
zhù shòu mìng
  • column life
柱寿命[zhù shòu mìng]
  1. 另外,由于中药活性成分具有抗菌功能,利用其制备的新型固定相,与传统改性硅胶固定相比较,具有更长的柱寿命,适合于长期分离尿液及其他生物样品。

    In addition , due to the antibacterial functions of herbal active ingredients these stationary phases will be more suitable for long-term separation of urine and other biological samples with longer column life as comparison with conventional modified silica .

  2. 通过自组装微流液相系统,毛细管电色谱仪对其柱效,柱寿命,柱重现性等关键参数进行了评价。

    The key parameters such as column efficiency , column life , column reproducibility were evaluated by means of CEC and capillary-LC .

  3. 柱寿命较长。

    The lives of the columns are quite long .

  4. 方法精密度高,准确度好,柱寿命长,以准确的分析结果指导工艺,提高了合成氨的收率。

    It can contribute by correct analysis results to process improvement so as to increase the production rate of synthetic ammonia .

  5. 钻柱疲劳寿命计算方法研究

    Research on the Drill Rod Fatigue and the Programming Calculation

  6. 主产物含量≥985%,色谱柱使用寿命在6个月以上。

    The amount of main product is more than 98 5 % .

  7. 固体火箭药柱使用寿命预测主曲线的研究

    Master curve for the prediction of service life of solid rocket grain

  8. 提高深井和超深井钻柱使用寿命的途径

    Approaches to improving service life of drill stem in deep wells and ultra-deep wells

  9. 钻柱使用寿命的不确定性分析

    Analysis on Uncertainty of Drill String Lifespan

  10. 前言:目的解决培养液中有机酸代谢产物-乙酸检测方法中存在的色谱分离效果差和色谱柱使用寿命短的问题。

    Objective To solve the problems on efficiency in chromatographic separation and life of chromatographic column in assay method of acetic acid .

  11. 结果表明串联柱具有寿命长和分离效率高的特点,定量分析误差小于4%。

    The results indicate that the series column possesses of high separation efficiency and long column life . The error in quantitative analysis was less than 4 % .

  12. 从固化条件、贮存条件、应力状态条件和预测方法4个方面,分析了方坯药预测寿命与发动机推进剂药柱实际寿命存在差异的原因。

    The differences between predicted lifetime of the propellant carton and actual lifetime of the motor propellant grain were analyzed from four aspects of curing condition , storage condition , stress condition and predicted method .

  13. 因此,单用推进剂方坯的老化性能难于推断发动机药柱的寿命,并对这一现象对发动机寿命的影响进行了讨论。

    Therefore , it is hard to predict the life time of the motor grain only by the ageing properties of propellant carton , and the influence of this phenomenon on the life of the motor was discussed .

  14. 如何延长高压液相色谱柱的使用寿命

    The Way to Extend to Useful Life of High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography Column

  15. 抽油杆承受交变载荷,而交变载荷往往造成材料的疲劳损坏,杆柱的疲劳寿命与变载循环次数和变载幅度直接相关。

    Rod string bears alternating load which usually results in material fatigue . The fatigued life of rod string is directly related with the load alternating times and range .

  16. 为了得到良好的分离效果和延长色谱柱的使用寿命,本文针对液相色谱柱使用过程中容易发生的问题,介绍液相色谱柱的正确使用和保养方法。

    In order to obtain good separation results and lengthen the life of column , this paper describes the correct methods in the use and maintenance of liquid chromatographic column .

  17. 并且,当活性炭颗粒表面附着生物膜之后,大大降低了活性炭的物化再生频率,延长了活性炭柱的使用寿命。

    Especially , once the microorganism was attached on the surface of activated carbon , the regeneration frequencies of the activated carbon is significantly lowered , and the service life span the carbon column is greatly extended .

  18. 该抽油机采用一种结构巧妙的换向器装置传递运动和动力,冲程长达6~18m,冲次2~6r/min,可有效提高抽油杆管柱和抽油泵寿命。

    A well-made commutator is used to transfer movement and power , and the stroke of this pumping unit is up to 6 (?) 18m .

  19. 点的位置也相应改变,这对于改进导柱的设计,提高导柱的寿命,具有实际参考意义。

    The results have a great significance to improve the design and life of the directing pole of the bogie .

  20. 所使用的简易型色谱柱具有价格便宜,分离效率高,柱寿命长等优点,具有十分广泛的应用价值。

    The simple column used has the advantages of low prices , good separate efficiency , long-time life etc. , which can be applied broadly . 3 .

  21. 实验考察了该色谱柱的结构、操作和性能,包括柱压、柱寿命及对蛋白质的分辨率等。

    The structure , operation and characteristics of the designed column including pressure drop , column life , and resolution were investigated .

  22. 其中,有机聚合物整体柱存在着其固有的缺点,如:机械强度相对较差、柱寿命短,另外其过大、不均匀的微孔结构也不适宜小分子物质的分离和分析。

    However , the tendency of the monolithic column made of organic materials to expand and contract reduces its stability , and such columns show relatively low efficiency for small solutes .

  23. 经实验室验证,复合接箍对回注水管柱螺纹防腐具有一定的可行性,可以延长回注水油管柱的整体使用寿命。

    Lab experiments show that such tubing collar is feasible to some degree in preventing corrosion of the screw thread of water cycling pipe , thus extending the service life of water cycling pipe .

  24. 我们设计两种油管锚定器,实现管柱锚定,有效地克服了管柱的蠕动现象,达到了延长管柱使用寿命的目的。

    We designed two kinds of tubing anchor , which realizes the anchor column , the column effectively overcome the creeping phenomenon and achieved the purpose of extending column life .