
  • 网络Photocurrent
  1. 我们用这台装置研究了薄膜CdS-Cu2S电池的光生电流分布,描述了电池均匀性与转换效率的关系。

    With this apparatus we studied the photocurrent distribution and the relation between the uniformity and conversion efficiency of thin film CdS-Cu2S solar cells .

  2. 味觉受体细胞具有神经细胞特性,也属于可兴奋性细胞,将其培养在LAPS芯片表面,味觉细胞电位的改变即可通过检测LAPS的光生电流得以测量。

    Taste cells are cultured on the LAPS chip for several days and then the change of extracellular signals can be detected by measuring the change of LAPS photocurrent . The phenotype of those cells was NKH1 + CD16 - .

  3. LCoS芯片p-n结光生电流理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Photogenerated Leakage Current of p-n Junctions in LCoS

  4. 采用黄金定则方法和Kane六能带模型,分析了半导体中的量子干涉控制光生电流效应。

    Quantum interference control photocurrent in bulk semiconductors is analyzed using the Fermi golden rule and Kane six-band model .

  5. 结果表明,要得到大的光生电流,窗口层应很薄(WP~+<0.1μ),其扩散长度应大于3倍层厚;

    The results show that in order to get large photo current , ( 1 ) window layer should be thin and its diffusion length should be three times larger than its thickness ;

  6. 根据电流连续性原理计算了光谱响应SR,讨论了电池结构和梯度区最大锗浓度c对光生电流JI的影响。

    According to the current continuity principle , the Spectra Response ( SR ) was calculated . The influence of solar cell structure and max concentration in gradient region on the photogenerated current has also been discussed .

  7. 提出用光生电流偏压关系拟合非晶硅pin太阳能电池光态I-V特性曲线,测量光生(?)流子收集长度的模型。

    A new phenomenological model for fitting the illuminated I-V curves of a-Si : H PIN solar cells is proposed , in which the relation between photocurrent and applied bias voltage is used .

  8. 当Al膜厚度为50nm时,光生电流最大仅为5.15×10-10A,可以抑制光生漏电流的产生,满足了LCoS的实际使用时的要求。

    When the thickness of Al is 50 nm , the maximum value of the photogenerated leakage current is only 5.15 × 10 ~ - 10 A , which can meet the LCoS application requirement .

  9. 光生电流谱研究了薄膜的光电转换效率。

    The light - converting efficiency has been researched with photocurrent measurements .

  10. 计算机控制的高分辨率光生电流瞬态谱

    The computer controlled high resolution photo-induced current transient spectroscopy

  11. 色敏器件光生电流分配的数值分析及全色波段色敏器件研制

    Numerical Analysis of Photocurrent Distribution and the Fabrication of Color Sensor for Panchromatic Wave Band

  12. 测量结果显示随着所探测目标温度的不断升高,器件光生电流亦随之上升,但并非平行变化,这就导致了探测器动态微分阻抗不断下降。

    Experimental result shows the photocurrent-generated increases as the temperature of target rises . But this change isn ′ t parallel .

  13. 从而修正了双结色敏器件中光生电流分配的传统理论,得到更符合电流实际分配情况的结果。

    So the conventional theory on the current distribution is revised , and we get the result which accords with the practical current distribution .

  14. 在z轴方向上加直流电场测量了紫外光照射下光生伏打电流强度和光电导,发现它们与光强之间成超线性关系。

    The photovoltaic current intensity and the photoconductivity under UV illumination were measured by applying a DC field along the z-axis of the sample . The photoconductivity and the photovoltaic current density showed superlinear dependence on intensity .

  15. 测量p-i-n电池单色光的光生电流随外电压的变化,可得出空穴的收集长度。

    A collection length was obtained by measuring the relation between photocurrent of monochromatic light and applied voltage in a p-i-n solar cell .

  16. 此模型描述了注入光功率与光生电流的关系,以及反偏电压对光生电流与结电容的影响。

    The model describes the relationship between photocurrent and incident optical power , and it also illustrates the impact of the reverse bias to the variation of the junction capacitance .

  17. 在脉冲光照射下,脉冲光生电流与光脉冲周期相等,若获取时间延迟4.2倍的时间响应常数,可以得到稳态输出值。

    Under the condition of irradiation with pulsed light , the period of the pulsed photo-generated current is equal to that of pulse light . If the sampling time is delayed 4.2 times of time response constant , then a steady-state output can be obtained .

  18. 在光致准击穿时,它的周期与同时测量的光生伏特电流和晶体某一点衍射光强的跃变周期相同,而且随入射光强的增加而变小。

    Its frequency increases with the rise of the intensity of incident light and its jump period of breakdown is the same as that of the photovoltaic current and the diffracted light intensity .