐射源光谱辐照度的方法。

    The illumination of source is calibrated by the detector as the transmission has been introduced .

  8. 研发了一种向下光谱辐照度和向上光谱辐亮度的锚链式水下多光谱辐射计,主要用于深层海水的测量。

    An underwater multi-channel radiometer , which can be moored on the optical buoy for time series observation of downwelling spectral irradiance and upwelling spectral radiance in seawater , is designed .

  9. 系统可获得瞬变光源点燃过程当中各时刻的光谱辐照度、给定波段的辐照度及其随时间的变化、峰值波长随时间的变化。

    The system can obtain anytime spectral irradiance , given waveband irradiance of instant light source and its change with time as well as the change of peak wavelength with time .

  10. 测量系统用3只光谱辐照度标准灯校准,其稳定性优于0.2%,并用一参考标准灯监视。

    The measuring system was calibrated by three standard lamps of spectral irradiance . The stability of measuring system is better than 0.2 % and is monitored by a reference lamp .

  11. 光谱辐照度是光谱辐射计量中最基本的参数,是研究各种辐射源及光电探测器特性的重要依据。

    Spectral irradiance , which is the most elementary parameter in spectral radiation metrology , is the important foundation on studying the characteristics of all kinds of radiating sources and optoelectronic detectors .

  12. 紫外和真空紫外光谱辐照度的测量和定标,在天体物理、固体物理、光化学及医药学等领域中已成为越来越重要的研究手段和工具。

    In the regions of astrodome physics , solid physics , photochemistry and medicine , measurement and calibration of spectral irradiance of ultraviolet and vacuum ultra-violet have become more and more important research means and instrument .

  13. 其性能标准是根据其出射光束在光谱特性、辐照度大小以及照度分布与真实太阳的相似程度上来评价的。

    The performance criterion is based on the similarity degree which the outgoing beam in the spectral characteristics , irradiance and illuminance distribution contrast with the real sun characteristics .

  14. 真空紫外光源光谱辐亮度和辐照度的测定

    Vacuum ultraviolet spectral radiance and irradiance measurements

  15. 为适应高精度水下光学测量的需求,设计研制了多通道水下光谱辐射计。该辐射计可同步测量12波段的下行/上行光谱辐照度和7波段的上行光谱辐亮度。

    To meet the need of high-accuracy underwater optical measurements in ocean color remote sensing , an underwater multi-channel spectral radiometer , which can measure downward irradiance and upward irradiance at twelve wavelengths and upward radiance at seven wavelengths simultaneously , have been designed and constructed .