
wēi xìn
  • prestige;credit;cachet;popular trust;high repute;kudos;muscle
威信 [wēi xìn]
  • [prestige;high repute;credit;popular trust] 名望和信誉

  • 维护他的威信

威信[wēi xìn]
  1. 他在群众中威信很高。

    He has high prestige among the masses .

  2. 也许官僚们把威信押在一种政策上之后,他们就宁可看它失败,也不愿放弃它。

    Perhaps when enough bureaucratic prestige has been invested in a policy it is easier to see it fail than to abandon it .

  3. 他仪态威严,声音低沉,说话有威信。

    He has a commanding presence and deep , authoritative voice

  4. 刘易斯·麦肯奇将军的威信和勇气给所有人留下了深刻的印象。

    General Lewis Mackenzie has impressed everyone with his authority and personal courage

  5. 如果经济复苏了,首相的威信会迅速提高。

    If the economy turned round the Prime Minister 's authority would quickly increase .

  6. 汤姆在所有人中威信最高。

    Tom had the most authority of all .

  7. 他天生缺乏威信,根本没有能力把他的意志强加于人。

    He had no natural authority and no capacity for imposing his will on others .

  8. 一个新主管刚上任时,会希望尽快树立威信。

    When an executive comes into a new job , he wants to quickly make an impact .

  9. 这些谈话有意削弱她的威信,这样她会觉得自己在公司干不下去。

    The conversations were designed to undermine her authority so she felt that she could no longer work for the company .

  10. 他脸色苍白,皮肤较黑,颇有威信,浑身透着一种布克奖得主应有的庄重。

    He is pale , dark , and authoritative , with the gravitas you might expect of a Booker prize winner .

  11. 他在地面儿上很有威信。

    He is highly prestigious among the local people .

  12. 2.erosionn.腐蚀,侵蚀他们不得不面对总统的威信日渐丧失的局面。

    They had to face the steady erosion of the president 's credibility .

  13. 两所学校最终一致认为,里斯本mba课程两者都可以做到,而斯隆的牌子还可以增加他们的威信。

    The two schools ultimately agreed the Lisbon MBA project could provide both , with the added cachet of the Sloan imprimatur .

  14. 2003年9月坎昆会议破裂以后,多哈回合谈判陷入僵局,WTO的威信和多边贸易体制的前景受到挑战。

    Especially the break down of Cancun meeting in September 2003 made the negotiation reaching to a deadlock . The prestige of WTO and the prospect of multilateral trade system were challenged .

  15. 孕妈妈、新晋妈妈使用育儿SNS获得满足程度最高的是获得社会威信和满足感。

    The highest gratification of pregnant mothers and new mothers is to gain social prestige and satisfaction through the use of child rearing SNS .

  16. 如今,在所有国际论坛中,只有g20被认为具备确保类似危机不会重演的影响力、威信和能力。

    Today , the G20 is recognised as the only international forum with the influence , authority and ability to ensure that such a crisis never occurs again .

  17. 日本首相福田康夫(yasuofukuda)的领导威信昨日遭受沉重打击,他提名的日本央行(bankofjapan)继任人选第二次遭到否决。

    Yasuo Fukuda , Japanese Prime Minister , suffered a serious blow to his leadership yesterday when his choice for a new governor of the Bank of Japan was rejected for a second time .

  18. 在离开美联储后不久、继任者本•伯南克(BenBernanke)还没有建立威信之前,格林斯潘就开始谈论美国经济,这种做法令人皱眉,但他没有违反任何规定。

    Talking about the US economy so soon after leaving the central bank , and before his successor , Ben Bernanke , had established himself , raised eyebrows , but he breached no rules in doing so .

  19. 因此,深入研究加入WTO后加强党的建设问题,对于进一步提高和巩固党在人民心目中的威信和地位,实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , after the research joins WTO to strengthen the party the construction question , regarding further enhances and the consolidated party 's in people 's mind prestige and the status , achieves the comprehensive construction well-off society 's grand goal to have the extremely vital significance .

  20. 科技期刊编辑要树立威信

    Comments on building up the prestige of editors of scientific journals

  21. 你需要树立威信来管住学生。

    You need a rule to keep the students in control .

  22. 并且,这是一种片段不全的威信;

    It is , moreover , a piecemeal and partial authority ;

  23. 我们党是执政的党,威信很高。

    Our party is the ruling party and enjoys high prestige .

  24. 我们将快乐建立在金钱、成功和威信之上。

    We equate money , success , and prestige with happiness .

  25. 青年体育教师如何树立威信

    How the young P.E. masters can build their prestige in teaching

  26. 她的正直使他在公众中树立了威信。

    Her honesty helps to retain his prestige in the public .

  27. 她的威信建立在镇定自若和意志坚强上。

    Her authority was based on inner calm and strong nerves .

  28. 这个教师在学生中树立了威信。

    The teacher has established an influence over his pupils .

  29. 以高尚的品格感染学生,树立人格威信。如此,才能实现对学生的有效教育教学和管理。

    Nevertheless , the effective teaching and management of students can achieved .

  30. 总统不愿在全国人民面前降低自己的威信。

    E.g.The president is not willing to abase himself before the nation .