
  • 网络picture viewer;Image Viewer;Photo Browser;acdsee
  1. 将手势控制方法应用到图片浏览器中,使用户摆脱了硬件的限制,直接使用自然的人手去操作软件。

    At last , the hand gesture is recognized by BP Neural network method . ( 4 ) Gesture controlling is applied in Picture Viewer , the user can use hand to control the software directly without the restriction of input devices .

  2. 包括各种时尚界面的编程,包括各种自定义控件、菜单、对话框、工具条,以及视频播放器、图片浏览器等。

    Include a variety of fashion programming interface , including custom controls , menus , dialog boxes , toolbars , and video player , photo viewer and so on .

  3. 目前市场上推出的图片浏览器不具有图文并茂和声音同步浏览、播放、收藏、自定义等功能;

    The picture browsers that the agora fetches at present do not possess the function such as the picture and word are concurrent , sound synchronous browse and broadcast , collecting , user-defined .

  4. 为满足市场对图片浏览器多功能的需求,提出自定义多媒体图片浏览系统的设计思路及多媒体图片页面制作方法。

    In order to supply the need that market need general - purpose picture browser , the paper provides the user-defined multimedia picture browsing system designing ideas and the multimedia picture page layout execution method .

  5. 最常用的是webserver-output-plugin,他允许将图片传送到网络浏览器上。

    Most popular is the webserver-output-plugin , it allows to transport the images to a viewers webbrowser .

  6. 如果要参考前一页的规格与图片,请用浏览器工具列的“上一页”按键。

    To view specifications and photos in the previous page , please use your browser 's tool buttons .

  7. 论述如何把图片上传到服务器(图片可以放在Web服务器上某一个文件夹里,也可以放在SqlServer服务器里)和如何让上传的图片在浏览器端显示出来。

    This paper presents how to upload pictures to Server ( Picture can be loaded in one of file in Web Server , and also can be loaded in SQL Server . ) and how to display the picture uploaded on the browser .