
  • 网络toxic concentration
  1. Cd对各种生物有机体具有潜在的毒性,能引起人类诸多疾病。由于具有高的移动性和低的中毒浓度,Cd是环境中最危险的重金属之一。

    This trace metal is a pollutant and potential toxin that has no known function in any biological organism , and is one of the most dangerous heavy metals for the environment due to its high mobility and low toxic concentration in organisms .

  2. 结果:MTT法测得Vero细胞对知母宁的最大耐受浓度与半数中毒浓度(TC50)分别为0.29与3.66mg·ml-1。

    Result : By assay of MTT method , Vero cells ' maximal tolerant concentration and the median toxic concentration ( TC 50 ) to chinonin was 0.29 and 3.66 mg / ml , respectively .

  3. 目的:考察苯妥英钠中毒浓度与下肢运动障碍间的相关性。

    Objective : To study the correlation between phenytoin poisoning and the impediment to leg activity .

  4. 青蒿素和苦参碱在鱼中毒浓度下对指环虫仍然没有杀灭效果。

    At the fish - poisoned concentration , artemisinin and matrine still did not show killing effect .

  5. 浊度法测定驱油用聚合物浓度反应时间的确定半中毒浓度暴露时间里

    Determination of the Reaction Time for the Concentration Measurement of the Polymer Flooding Reagent by the Turbidimetry

  6. 从砷的来源、中毒浓度及其危害等方面对目前研究现状进行了综述。

    In this paper , the current status of research on this subject is generalized from aspects such as : source of arsenic , poisoning concentrations , and its detriment .

  7. 结论HP治疗能清除体内的毒鼠强,临床诊断不能够单纯凭借血中毒鼠强浓度进行诊断、治疗,应该结合临床症状统一考虑。

    Conclusion Hemoperfusion can adsorb tetramine from the blood of tetramine poisoning , and the blood concentration of tetramine is not the only sign for diagnosis and treatment .

  8. 急性口服甲醇中毒血甲醇浓度与代谢性酸中毒的关系

    The relationship between blood methanol and metabolic acidosis in oral methanol poisoning

  9. 地高辛超过中毒血药浓度的原因探讨

    The Analysis of the Toxic Cause of Digoxin 's Blood Concentration beyond the Lowest Toxic Concentration

  10. 对血中毒鼠强浓度及癫痫发作次数与血清心肌酶浓度作相关分析。

    The interrelation between concentration of tetermine in blood , the number of epileptic attack and serum cardiac enzymes .

  11. 当饮水过量,跑步者发生水中毒,电解质浓度超过人体的上限。

    Water intoxication happens when a runner drinks so much water that the balance of electrolytes is increased beyond the limits of the human body .

  12. 保持作业场所良好的通风状态,确保作业场所职业中毒危害因素浓度符合国家职业卫生标准;

    To keep the workplaces in good ventilation conditions , and ensure that the concentration of factors of occupational poisoning hazards in the workplaces meet the national occupational health standards ;

  13. 结果表明:地高辛中毒与治疗浓度间的界限大致为1.8ng/ml,最佳治疗范围0.6~1.4ng/ml。

    The main results are as follows : The limit between toxic and therapeutic digoxin serum concentration was about 1.8ng / ml ; the optimum treatment area seemed to be in the range of 0.6-1.4ng/ml .

  14. 中毒组平均Dp浓度虽显著高于非中毒,但两组病人之间存在有明显交叉重叠。

    Mean Dp concentration in toxic group significantly raised compared to non-toxic group , but the overlap between two groups was markedly .

  15. 研究表明:在30min吸入中毒期间,中毒浓度具有良好的浓度稳定性;

    The results showed that the exposure concentrations were very stable within 30 min inhalation exposure period .

  16. 方法:入院当天对18例中毒者进行毒鼠强浓度测定,并分别于2h及3、5、7、14、21d抽血进行心肌酶谱测定。

    Methods : The plasma TEM of 18 patients were measured on the admission day ; the myocardial enzyme spectrum were measured at 2 h , and on 3,5,7,14 and 21 d of the hospitalization .

  17. 纳络酮对100例乙醇中毒患者血清乙醇浓度的影响

    Effects of naloxone on serum concentration of alcohol in 100 cases

  18. 薄层色谱扫描法检测普罗帕酮中毒者血药浓度

    Identification of propafenone in serum of poisoning case by TLC scanning

  19. 洋地黄中毒的血药浓度与临床分析

    Serum concentrations of digitalis toxication and clinical analysis

  20. 氯丙嗪中毒的血药浓度跟踪检测及其吸附特性

    A study of the following up blood drug concentration determination and their absorption characteristics in cases of chlorpromazine poisoning treated with the active carbon HP

  21. 通过对中毒易患因素及血药浓度测定值的分析,认为Digoxin浓度正常不能排除药物中毒可能,Digoxin浓度单项测定不能作为诊断药物中毒的惟一指标。

    After susceptible factors of digitalism and blood drug concentrations were analyzed , it was suggested that the digitalism could not be ruled out by normal blood digoxin levels and that , measurement of digoxin concentrations could not be considered as an exclusive item diagnosing digitalism .