
  • 网络fiber subscriber network;fitl
  1. 城市光纤用户网组网问题探讨

    Discuss of the structure of the fiber subscriber network

  2. 设计并实现了用于光纤用户网和千兆以太网光接收机的CMOS前置放大器。

    A CMOS preamplifier for optical access network systems and gigabit Ethernet systems is realized .

  3. 用于宽带光纤用户网的高速1.3μmInGaAsp/InPDHLED

    High-Speed 1.3 μ m InGaAsP / InP DH LED for Broad-Band Optical Fiber Subscriber Loops

  4. 155Mbit/s和622Mbit/s速率0.6μMCMOS工艺光纤用户网专用集成电路的部分核心芯片

    155 Mbit / s and 622 Mbit / s Data Speed ICs for Optical Access Networks in 0.6 μ m CMOS Technology

  5. 光功分器在光通信系统、光纤用户网、光无源网络(PON)、光纤CATV、光局域网等网络中被广泛的应用。

    Optical Splitter is one of the key component in the application of optical communication system , optical network terminal ( ONT ) . passive optical network ( PON ), CATV system and optical local area network ( LAN ) .

  6. 农村光纤用户网的规划建设

    The Planning and Construction of the Rural Optical Fiber Subscriber Networks

  7. 光纤用户网综述

    An Overview of Optical Fiber User Network

  8. 高比特率数字用户环路技术是在光纤用户网普及之前,向用户提供宽带业务的一种过渡手段。

    The high-bit-rate digital subscriber line technology used to be a transitional means to provide subscribers with broadband sefores prior to the popularization of light-fiber subscriber networks .

  9. 鉴于原有结构的特点,提出了一种适用于光纤用户接入网的改进的EPON网络拓扑结构。

    In view of the advantages and disadvantages of the old configurations , an improved topology configuration , which is suitable to optical fiber subscriber access network , is proposed .

  10. 光纤用户接入网的可靠性研究

    Research of Reliability for Optical Fiber Subscriber Access Network

  11. 光纤用户接入网

    Optical Subscriber Access Network

  12. 光纤用户接入网是通信领域的热门话题。

    The fiber subscriber network is now in great demand and there is a heated discussion about it .

  13. 混合光纤同轴用户接入网技术

    Techniques of HFC with Access Subscribers

  14. 列出了聚合物光纤在用户驻地网中通信中的独特优势,而且给出了聚合物光纤在家庭智能网络中的一个典型应用实例。

    The paper shows some of the unique advantages of polymer fiber in CPN communications , this paper also provides one typical application example of the intelligent home network using polymer fiber .