
  • 网络photometric titration;photometrictitration
  1. 光度滴定法快速测定红葡萄酒中游离SO2

    Quick Determination of Free SO_2 in Red Wine by Photometric Titration

  2. 水中钙、镁及其总量的半自动光度滴定

    Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in Water Samples Using Semi-Automatic Photometric Titration

  3. 提出一种新的测定氨羧络合剂中微量EDTA的催化光度滴定法。

    A new catalytic spectrophotometric titrimetric method for determining trace EDTA in the complexones is described .

  4. F检验和t检验结果显示高精度散射光度滴定法测定苯妥英钠,在精密度和准确度方面与重量法、电位滴定法测定结果均无显著差异(α>0.05)。

    The results of F test and t test demonstrate that the precision and the accuracy of highly-accurate nephelometric titrimetry are comparable to those of gravimetry and potentiometric titrimetry (α > 0 05 ) .

  5. 用分光光度滴定法在不同温度、不同pH值条件下测定了纤维素纤维接枝β-环糊精与苯二酚类分子形成超分子包合物的表观热力学参数。

    The complex stability constants for the 1 ∶ 1 inclusion complexation of various dihydroxybenzenes ( pyrocatechol , hydroquinone , resorcinol ) with cellulose fibre grafted β - cyclodextrin have been determined by means of spectrophotometric titrations at different temperatures in aqueous solutions with different pH values .

  6. 流通池光度滴定法应用-络合反应中的质子释放数测定

    Flow-through Photometric Titrimetric Determination of Proton Release Number in Complex Reaction

  7. 高精度散射光度滴定法测定盐酸异丙嗪及其制剂的含量

    Determination of Promethazine Hydrochloride and Its Preparations by Highly-accurate Nephelometric Titration

  8. 间接光度滴定地表水中硫酸盐

    Indirect Determination of Sulfate in Surface Water by Photometric Titration

  9. 光度滴定仪法测定稻米脂肪酸值的研究

    Determination of fatty acid value in paddy with photometric titration

  10. 半自动催化光度滴定法测定生物样品中的锰

    Determination of Manganese in Biological Sample Using Semi - automatic Catalytic Photometric Titration

  11. 光度滴定终点检测装置

    An Apparatus for Detecting the End-Point of Photometric Titration

  12. 光度滴定简评及其用于有色溶液中微量硫酸根测定

    Photometric Titration of Microamounts of Sulfate in Coloured Solutions

  13. 碳酸钠溶液光度滴定法快速评定阻垢剂的性能

    Rapid Evaluation of Efficiency of Scale Inhibitor by Photometric Titration with Sodium Carbonate Solution

  14. 非水光度滴定法测定钢中低碳

    Non-aqueous photometric titration of carbon in steel

  15. 光度滴定法同时测定酱油中游离酸和游离氨基氮的研究

    Simultaneous determination of free acid and free amino nitrogen in soy sauce by spectrophotometric titration

  16. 植物酚类油田化学品的络合-光度滴定

    Complexometric-photometric Titration of Vegetable Phenol Oilfield Chemicals

  17. 一种微机控制的自动光度滴定系统

    A Computer-Controlled Automatic Photometric Titration System

  18. 双点光度滴定法测定铜

    Determination of Copper by Double-point Luminosity-titration

  19. 介绍了一种测定红葡萄酒中游离SO2的新方法&光度滴定法。

    This article introduced a new method to determine free SO_2 in red wine & photometric titration .

  20. GB/T3257.19-1982铝土矿化学分析方法非水光度滴定法测定二氧化碳量

    Cerate oxidimetry Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite ores & The non-aqueous photometric-titration method for determination of carbon dioxide content

  21. 介绍一种设计新颖、结构简单、体积小巧和操作方便的光度滴定装置。

    An apparatus for the photometric titration with novel design , simple construction , small size and easy operation is developed .

  22. 稻谷副产品中脂肪酸的气相色谱-质谱分析光度滴定仪法测定稻米脂肪酸值的研究

    Study on fatty acid of byproducts from rice by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry DETERMINATION OF FATTY ACID VALUE IN PADDY WITH PHOTOMETRIC TITRATION

  23. 针对文献报导的超氧离子O测定方法&光度滴定法存在操作繁杂的缺点,研究出一种简便的O浓度的分析方法。

    Seeing that the spectrophotometric titration , a method of determining superoxide ion , O , reported in literature , has a complicated operation , a simple and convenient method of determining the concentration of O is studied .

  24. 以Fe3+标准溶液为滴定剂,在乙醇-水体系中用光度滴定法测定二茂铁的含量。

    A rapid , convenient and accurate method for the determination of ferrocene was established . The content of ferrocene was measured by spectrophotometric titration method with Fe ~ 3 + standard solution as titrant in the ethanol-water system .

  25. 在适当的条件下高精度散射光度滴定法的精密度和准确度均在02%以内。结论用高精度散射光度滴定法测定苯妥英钠结果准确、重复性好、专属性强、线性范围宽。

    Results With our new titrator and nephelometric sensor , the accuracy and precision of our new titrimetry can be better than 0.2 % under suitable conditions . Conclusion The proposed method has been found to be accurate , precise , specific , reproducible , and linear .

  26. 报道了以催化光度返滴定法来测定锰含量的新方法。

    The catalytic photometric titration of trace of manganese is described .

  27. 催化光度返滴定法测定微量锰的研究

    Study on Catalytic Spectrophotometric Back Titrimetry for Determining Trace Manganese

  28. 无需标准溶液的滴定分析的研究&Ⅰ.不加指示剂的光度络合滴定

    Volumetric Analysis Without Standard Solution & ⅰ . Spectrophotometric Complexometric Titration Without Indicator

  29. 本文研究了催化光度返滴定法测定微量锰的原理,找到最佳实验条件,确立了实验方法。

    In this article the catalytic spectrophotometric back titrimetry for determining trace manganese was studied , best experimental conditions were selected and experimental method was established .

  30. 顺序注射光度分析酸碱滴定系统的研究

    Studies on Sequential Injection Base - acid Titration System with Spectrophotometry