
tú sù
  • picture element;photoelement;photosite;sensor element
图素[tú sù]
  1. 采矿CAD中的基本图素集研究

    A study of basic graph element set in mining CAD system

  2. 参数化CAD中基于当量图素的约束处理策略

    Constrain processing strategy based on equivalent entity in parametric CAD

  3. 基于GIS图素的实现与应用

    The realization and application on the GIS detail

  4. 二图像的矢量化处理包含的主要内容是:局部质量分析的直线图素质量判别、直线的细化、圆和圆弧的细化识别以及矢量化处理后的图形在CAD软件中的编辑修改。

    Image vector quantization processing including automatic correction of incorrect vectorization of scanning straight lines , straight lines thinning , round and arc thinning identify , editing and modification drawings after vector quantization in CAD software .

  5. 采用基于特征的参数化图素拼装技术实现轴类零件结构参数化,开发出轴结构设计分析CAD系统,实现了轴类零件的计算机辅助设计。

    Parametric design for shaft structure has been realized using the assemble technique of graph unit based on their trait . The CAD system of shaft has been produced , and the computer aided sign for shaft is realized .

  6. 介绍在SUN工作站上实现的二维交互式图形系统UNICAD。该图形系统包括基本图素生成;

    The paper discusses the design and implementation of the 2D interactive graphics system & UNICAD , which runs on SUN workstations .

  7. 介绍了齿轮零件CAD的原理和方法,通过人机对话方式输入设计参数,可在屏幕上设计出一个由多种基本图素随意拼合的齿轮零件工作图。

    The basic principles and methods of CAD of cylindrical gears are worked out in the paper . A working drawing of cylindrical gears which are arbitrarily composed of different shape of primitives can be generated on screen after the design of parameters have been interactively in - putted .

  8. 工程图形中的图素识别方法像素风格与包装艺术

    Pixel Recognition for Engineering Drawing s Pixel graph and packaging art

  9. 基于图素拼合法的机械零件图形输入系统

    Graphic Input System for Mechanical Parts Based on Graphic Element Join

  10. 基于图素拼装原型的轴类零件参数化设计

    Parameterization design of shaft parts based on graphical entity scramble principle

  11. 基本图素的计算机绘制参数化图素拼装绘图的研究

    Research on drawing by assemble of graph element with parameter

  12. 人工神经网络的直线图素识别质量判别器

    Using Neural Network to Verify Recognition Quality of A Line

  13. 尝试在图素中减少全景的解析度。

    Try reducing the resolution of the panorama in pixels .

  14. 基本图素的计算机绘制

    Integrated Discrimination for the Classification of Basic Drawing Elements

  15. 基于特征的图素拼合参数化设计

    The feature based parametrical design by combining drawing elements

  16. 本文描述了一种在矢量基础上进行图形识别的通用方法.该方法包括2个步骤:第1步,寻找组成该图形的第1个关键图素;

    A unified generic method for the vector based graphic recognition is presented .

  17. 在单片机系统中利用图素数值特征的二值图象处理算法研究

    An Algorithm for Binary Image Processing Based on Pixels Numeric Features in Microcontroller System

  18. 尺寸线图素子程序设计

    Subprogram Design of Dimension Line Graph Elements

  19. 交互式作图中的图素拾取

    Selecting Graph Elements in Interactive Drawing

  20. 曲线是不错的,但是在转弯的时候,船的边会与堵塞图素发生重叠。

    The curves are nice , but on both turns , the side of the ship will overlap a blocking tile .

  21. 最后文中还介绍了一种以上述特征层次结构为基础的特征图素组合法自动绘图原理及其实现。

    Finally , the drafting j & rinciples and implementation of combined feature graphic elements are described , and an example is illustrated .

  22. 通过对图素端点几何特征理解,建立了空间基坐标面间尺寸标注性统一的运算法则,从几何层讨论了尺寸的标注性。

    By the comprehension on geometric features of graphic element endpoints , the uniform algorithm for dimensioning between spatial base coordinates is built with handling dimension in the geometric level .

  23. 解决了加工面图素的确定、尺寸标注单元的分类、确定尺寸单元约束图素、确定设计图与工艺图中的对应尺寸单元并加以比较等问题。

    And all these problems : determination of process facies , dimension classification , determination of elements of dimension , determination of dimension in part process drawings corresponding to dimension in design drawing and comparation them have been solved .

  24. 该系统从图形数据库入手,建立组成几何实体基本图元的图素数据库,并根据图元之间的约束关系建立约束库,使得图块的各种信息更加完备;

    Through learning the structure of graphic database , the system constructs a graphic unit database storing the information of basic graphic unit and a constraint database storing the relations among graphic unit , so the integrated information of the block is stored .

  25. 再引入线宽属性特征因子,运用模糊模式识别的方法,对拾取过程中得到的图素轮廓信息及线型宽度信息进行模糊判别,实现对图形元素的轮廓层和辅助层的分层标识。

    Then the line width parameter characteristic factor introduced , fuzzy pattern recognition method utilized , the outline information and the linear width information obtained in the picking course carried on the fuzzy distinction , the graph element can be realized to outline layer or assistance layer marking .

  26. 本文用模型论和数论方法讨论整数环的某些扩环上一些丢番图方程素元解的问题。

    The intention of the paper is to discuss the prime number solutions to some Diophantine equations on certain extention rings of ring of integers by model-theoretic and number-theoretic mothods .

  27. 确立了矿井井巷工程巷道数据管理系统(RDMS)研制的基本目标,根据工程实践建立起采掘工程平面图专用图素集,研究构造了工程平面图形的组织与管理模式。

    This paper proposes the basic goal for developing the roadway data management system ( RDMS ) of mine underground engineering and sets up a special-purpose drawing element set of a mine map , and constructs the organization and management modes of drawings .

  28. 电磁诱导葛根素结晶样品其红外光谱图与葛根素标准红光谱图基本一致。

    The infrared spectrum of the puerarin sample induced by electromagnetic field kept the same with the standard infrared spectrum of puerarin .

  29. 借用现代数据挖掘技术,结合矿山开采工程实际,建立起一套以采掘工程平面图专用图素集为示范的构造图形组织与管理模式。

    This paper proposes a set of organizing and managing models of structural drawings with the special drawing elements set of mine map with the aid of modern data mining technology combining with the actual mine engineering .

  30. 该CAPP系统中工序图绘制采用图素拼接法原理,根据CAPP系统生成的图形数据文件自动绘制每道工序的工序图。

    The principles of put-together methods of graphic units are adopted to draw operation drawings in this CAPP system , and the operation drawing of every operation is made automatically , based on the files of graphic data generated in CAPP system .