
  • 网络Chinese Local Chronicles;Chinese Local Records
  1. 第三部分写了美国学者对中国地方志的研究情况。

    In the third part of the United States to China scholar wrote the research situation of the Chinese local Chronicles .

  2. 最后一部分我分析了他们为什么对中国地方志下了这么大的功夫呢?只有更好的了解对方,取长补短,我们才能够不断进步,更好的促进中国地方志的研究事业更上一层楼。

    The last part of I analyzed their why China under the Chinese local Chronicles so much effort ? Only better understanding of each other , and learn from each other , we can progress constantly , improve the Chinese local Chronicles studies Chinese business to the next level .

  3. 作为一种生态现象,麦客至少在明清时的中国地方志中就有记载。

    As an ecological phenomenon , wheat men were recorded in local chronicles at least as early as the Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  4. 第二部分写了美国学者对中国地方志的整理情况,主要是有哪些目录书著述的。

    The second part of the United States to China scholar wrote the sorting of editing , major is what catalog of writings .

  5. 第四部分写了美国学者对中国地方志的利用情况,主要是在专著和博士论文中的利用情况。

    The fourth part wrote American scholars to China the condition of using the local chorography , mainly in the book and the PhD thesis of the using .

  6. 在国内,把火炬传递人员和火炬传递所经过的城市,以及火炬传递的精神实质加在一起,就是一个全方位的中国地方志,有人文地理、也有风土人情、更有历史文化。

    At home , the Olympic torch passes cities in China , which concretes the Chinese spirit , the invincible spirit . Besides , it also waves human , customs , history and culture into one .

  7. 河南省地处中原,是华夏文明的主要发祥地之一,也是中国地方志起源、形成和发展的重要地区,修志历史源远流长,方志文化积淀丰厚。

    Henan Province is located in central area , is one of main original areas of Huaxia civilization , and a main areas of Chinese original , construction development , and the history of compilation has been very long , a plenty of gazetteers have been produced in Henan Province .

  8. 由中国古代地方志学科属性问题引发的反思

    Rethinking of the Discipline of the Chorography of Ancient China

  9. 以期更好的更全面的去了解他们如何看待中国的地方志。

    In order to better the more comprehensive to understand how they think about China the Chinese local Chronicles .

  10. 作为具有中国特色的地方志文献,具有极高的收藏和研究价值。

    With Chinese characteristics , the Chinese local Chronicles has high collection and research value .

  11. 根据中国史书和地方志中的记载,1533年10月23&11月4日出现的狮子座流星雨,是历史上最盛大的一次流星雨过程。

    According to historical records and local chronicles , the period from Oct. 23 through Nov. 4 of 1533 witnesses the grandest Leo shower in history .

  12. 本文搜集中国史书和地方志记载的32次英仙座流星雨的资料,首先对这些资料进行认证、校订和说明,其中有3条是笔者最新发现的。

    The data on32 times of perseids-September meteors are gathered from history books and local chronicles of China these data are identified firstly , three items among these data are discovered by the author recently .

  13. 上海出版了中国第一本地方妇女志&《上海妇女志》。

    China 's first local record on women , Record of Women of Shanghai , was published in Shanghai .

  14. 方志尽管不是中国特有的文化,但在世界范围内,中国的地方志编修时间最久、最成体系积累数量也最多。

    The contents of the Chronicles is not restricted to the traditional culture of Chinese characteristics , however , in comparison with others of the world , its editing period is the longest , its structure is the most systematic and its volume is the most abundant .

  15. 不仅仅在中国被当作国宝,远在大洋彼岸的美国更是对中国的地方志情有独钟。

    Not just in China as a national treasure , the other side of the far more of the Chinese local Chronicles of the Chinese have a special liking .