
  1. 核燃料棒~(235)U富集度均匀性扫描装置中的中子慢化系统计算

    Neutron Moderation Calculation for Nuclear Fuel Rod Scanner

  2. 对VC中子类化技术的探讨

    Discussion of the subdivision technology in VC

  3. 中子慢化材料特性研究

    Research on Characteristic of Neutron Moderating Material

  4. 中子单色化新方法

    A new method of neutron monochromatization

  5. 氢化锆因具备诸多作为反应堆中子慢化材料的优点,有着良好的应用前景。

    Zirconium hydride has excellent practical prospects due to its properties as neutron-moderator material in nuclear reaction piles .

  6. 4种金属对中子慢化能力由强到弱的顺序依次为:钨、铁、铅、铋;

    Sorted by the moderating capabilities , the four metals are W , Fe , Pb and Bi .

  7. 针对概念设计中采用的两相虹吸氢回路系统,使用氟里昂113进行了1:1的模化试验研究,确定了中子慢化室含气率、热虹吸系统循环能力及各部件的初步结构形式和尺寸。

    In order to determine the void fraction in neutron moderator , the circulation ability of the two-phase hydrogen thermal siphon system , and the structure of components of the CNS , the mockup test was performed using Freon-113 as working fluid .

  8. 我国国债问题的实证研究现代汉语中子的语法化分析

    A Case Study of the Grammaticalization of Zi in Chinese

  9. 中子在慢化器中碰撞冷却的过程,同时也存在中子的吸收作用。

    Neutrons collide in the moderator ; meanwhile , absorption process also exists .

  10. 提高核压力容器中子辐射脆化断裂韧性监测可靠性的新方法

    A New Method for Improving the Reliability of Fracture Toughness Surveillance of Nuclear Pressure Vessel by Neutron Irradiated Embrittlement

  11. 在核压力容器钢的中子辐照脆化评价中,断口剪切面积百分比是一个重要的参数。

    : Percent shear fracture appearance is an important factor to evaluate neutron irradiation embrittlement of nuclear pressure vessel steel .

  12. 首先通过横向积分将中子扩散方程化为三个互相耦合的一维偏通量方程。

    First , the neutron diffusion equation is converted to three coupled one dimensional partial flux equation through transverse integration .

  13. 在设备老化机理中,关键问题是中子辐照脆化、腐蚀损伤、疲劳及磨损。

    On ageing mechanism of these components , the critical problems are neutron irradiation embrittlement , corrosion damage , fatigue and erosion .

  14. 根据球体内随深度变化时中子的慢化程度有所差异,按两两垂直的方法把三个位置灵敏正比计数器安装在一个慢化球体内。

    Based on the difference of the neutron distribution in the moderator , three position sensitive proportional counters which are perpendicular each other are inserted into the moderator .

  15. 分析表明,中子辐照脆化、腐蚀损伤、疲劳及磨损引起核电厂不可更换部件及更换困难部件的老化、降级是制约或极大程度影响电厂寿命的关键问题。

    The results show that neutron radiation embrittlement , corrosion damage , fatigue and wear are the key issues which cause aging or degradation of un replaceable or difficultly replaceable components .

  16. PAAS/PVA凝胶颗粒具有柔软的质地及较高的溶胀度和溶胀速率。结论:?1.PVA/PEO水凝胶材料可作为金属离子等辐射屏蔽物质的载体,为进一步研究中子屏蔽慢化复合材料提供了新的途径。

    The PAAS / PVA gels has the good quality and higher rate of swelling . Conclusion : PVA / PEO hydrogel materials can be used as the carrier of neutron radiation shielding material , it provides new evidence to further study the neutron shielding and slowing compound materials .

  17. 一种适用于低产额脉冲中子测量的铜活化探测器研究

    Study of a Kind of Copper Activation Detector for Low-yield Pulse Neutron Measurement

  18. 聚乙烯-碘化铯中子阴极的最佳化

    The optimization of a polyethylene CSI neutron cathode

  19. 小型中子照相装置慢化体的研究

    The study of the moderator used in the small-size neutron radiography facility volume graphics body image depression

  20. 该系统用于将来自于反应堆堆芯的中子束进行慢化处理,使其速度降低,密度增加,获得冷中子。

    The principle of CNS is that high-gain cold neutron is obtained by decreasing the velocity and increasing the density of neutron beams which produced from reactor core moderator .

  21. 为了推断中子慢化剂液氢中气化氢气泡的上升速度及影响因素,选取合适的工质进行了含气率的模拟实验。

    To predict the rising velocity of hydrogen gas and the influencing factors , a suitable working fluid was determined for experimental simulation on the vold fraction of hydrogen in a neutron moderator .

  22. 铅基材料具有中子吸收和慢化能力弱、熔点低、沸点高、化学稳定性好等优点,铅基反应堆已成为第四代反应堆及加速器驱动系统的主要发展方向。

    Lead-based material has advantages of weak neutron absorption and moderation ability , low melting point , high boiling point , good chemical stability , lead-based reactor has become the main development direction of the fourth generation reactors and accelerator driven systems .

  23. d-D和d-T中子源中子照相慢化准直屏蔽系统模拟设计

    Simulation Design on Beam Shaping Assembly for Neutron Radiography Based d-D and d-T Neutron Source

  24. 小型中子源14MeV中子慢化体结构的研究(Ⅰ)

    A study of the moderator structure used in a small-size 14 MeV neutron source (ⅰ)

  25. 一种降低CARR堆冷中子源氢系统中子慢化室内含气率的方法

    Method to Reduce Void Fraction in the Neutron Moderator Cell of CARR CNS

  26. 如中国散裂中子源选用液态甲烷作为低能中子的慢化器材料之一。

    For instant , China Spallation Neutron Source uses liquid methane as material of one of the moderators .

  27. 对于核燃料棒235U富集度均匀性扫描装置,为了合理有效地利用252Cf中子源,提高检测灵敏度,需要合理选择中子慢化材料,优化中子慢化过程。

    In order to use ~ ( 252 ) Cf source effectively and improve testing sensitivity of the nuclear fuel scanner , appropriate moderation material should be selected carefully , and the process of neutron moderation should be optimized .

  28. 本文介绍用于双转子广角热中子散射飞行时间谱仪中的双转子型中子束脉冲化单色化装置的控制系统,阐述了控制器方案设计及性能指标。

    A control system for the apparatus of acquiring a pulsed and monochromatic neutron beam in the double choppers and wide angle neutron scattering time-of-f light spectrometer was introduced in this paper , Its design scheme and specifications were also provided .

  29. 选择增殖区的氚增殖剂和中子倍增剂分层分布方案,建立了20°对称D型轮胎环全堆计算模型,对聚变中子源分布离散化处理。

    A 20 ° symmetric D shape torus global reactor model was used for the calculations with the fusion neutron source distribution treated discretely .