
  • 网络Personal dosimeter;TLD
  1. n-γ混合场监测用的新型个人剂量计

    A new TLD for personnal dosimetry in n - γ mixed field

  2. KF-606型个人剂量计在某铀矿的应用

    Application of Personal Dosimeter KF-606 in a Uranium Mine

  3. 在ICRU球体上检验个人剂量计

    Testing of personnel dosimeter on ICRU sphere

  4. IAEA-RCA个人剂量计国际比对结果和讨论

    The results and discussion of intercomparison of personal dosimeters in iaea-rca

  5. 1998年以来,核工业第六研究所将自行研制的KF-606型个人剂量计,应用于某铀矿工人的个人剂量监测,获得了常规应用的经验。

    Since 1998 , the passive personal dosimeter ( Model KF 606 , developed in RIUM ) has come into routine use in an uranium mine .

  6. 直读式快中子个人剂量计转换屏的设计

    The converter design of a real time personnel fast neutron dosimeter

  7. 个人剂量计校准装置及其性能试验

    The Calibration Equipment for Personal Dose Meter and Its Performance Test

  8. 本文介绍一种个人剂量计校准装置。

    A calibration equipment for personal dose meter is described .

  9. 1983年个人剂量计照射量比对结果

    Personal storage the intercomparison of personnel dosemeter exposures in 1983

  10. 受体对个人剂量计光子能量响应的影响

    Effects of receptor on photon energy RESPONSE-OF personnel dosimeter

  11. 个人剂量计的校准技术和质量控制

    Calibration and Quality Control for Personnel Dose Meter

  12. 系统硬件主要包括个人剂量计和读出器。

    The hardware includes personal dosimeters and Readers .

  13. 移动式个人剂量计旋转校准照射系统,是专门为个人剂量计(仪)校准照射设计的。

    An automatic rotating system designed especially for calibration of personal dosimeters is introduced .

  14. 个人剂量计刻度方法研究

    Approach for the calibration of personnal dosemeter

  15. 该实验室和国内几家实验室的热释光个人剂量计比对结果在±4%以内很好符合。

    The dosimeters comparison results with other laboratory in China are agreed within + 4 % .

  16. 个人剂量计随着电子技术的发展趋向小型智能化。

    With the development of electronic technology , there is a trend towards being more small compacted and smart .

  17. 反照中子个人剂量计的体积小,使用方便,易于测量,越来越为人们所乐于采用。

    Albedo neutron personnel dosimeter has been more and more widely used due toits small volume and easy in measurement .

  18. 提出了热释光个人剂量计的设计原则,其中包括无鉴别躯干剂量计、有鉴别躯干剂量计等;

    The design principles of thermoluminescence personal dosimeter , including undifferential trunk dosimeter and differential trunk dosimeter , are proposed .

  19. 着重从热释光个人剂量计的使用、监测方法及数据处理、质量保证和剂量数据评价等方面进行描述,指出存在问题,提出对今后个人剂量监测工作改进的一些想法和建议。

    The viewpoints and proposals for improving personal dose monitoring in the future are presented on the basis of the present problems .

  20. 读出器作为个人剂量计与中央管理微机之问的智能接口是研究的重点。

    As the intelligent interface between a personal dosimeter and the central management PC , the reader is the focus of the research .

  21. 以及对热释光探测器的选择、外壳的确定,热释光个人剂量计的编码、分类和使用方法。

    The selection of thermoluminescence detector , determination of the outer case , and coding , classfication and usage of the thermoluminescence personal dosimeter are described .

  22. 国际标准化组织核能标准化委员会辐射防护分委员会(ISO/TC85/SC2)最近编制了几个有关弱贯穿辐射监测的标准,其中ISO127942000规定了肢端和眼睛热释光个人剂量计的性能要求和试验方法;

    The Radiation Protection Subcommittee of International Organization for Standardization ( ISO / TC85 / SC2 ) has developed a number of standards in relation to monitoring of weakly penetrating radiation and monitoring dosimeter of itself .

  23. 介绍了鉴别式热释光个人剂量计的性能。包括剂量计结构、实验方法、体模反散射、能量响应和角响应以及能量鉴别和剂量刻度。

    The composition , experiment method , Back scattering of slab phantom , energy response , directional response , energy discrimination method of radiation and dose calibration method of discriminating thermoluminescence personal dosimeter were presented in this paper .

  24. 从参加比对的个人剂量计看,它从简单型提高到多功能型,从只能测量照射量到可以测出不同能量下的射线剂量、剂量当量。

    In view of personal dosimeters used in the intercomparison , they are improved from the simple types to the multifunctional types and from measuring only exposures to measuring the dose and dose equivalent of the rays with different energies .

  25. CR-39塑料反冲径迹个人中子剂量计

    A personnel neutron dosimeter using CR-39 plastic recoil tracks

  26. 本文叙述了一种用于测量中子剂量的直接相互作用型的CR-39塑料反冲径迹个人中子剂量计。

    In the paper a personnel neutron dosimeter based on a CR-39 plastic track detector registering heavy recoils and alpha particles is described .

  27. GB/T14959-1994个人中子剂量计的性能要求与刻度(中子能量小于20MeV)

    Requirements of characteristics and calibration for personal neutron dosimeters ( neutron energies less than 20MeV )

  28. 热释光个人中子剂量计的刻度及性能试验

    Calibration and performance test of thermoluminescent neutron dosemeters for personal neutron dose monitoring

  29. 本文简单介绍了直读式个人中子剂量计的发展动态,在参考比较的基础上,提出了快中子剂量计转换屏设计方案。

    Based on the references and analysis , The primary design of the Converter which is a thin layer of polyethylene for fast neutron dosimeter is founded .

  30. 阐述了CR-39SSNTD实现热中子测量的机理,介绍了热中子CR-39SSNTD的制造方法及其在个人中子剂量计中的初步应用。

    The theory of thermal neutron measurement using CR-39 SSNTD is described . The method of making thermal neutron CR-39 SSNTD and its preliminary application for personal dose monitoring are introduced .