
  • 网络Image Noise
  1. 不同螺距对螺旋CT图像噪声影响的实验研究

    Study of different pitch action on image noise in spiral CT

  2. 螺旋CT图像噪声影响因素的实验分析

    Helical CT image noise : experimental study of influencing factors

  3. 结果表明,螺旋CT图像噪声与螺距大小有关。

    The result shows that spiral CT image noise is related to the pitch .

  4. 螺旋CT图像噪声的评价

    Assessment of image noise in spiral CT

  5. MicroCT投影图像噪声的去除

    Elimination of the Micro CT Projective Image Noise

  6. 结果扫描参数,受检体的体积及密度均影响CT图像噪声。

    Results Each of scanning parameter , volume and density affected the noise on CT imaging .

  7. 基于Markov随机场和模拟退火算法的SAR图像噪声抑制

    SAR Image Denoising Based on Markov Random Field and Simulated Annealing

  8. 利用基于小波多尺度分解阈值去除MRI图像噪声可以取得较好的效果。

    This paper presents a wavelet-based multiscale products thresholding scheme for noise suppression of magnetic resonance images .

  9. 本课题以抑制微光图像噪声、增强图像对比度为主要目标,重点对微光图像实时处理系统中DSP的软件开发进行了研究。

    For remove noise from the low-light-level image effectively and improve the contrast of image , software development of DSP in the system of low-li-ght-level image real-time process is mainly researched in this paper .

  10. 实验证明此方法能更有效地消除图像噪声并得到比小波和轮廓波变换更高的PSNR。

    The proposed method can eliminate the noise effectively and provide the improved Peak Signal Noise Ratio ( PSNR ) over wavelet and contourlet transform .

  11. 基于LS-SVR的图像噪声去除算法研究

    Research on Image Noise Suppression Algorithm Based on LS-SVR

  12. 根据SAR图像噪声功率一般存在于信号小尺度,没有跨尺度特征,而目标信号的边缘具有跨尺度的特点,本文提出了一种多尺度积信号增强和去噪的SAR图像船舰目标检测算法。

    Considering the noise power exists small scale and the boundaries of target signal exist cross-scale in SAR images , we propose a novel scheme which enhances signal and removes noise based on multiscale products method to detect ship targets .

  13. 介绍了一种基于小波变换的SAR图像噪声消除方法,充分考虑噪声的统计特征,并把小波变换与空间滤波两者有机结合起来。

    This paper introduce a method based on wavelet transform for removing the noise of the SAR image , with full consideration of the statistic characteristic of the speckle noise and combination of the wavelet transform with the spatial filter .

  14. 检测量子效率(DQE)可被用来精确描述图像噪声通过成像系统的传播特性。

    The detective quantum efficiency ( DQE ) can be used to accurately describe the image noise transfer characteristics through many imaging systems .

  15. 针对中子数字成像系统中图像噪声的成因和特点,研究了一种基于DSP技术的中子辐射图像小波去噪算法研究,并在SZ-DSP实验平台上进行了仿真实验验证。

    Focused on the special characteristics of digital neutron image , one DSP-based wavelet noise removing algorithm for neutron radiography image is proposed and stimulated on the SZ-DSP experimental platform .

  16. 该算法采用变结构元多尺度广义数学形态学滤波算法滤除图像噪声,由Zernike矩定位算法得出目标轮廓的亚像素位置,用最小二乘拟合法精确获取圆目标的中心位置,并进行了实验。

    The subpixel position of circle target was obtained by Zernike moment contour subpixel location algorithm , and the circle target center position was acquired ultimately and accurately using circle fitting method based on least square method .

  17. 在Donoho提出的经典收缩阈值的基础上提出了一种新的多层阈值,并就图像噪声方差已知和未知的情况进行了研究;

    Fourthly , one new multilevel threshold is proposed based on classical shrinkage threshold proposed by Donoho , and we research the situation that image noise deviation is known and unknown ;

  18. 分析了彩色图像噪声去除应遵循的原则,并将灰度图像的TV模型延伸到彩色图像中,提出了具有一般形式的彩色图像去噪模型,并设计了其Split-Bregman算法。

    Thirdly , TV model of grayscale images is extended to color images based on analysis of principles that color image noise reduction should follow . A general model for multiplicative noise removal of color images and related Split-Bregman algorithm is designed .

  19. 基于小波域的图像噪声估计新方法

    Estimating Image Noise Based on Region Segmentation in the Wavelet Domain

  20. 微扫描对光电成像系统图像噪声的影响

    The effect of image noise in opto-electronic image system utilizing microscanning techniques

  21. 微小零件图像噪声去除的研究

    A study on taking off image noise of mini parts

  22. X光图像噪声分析及静态降噪处理

    X-Ray Image Noise Analysis and Static Noise Reducing Disposal

  23. 图像噪声去除的小波相位滤波算法

    A Wavelet Phase Filtering Algorithm for Image Noise Reduction

  24. 提出了一个新的能够同时去除图像噪声和锐化边缘的扩散方程模型。

    A new type of diffusion process simultaneously denoising and sharpening images was considered .

  25. 本文在分析图像噪声消除与细节保持相矛盾的基础上,提出了一种改进的二进小波变换图像去噪方法。

    An improved dyadic wavelet transform image de-noising method is proposed in this paper .

  26. 一种基于小波变换去除遥感图像噪声的方法

    Remote Sensing Image Denoising in the Wavelet Domain

  27. 二值图像噪声控制的算法实现

    Algorithms of Image Noise Control in Bitonal Image

  28. 图像噪声对相位变更波前传感的影响研究

    Influence of Noise to Phase Diversity Wavefront Sensing

  29. 提出了利用中值滤波法消除图像噪声的实用方法。

    A practical method of removing image noise with medium value filter was put forward .

  30. 通过中值滤波器滤除图像噪声,改善图像质量。

    Through filtering the image noise by median filter , the image quality can be improved .