
  • 网络Researches in library science
  1. 图书馆的文化本质和图书馆学研究的文化选择

    Cultural Essence of Library and Cultural Choice of Researches in Library Science

  2. 图书馆学研究的迷途与正道

    The Wrong and Correct Paths in the Research on Library Science

  3. 图书馆学研究方法应用情况的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of the Application Situation of Library Science Study Method

  4. 图书馆学研究专门方法判断标准辨析

    Differentiation of the Judging Standard of Special Methods of Library Science

  5. 构建理论体系抑或研究现实问题&关于我国图书馆学研究的思考

    Library Science Research : Constructing Theoretical System or Studying Practicability Problem

  6. 当今图书馆学研究新态势之思考

    Pondering over the New Situation of Current Library Science Research

  7. 知识管理对现代图书馆学研究内容的创新

    Innovation Made by Knowledge Management to Study Content of Modern Library Science

  8. 浅议中国图书馆学研究的发展前景

    Discussion on the Developing Prospect of Chinese Library Science Research

  9. 知识集合初论&对图书馆学研究对象的探索

    On Knowledge Set : Exploring an Object of Library Science

  10. 关于我国对俄罗斯、东欧图书馆学研究的再认识

    On the Research to Russia and Eastern Europe Library Science in China

  11. 论图书馆学研究对象的评价体系

    Talking about the Evaluation Systems of the Research Object of Library Science

  12. 图书馆学研究对象的历史误读

    The Historical Misleading of the Studied Object of Library Science

  13. 关于我国图书馆学研究生教育改革的几点思考

    On the Reform of the Graduate Education of Library Science in China

  14. 图书馆学研究:科学主义思潮的非理性倾向

    On Library Science Research : Non-Rational Trend of Scientism Trend of Thought

  15. 现代信息技术对图书馆学研究方法的影响

    Effects of modern information technology on the research method of library science

  16. 中国图书馆学研究规范问题探讨

    Discussion on the Research Norm Problem of Libraries in China

  17. 目前应加强人文图书馆学研究。

    At present , we should strengthen the studies in humanistic library science .

  18. 载体知识信息的组织与传播&现代图书馆学研究的核心

    On Organizing and Disseminating the Carrier Knowledge and Information

  19. 我国图书馆学研究的核心著者

    The Core Authors of Library Science Research in China

  20. 刘先生是提出图书馆学研究对象是图书馆的第一人。

    Liu is the first person to discuss the objects of library science .

  21. 不断求实与发展的当代中国图书馆学研究

    Constantly Realistic and Developing Library Science Study at the Present Age in China

  22. 图书馆学研究对象的认知问题&从一元辩护到多元理解

    Library Science Study of Cognitive Problems & From Unary Defense to Multiple Understanding

  23. 图书馆学研究方法的影响因素哲学分析

    Philosophical Analysis of Factors Affecting Library Science Research Methods

  24. 瞄准学科前沿推进图书馆学研究

    Focusing on Research Frontiers , Advancing Library Science Researches

  25. 对新时期图书馆学研究方法的思考

    Considerations about the Research Methods of the Library Science in the New Period

  26. 图书馆学研究新的发展机遇期的若干特点

    On the Characteristics of Library Science Study in the New Period of Development

  27. 数字时代图书馆学研究的基本走向

    The orientation of library science in the digital times

  28. 论21世纪图书馆学研究新范式:循证图书馆学

    On the New Paradigm of the Twenty-first Century Library Science : Evidence-based Librarianship

  29. 中国图书馆学研究的成果及展望

    The Results and Prospects of China Library Science Research

  30. 图书馆学研究中理论与实践的脱节问题及对策

    The Divorce between Theory and Practice in Library Science Research and the Strategies Concerned