
  • 网络column volume;bed volume
  1. 结论在明胶亲和柱体积不变的条件下,制备纤维蛋白结合素的量与血浆加样量、血浆在柱内停留时间密切相关。

    CONCLUSION : In a given column volume of gelatin , the quantity of purified fibronectin was closely related with the plasma retention time in column and the total loading amount of plasma .

  2. 结果表明,当4个柱体积60%乙醇洗脱时,洗脱强度最大,淫羊藿总黄酮含量为40.60%,淫羊藿苷含量为54.58%。

    The results showed that eluent strength is maximum when use four column volume of 60 % ethyl to elute Icariin and total flavonoid . The content of total flavonoid is 40.6 % and the content of icariin is 54.58 % .

  3. ml-1柱体积,甲醇再生2倍床层体积。

    The silica gel column might be regenerated by 2 bed volumes of methanol .

  4. 根据点火过程中压强-时间和压强-体积模量变化规律,得出了药柱体积模量随时间的变化规律。

    Based on the change laws of pressure-time and pressure-bulk modulus during ignition , the chang law of bulk modulus of grain with time was obtained .

  5. 结果:优化的工艺条件为:纯化用4倍树脂柱体积10乙醇最经济;

    RESULTS : The optimum technical operations were as follows : 10 % ethanol ( 4 times the volume of the resin ) was used to elute glycyrrhizic acid ;

  6. 实验结果表明:洗脱速度为0.3ml/min;乙醇浓度为95%;上样量为有效柱体积的4%。

    Experimental results show that : elution speed is 0.3 ml / min , Ethanol concentration is 95 % , The sample weight as valid column volumes is 4 % .

  7. 实验证实通过D(101)大孔吸附树脂吸附后,以70%乙醇为洗脱溶媒,4倍量柱体积洗脱效果较好,总皂苷的纯度可达73.5%。

    D_ ( 101 ) macroreticular resin was used to adsorb and purify the TSA with 70 % alcohol to elutriate and four multiples of column volume was best , the purity quotient of TSA was up to 73 . 5 % .

  8. 采用离子交换树脂对水解样品进行脱盐研究,结果表明以10倍柱体积/小时流速,经阴阳离子交换树脂后脱盐率达80%左右,氮回收率为83%,脱盐处理前后样品的抑制活性基本不变。

    Salt was removed by ion exchange resin at a flow rate of 10 column volume / hour with desalinization rate of approximate 80 % and nitrogen recovery rate of 83 % . NO differences was observed on the ACE inhibitory activities of samples .

  9. 结果用70%乙醇为洗脱剂,2-3倍柱体积/h的速度洗脱,用量为5-6倍柱体积时,三七总皂苷的洗脱率达98%以上,纯度为79.6%,精制度为241%。

    Results The extraction was eluted by 70 % ethanol of 5-6 times with column volume at a flow rate of 2-3 folds column volume per hour . Elution ratio of radix notoginseng saponin was more than 98 % , purity was 79.6 % , polishing was 241 % .

  10. 而以95%乙醇做洗脱液,在pH2.0、流速5mL/min、3倍于柱床体积的洗脱液条件下解吸附效果最佳,色素回收率达到97.78%;

    The 95 % ethanol as eluting solvent , pH 2.0,5 mL / min , 3 BV eluting solvent volume are the best desorption conditions . The pigment can be recovered more than 97.78 % of that all .

  11. 通过单因素法对流动注射和化学参数进行优化,考察了试样介质酸度、样品流速、上柱的体积、洗脱液的选择以及干扰离子的影响等条件。

    The flow rate of sample , the volume of sample , the composition and concentration of elute were optimized .

  12. 而30%乙醇(6倍柱床体积)和50%乙醇(6倍柱床体积)组合是最佳动态洗脱剂。

    The optimal eluting solvent was the water solutions of30 % ethanol ( 6 times of resin volume ) and50 % ethanol ( 6 times of resin volume ) .

  13. 求以下三角柱体的体积。

    Find the volume of the triangular prism below .

  14. 与此相适应,我们设计并制成了耐高温的微型毛细管柱无死体积联结器和其它辅助设备。

    To support these methods , we have designed and made a micro-capillary column-connector with zero-dead volume and some other supplementary equipment .

  15. 如何测算拟柱体的体积是公平交易的关键问题之一,本文深入研究了这一问题。

    How to work out its volume becomes the key to a fair deal , this paper makes a deep study on that .

  16. 考察了进水pH值、进水流量、微电解反应柱中的Fe/C体积比、反应时间对处理效果的影响。

    The influence of pH value , flow of wastewater , the volume ratio of Fe to C and reaction time on the decomposition reactions were studied .

  17. 柱层析法受柱体积的影响只对低浓度的PAC有较好的分离效果;

    Moreover , column chromatography method could give better separation efficiency only for low concentration of PAC .

  18. 通过改变柱长和注入体积流量对所建立的模型进行了实验验证。

    This model was examined with the changing of the length column packed Laojunmiao reservoir sand as well as the changing of flow volume injected flooding solution .

  19. 数值结果表明:入射波频率低于某一频率或金属柱掺料的体积分数增大到一定数值时,复合材料的等效相对介电常数实部会变为负数。

    Numerical results reveal that effective dielectric constant becomes negative when incident wave frequency is below some frequency or the metal concentration is more than some value .

  20. 影响框架节点抗剪强度的主要因素有混凝土强度等级、柱轴压力、体积配箍率、四边梁交叉约束作用、梁纵向钢筋的锚固和延伸。

    The main factors affecting the shear strength of frame nodes are concrete strength , axis pressure of column , volume-stirrup ratio , crossed restraining effect of side-beams and the anchoring and extension of longitudinal steel bars of the beam .

  21. 经对数种不同功能团螯合树脂的研究,优选出了对汞吸附效率高、解脱速度快的H-1S8型螯合树脂,并对树脂装填柱的形状及体积大小进行了研究。

    Through studying on several kinds of different function group chelate resin , H-188 chelate resin with high adsorption efficiency and desorption speed for mercury was selected , and the shape and volume of the resin filling column were also researched .

  22. D-101树脂的动态吸附和解吸试验结果表明:上样液流速以2ml/min通过φ2cm×20cm树脂柱,树脂的吸附量可达24倍柱体积色素溶液。

    D-101 resin in the dynamic adsorption and desorption results showed as follows : the flow rate of sample liquid was 2 ml / min and passed φ 2 × 20 cm resin column , adsorption capacity up to 24 times column volume .

  23. 纯化条件为:花色苷粗提物上柱后,先用蒸馏水洗脱4个柱体积,然后用50%乙醇洗脱6个柱体积,收集该部分洗脱液,干燥,便为精制的花色苷。

    The crude anthocyanidin was eluted by four column volume of distilled water and six column volume of 50 % ethanol aqueous solution orderly .

  24. 讨论了钢柱体的横截面形状(圆形和正方形)、柱体的体积填充率及缺陷等因素对声波带隙结构的影响。

    The influence of the geometry of the cylinders , the filling fraction and the defects on the band gaps are investigated .