
  1. 随着这个社会快速的发展、生活需求的日益提高以及个人素质修养的日趋完善,对于大众和期待着享受生活的人群来说,他们急切盼望着拥有自己的爱情和一个美好的家庭。

    With the rapid development of society , the increasing demand for the personal qualities , they are eagerly looking forward to have their own love and a wonderful family for the public to enjoy life .

  2. 虽然这种盲目崇拜要坚决剔除,但我们不能全盘否定古代司法青天的个人素质修养,其中有许多好的品质值得我们学习。

    Although the blind worship for the " Qing Tian " must be rejected stoutly , but we can not totally negated the personal quality of those ancient honest and upright judicial officials and they have many good character which worth everyone to learn .

  3. 诗歌翻译的允准条件牵涉到译者在具体翻译过程中采取的态度及做出的各种选择,这与翻译伦理所关注的译者个人的素质修养及翻译活动中各行为主体之间的伦理关系密不可分。

    The licensing conditions of poetry translation are related with translators ' attitudes and all the choices they make during translation process , which are inseparable from the focuses of translation ethics , namely , translators ' quality and accomplishment , the ethical relations among the subjects of translation activity .