
  • 网络personal digital library
  1. 基于CNKI文献的我国个人数字图书馆的文献计量分析

    The Bibliometric Analysis of Personal Digital Library in China Based on the CNKI 's Documents

  2. e-Science时代的PDL个人数字图书馆

    Personal Digital Library in e-Science Era

  3. E时代的精神家园&个人数字图书馆

    E-era 's Spirit Eden-Personal Digital Library

  4. 个人数字图书馆是根据自我需要,自建自用的e时代的私人藏书楼,是个人信息管理的利器。

    The individual digital library is the self-built and self-used private storage building in the e-age based on the self-requirements .

  5. P2P网络下个人数字图书馆资源共享中个人隐私及知识产权保护方法

    Protection of Personal Privacy and Intellectual Property during the Sharing of Personal Digital Library under the Centralized P2P Networks

  6. MyOpenDL:一个基于OAI的个人数字图书馆

    MyOpenDL : An OAI-based Personal Digital Library

  7. 个人数字图书馆与信息用户培训

    The Individual Digital Library and the Training of the Information Client

  8. 云计算;个人数字图书馆;信息资源;

    Cloud Computing ; Personal Digital Library ; Information Resource ;

  9. 个人数字图书馆是数字信息环境的产物。

    Personal digital library is the product of the digital information environment .

  10. 个人数字图书馆是继公共数字图书馆之后出现的又一新事物。

    Personal digital libraries are newly emerging things following after public digital libraries .

  11. 个人数字图书馆服务初探

    On the Service of the Individual Digital Library

  12. 高校个人数字图书馆的构建

    The construction of personal digital library in colleges

  13. 个人数字图书馆研究综述

    A Survey of Personal Digital Library Study

  14. 在数字图书馆、个人数字图书馆研究已经取得一定进展的今天,笔者认为,构建图书馆个人数字空间正是泛在知识环境下图书馆开展个性化服务十分有益的尝试。

    Today , the research about digital library and personal digital library has made some progress .

  15. 个人数字图书馆的出现与发展,在图书馆事业发展史上和图书馆事业研究领域具有重要的创新意义。

    The forming and development of private digital library are of important innovative significance in the development and study of library .

  16. 在信息用户培训过程中应重点讲授个人数字图书馆的构建步骤。

    In the course of the training of the information clients , should lay stress on lecturing the procedures of constructing the individual digital library .

  17. 个人数字图书馆的广泛创设,不仅涉及他人作品的版权保护,而且也涉及创设者自身有关作品的版权保护问题。

    The widespread creation of personal digital libraries not only involves copyright protection for others'works , and also involves copyright protection for the creators'own works .

  18. 论文介绍了一种新型的搜索引擎&中华搜索宝,在总结其特点的基础上论述了其在个人数字图书馆和虚拟图书馆建设过程中的可能应用。

    This paper introduces a new search engine-CHINASSB , summarizes its characteristics , discusses its application in the construction of personal digital libraries and virtual libraries .

  19. 对近年来关于个人数字图书馆的各种观点、与个人数字图书馆相关的各种问题及其实践等方面的研究进行了综述,认为个人数字图书馆在未来将得到长足的发展。

    This paper summarizes various views of personal digital library in recent years , and points out that the personal digital library will get considerable development in the future .

  20. 个人数字图书馆教育在网络信息环境下成为信息用户培训的一项重要内容是必要的,也是可行的。

    It is necessary and feasible that the education of the individual digital library becomes one of the important contents of the training of the information clients under the network environment .

  21. 因此,把个人数字图书馆的功能局限于对个人的信息资源的管理是不够的,应该提升到个人知识管理的层面。

    So , it is not enough to limit the function of personal digital library to information resources management , and it should ascend to the level of personal knowledge management .

  22. 分析高校构建个人数字图书馆的必要性和可行性,并说明个人数字图书馆的构建要素、个人数字图书馆中信息的组织形式以及个人数字图书馆的维护。

    This article analyses the necessity and feasibility of the constitution of personal digital libraries in colleges , and explains the elements , the organization forms and the maintenance of personal digital libraries .

  23. 本文探讨了个人数字图书馆及其创建的必要性,分析了相关软件的现状,并对个人数字图书馆软件的研制和发展提出了一些看法。

    The paper discusses the definition of personal digital library and the necessity of its creation , analyses its present situation of some relevant software , puts forward some ideas about its development .

  24. 基于对它的关注,本文分析了个人数字图书馆的概念、特点,探讨了它与公共数字图书馆协调发展的模式及它所涉及的知识产权问题。

    The article analyzes the concept , feature , and function of personal digital libraries and discusses their model in cooperation with public digital libraries , and the issue of intellectual property as well .

  25. 介绍了个人数字图书馆中个人文档的组成元素及模式,个人数字图书馆中信息的组织形式,以及通过积极阅读实现信息的增值服务

    This paper introduces the element of personal document and personal document model and the organizing form in personal digital library and realizes added-values information service by active reading . Personal digital library Personal document Active reading

  26. 数字化信息社会的发展,使个人数字图书馆的建成成为可能,了解其概念、种类、作用和运行对于建立个人数字图书馆有着十分重要的意义。

    For digitize information society developing quickly , to make it to establish individual digital library become possible , to understanding its concept , class , function and performance have very important meaning for establish personal digital library .

  27. 如何建立个人数字图书馆,应具备什么样的知识,怎样运行和维护,以及解决用户面对的问题和寻求相应的对策是建立个人数字图书馆的关键。

    How to establish personal digital library , what should have the knowledge , how to operation and maintain , as well as solve the problem that user faces and seek countermeasure is the key of establishment personal of digital library .

  28. 阐述了构建个人数字图书馆的意义以及构建个人数字图书馆应遵循的原则,介绍了几种适合构建个人数字图书馆的全文数据库管理软件。

    This paper expounds the significance of constructing the individual digital library , describes the principles that should be followed in the construction of the individual digital library , and introduces several full-text database management software fitting in with the construction of the individual digital library .

  29. 网络环境下著作权权合理使用制度存在许多新问题,其中典型的是个人使用、数字图书馆、远程教学、技术保护措施与合理使用之间的冲突。

    Under the network environment , fair use has a lot of new problems . The conflicts between personal use , digital library , long-distance education , technological protective measure and fair use is the most representative problems .

  30. 然而,随着信息的爆炸,个人已无法拥有所有的信息,因此个人数字图书馆的资源共享就显得尤为重要。

    However , with the explosion of information , individuals can no longer have all the information , and personal digital libraries ' resource-sharing is particularly important .