
  1. 建立谷物制品辐照杀虫工艺规范的研究

    The establishment of good irradiation practice for insect disinfestation of cereal grain products

  2. 进境莲雾辐照杀虫处理试验研究初报

    The first report of the study on irradiation of wax apple from entry as a quarantine treatment for fruit flies

  3. 对两种主要烟草仓储害虫进行辐照杀虫试验,并同时分析了烟叶主要成份辐照前后的变化。

    The experiment of irradiation disinsection for two kinds of the main storehouse tobacco insects ( Lasioderma Serricorne and Ephestia elutlla ) was carried out , including the analysis of tne main composition of tobacco leaf before and after irradiation .

  4. 随着近年来加速器技术的进步,电子束辐照杀虫显示出独特的优势,并受到越来越广泛的重视,但未在烟草行业实施应用。

    Along with the the progress of recent years ' accelerator technology , the electron beam exposure insect disinfestation demonstrated the unique superiority and receives more and more widespread value , yet it has not been implemented in the tobacco industry .

  5. ~(60)Co-γ射线辐照毛皮杀虫效果的研究

    Studies in the irradiation effects of ~ ( 60 ) co-r rays on the killing of fur insects