
  • 网络radiation damage
  1. 某些条件下,能达到毫无辐射损害的效果,他补充道。

    In some conditions the effect can appear to show no radiation damage at all , he adds .

  2. 辅酶A是一种代谢物质,能清除人体内的有毒废弃物,有提高抵御辐射损害的能力。

    Coenzyme A is a metabolic substance , to remove the body of toxic waste , have increased the ability to resist radiation damage .

  3. 高压输变电电磁辐射损害赔偿法律问题研究

    Relevant Law Study on Compensation Injured by High-voltage Power Supply and Transformation

  4. 碘化钾可以用于阻碍辐射损害。

    Potassium iodide can be used to counteract radioactivity .

  5. 谷氨酰胺对低剂量电离辐射损害的保护作用

    The Protection of Glutamine on Low-Dose Radiation in Rats

  6. 苯妥英钠对正常的和辐射损害的伤口愈合都有促进作用,并与其提高伤口MФ数量和功能有关。

    Phenytoin sodium accelerated normal and irradiation impaired wound healing by increasing the number of wound M Ф and improving the M Ф function .

  7. 北京药店表示,要买碘的人多得不寻常&其目的是预防核辐射损害。

    Pharmacies in Beijing said they were receiving an unusual number of requests for iodine , which can be taken as a precaution against radiation exposure .

  8. 在故障核反应堆附近进行修护的工人,如果能事先服用可以修复他们遭辐射损害的细胞的药物,可能会少一些恐惧。

    Plant workers trying to make repairs near a crippled reactor 's radioactive core might be less fearful if they could take a pill to repair their own radiation-damaged cells .

  9. 与其他医学成像技术相比,具有无电离辐射损害、多序列多方向多参数成像、软组织结构显像清晰等优点,是医学临床和科研的一种十分重要的检测手段。

    Compared with other modalities of medical image , MRI has many advantages , such as with no ionizing radiation , imaging with multiple parameters in arbitrary plane , and providing excellent soft-tissue contrast .

  10. 一种抑制肿瘤的蛋白同样可以通过促进黄褐色素的形成来防御来自太阳辐射的损害。

    A protein that helps suppress cancer also protects against sun damage by promoting a tan .

  11. 来自美国和阿根廷的科学家认为,无线网络产生的电磁辐射会损害男性精子。

    The wireless connection creates electromagnetic radiation that damages semen , the scientists , from the United States and Argentina , believe .

  12. 这一灵感火星计划将挑选一对已经生养子女,并愿意冒损害生育能力风险的中年夫妇来完成。长期接受宇宙辐射将损害人的生育能力。

    His organisation , Inspiration Mars , is planning to select a middle-aged couple who may have already had children and would be willing to risk the potential risk to their fertility of being exposed to radiation for a prolonged period .

  13. 探讨了CCD的γ电离辐射(累积损害)效应。

    The effects of γ ionizing radiation for CCD device ( accumulated damage ) are investigated .

  14. 辐射对脑损害的晚期效应及中药的保护作用

    Radiation-induced late brain injury and the protective effect of traditional Chinese medicine

  15. 紫外线辐射引起的损害,在细胞水平上-日光浴的一个源泉都长波紫外线和中波紫外线。

    UVR causes damage at cellular level-solaria are a source of both UVA and UVB .

  16. 核辐射的长期损害,致使整个城市和它的人口化为粉末。

    The long-lasting damage of nuclear radiation caused an entire city and its population to turn into powder .

  17. 手机的辐射很强,损害学生身心健康。

    Handset 's radiation is very strong , injure the student body and mind the health .

  18. 低剂量的辐射所造成的损害则更加微妙,会产生基因突变,改变细胞功能。例如,使细胞癌变,无法控制地繁殖,并扩散到身体的其他部位。

    Lower doses can cause subtler damage in the form of mutations altering the way that the cell functions - for example , causing it to become cancerous , multiply uncontrollably , and spread to other parts of the body .

  19. 但手机辐射是射频辐射,不是电离辐射,不会损害DNA。

    But the radiation from cellphones , called radio-frequency radiation , is nonionizing and not known to damage DNA .

  20. ,L4绿藻(Chlorophyceae)。研究了UVB辐射对南极冰藻中抗辐射物质的诱导作用,这些物质被认为具有抵抗UVB辐射损害而提供保护的作用。

    We studied the induced synthesis of anti-UV substances in the antarctic alga , which were thought to provide protection against damaging UV-B irradiation .