
  • 网络neutron spectrum
  1. SSNTD快中子能谱测量解谱技术研究

    Studies on Unfolding of Fast Neutron Spectrum Measured with SSNTD

  2. 并用MCNP程序模拟了在高压倍加器的实验条件下的散射中子能谱,进而计算了低能散射中子引起的修正量。

    The incident neutron spectrum at the experimental condition has been simulated with the code MCNP , and the scattering neutron influence has been calculated with the spectrum .

  3. 通过测量充纯氘燃料靶丸的次级中子能谱,可以给山高压缩状态卜的ρR。

    ρ R in high compression state can be given by measuring the secondary neutron spectrum of pure deuterium fuel implosion .

  4. 概述了大、中型托卡马克在D-D和D-T运行条件下聚变中子能谱和强度的测量的最新方法;推介了几种最新的聚变中子探测器和能谱仪及活化分析方法;

    The detection methods , detectors and spectrometers of D-D and D-T fusion neutron have been overviewed in large tokamaks .

  5. 建立了由聚乙烯、铅和CR-39组成的叠层探测器探测各向同性中子能谱模型,计算了叠层探测器对各向同性中子的能量响应。

    The neutron response function of combination detector consisted of polyethylene 、 lead and CR-39 for CR-39 is calculated .

  6. 由活化测量数据求解中子能谱的CRYSTAL-BALL方法

    Crystal-ball Method for Unfolding Neutron Spectra by Activation Measurement

  7. 采用活化法研究了CFBR-II堆中子能谱、中子注量分布和辐照样品对中子场的扰动。

    The neutron fluence and neutron spectra of CFBR-II ( China Fast Burst Reactor II ) has been measured by the foils activation technique .

  8. 同时,通过次级中子能谱,还能分析影响ICF内爆的各种物理过程,达到了解各种内爆中靶丸的压缩程度、燃料的燃烧情况和优化各种靶及黑腔的设计的目的。

    And , by measuring the secondary neutron energy spectrum , we can analyze various physical processes which can influence the ICF implosion , to understand the various implosion target compression and the combustion of fuels , to optimize the design of various targets and black cavity .

  9. 由于热柱孔道内有一个50cm长的硅过滤器,所以中子能谱偏离典型的麦克斯韦分布。

    The result shows that the neutron energy spectrum is quite different from a typical Maxwell distribution . This is because that there is a silicon filter of 50 cm long inside the hole of the thermal column .

  10. 通过对脉冲反应堆辐照腔中子能谱的测量计算,总结了提高SAND-II解谱准确性的主要途径。

    By measuring and calculating the neutron spectra in exposure room of Pulsed Reactor , the main ways to improve the accuracy of the solution spectra with SAND-II have summarized .

  11. 本文报导了用Be过滤探测器谱仪对金属氢化物ZrH(1.66)和TiH(1.92)的非弹性散射中子能谱的测量结果,以及根据A。

    Inelastic scattered neutron spectra of metal hydrides ZrH_ ( 1.66 ) and TiH_ ( 1.92 ) have been measured by beryllium filter detector spectrometer and their phonon spectra have been deduced from the neutron spectra according to the A.

  12. 固体径迹探测器在中子能谱测量中的应用

    Application of solid state track detectors in measurement of neutron spectrum

  13. 并且给出角分布和次级中子能谱。

    Angular distributions and energy spectra of secondary neutron are also given .

  14. 核弹头泄露中子能谱的蒙特卡罗计算

    Neutron Spectrum Computed with Monte Carlo Method of Nuclear Warhead

  15. 重水反应堆热柱中子能谱测量

    Measurement of neutron energy spectrum at thermal column of heavy water reactor

  16. 蒙特卡罗方法在中子能谱研究中的应用

    Application of Monte-Carlo Method on Measurement of Neutron Energy Spectrum

  17. 气体放电装置中的中子能谱测量

    Measurement of neutron energy spectra from the gas discharge facility

  18. 辐射防护领域中子能谱测量的发展与现状

    Development and Status of Neutron Spectrometry for Radiation Protection

  19. 叠层式固体径迹探测器测量快中子能谱影响因素的研究

    Studies on Influence on the Fast Neutron Spectrum Measurement with SSNTD Radiator Degrader

  20. 用~6Li半导体谱仪测量临界装置中子能谱

    Neutron spectra measurement in a fast critical assembly with ~ 6li-semiconductor sandwich spectrometer

  21. 重核裂变瞬发中子能谱的蒸发模型理论

    The evaporation model theory for the fission prompt neutron spectrum of heavy nuclei

  22. 用标准的飞行时间方法测量中子能谱。

    The neutron energy spectra were measured , using standard pulsed-beam time-of-flight methods .

  23. 根据重离子反应出射中子能谱计算中子屏蔽

    Calculation of neutron shielding with the emitted neutron spectrum of heavy ion reaction

  24. 一种测量次级中子能谱的新方法

    A new method to measure secondary neutron spectra

  25. 氢化锆慢化介质中的热中子能谱

    Thermal neutron spectrum of zirconium hydride moderator

  26. 飞行时间法测量脉冲堆热柱孔道热中子能谱

    Thermal Neutron Spectrum in Thermal Column of Pulse Reactor Measured Techniques With Time of Flight Method

  27. 利用过零时间法n-γ甄别的快中子能谱仪

    A Fast Neutron Spectrometer Utilizing Cross - over Timing Method for n - γ Pulse Shape Discrimination

  28. 在中子能谱测量中单球三计数器的另一种设计

    Another design for a sphere and three position - sensitive counters in the neutron energy spectrum measurement

  29. 结合临近空间大气中子能谱、器件单粒子翻转截面的仿真计算结果,能够计算临近空间飞行器上使用的器件在飞行过程中的翻转率。

    Combination of the near space atmospheric neutron spectra and the SEU cross section , the SEU rate during the entire flight can be evaluated .

  30. 对超强激光与等离子体相互作用过程中发生的氘-氘反应的中子能谱进行了计算。

    The neutron spectrum of D-D reaction in ultraintense laser-plasma interaction is calculated . From the result of above tests , optimal reaction solution was obtained .