
  • Personal Profile;Biography
  1. 正因如此,网站告诫大众:你在Linkedin上的个人简介同时也是你的一张个人名片,所以不要做无用功。

    For that reason , the site caution s : Your Linkedin profile is your professional brand , so make it count .

  2. 周二,国有媒体《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)刊登了34岁的应急机动作战部队女飞行员刘洋的个人简介。不知道这是否代表最后的决定已经做出。刘洋是最有可能成为中国首名女航天员的两名候选人之一。

    On Tuesday , in what may or may not be a sign that the decision has been made , the state-run China Daily published a profile of 34-year-old fighter pilot Liu Yang , one of the two candidates tipped as the most likely to go where no Chinese woman has gone before .

  3. 用户们在myspace上创建个人简介,来谈论他们自己。

    With MySpace , users create profiles to talk about themselves .

  4. 之后,JSON响应将包含到达用户图像、名称和个人简介的URL。

    While I 'm at it , the JSON response will contain the URL to the user 's image , name , and short biography .

  5. 如果你想用Friendster或类似的服务,你必须建立一个个人简介,包括你的真实姓名、工作地点、职业、学校和朋友。

    If you want to use Friendster or similar services , you need to build a profile including your real name , where you work , your job , where you went to school and who your friends are .

  6. 他是一年后知道的我从来没用过Tinder、Bumble或eHarmony(均为社交交友平台——译注),但我要在这里根据和他在同一屋檐下生活了大概9490天的经历,给贾森创建一份概括性的个人简介。

    He knew a year later . I have never been on Tinder , Bumble or eHarmony , but I 'm going to create a general profile for Jason right here , based on my experience of coexisting in the same house with him for , like , 9490 days .

  7. 但是你也无法隐藏你的个人简介。

    But you 're also unable to make your profile private .

  8. 请按此参阅各荣誉大学院士之个人简介。

    Please click here for the personal profile of the HUF recipients .

  9. 每张照片都附上半开玩笑的个人简介。

    Each gives a brief tongue-in-cheek biography with her photograph .

  10. 个人简介中常常会提到他的圆头,称他如谜一般不可测知。

    Profiles refer to his bullet head and portray him as inscrutable .

  11. 个人简介是简历的一段简短介绍

    A profile is a short introduction to your CV

  12. 例如博客和个人简介信息。

    Examples are blogs and personal introduction information .

  13. 人们通常使用领英网上个人简介功能来发布他们的经历以及学历背景。

    People typically use their LinkedIn profiles to post their employment and educational history .

  14. 访问那些约会交友的网站,看看那里是否有你的伴侣的个人简介。

    Visit community and dating sites , to see if your partner has a profile there .

  15. 就连日本首相麻生太郎似乎都觉得有必要在其网站的个人简介中标明自己的血型。

    Even PM Taro Aso seems to consider it important enough to reveal in his web profile .

  16. 大多数女士相信男士的个人简介能使她们更好地判断她们是否会喜欢这次约会。

    Most believed the bio would enable them to better gauge if they would like the date .

  17. 决定自我介绍应该包括哪些内容时,问问自己:为什么你的个人简介对这群人很重要?

    When deciding what to include , ask yourself why your bio matters to this group of people .

  18. 你的个人简介最多只能写160个字,所以应写得简短、风趣并加上个人抱负。

    Your biography is only 160 characters , so make it snappy , witty and add your personal aspirations .

  19. 然后,看看他们的个人简介来想想你和他们有哪些共同之处。

    Then , look at several of their individual profiles to determine what you have in common with them .

  20. 关于你是谁,你的听众已经有一些概念了。所以跳过这些无聊的个人简介部分。

    Your audience already has some idea of who you are , so skip the boring LinkedIn bio facts .

  21. 招募活动现已开通全球网上报名平台(熊猫故乡网www.pandahome.com),网友可以通过在线“养熊猫”游戏或上传个人简介视频参加报名。

    Applicants should upload a one-minute self-introductory video to the website or take part in an online game about panda care .

  22. 个人简介不是必要选项,但是你要保证它的生动简介。

    It isn 't necessary to have a profile but if you do , make sure it is lively and succinct .

  23. 根据领英网上的苏珊·帕森斯的个人简介显示,这位老师已在该校区任教15年了。

    According to a LinkedIn profiled belonging to the teacher , Susan Parsons , she has worked in the school district for 15 years .

  24. 对于媒体或者广告业中竞争激烈的工作,你可以在简历的开头先进行一段个人简介。

    For some highly competitive jobs such as the media or advertising you could include a personal profile at the start of the CV .

  25. 就像网上约会应用一样,应用中还会列出捐精者的个人简介,包括教育背景、职业和性格。

    Much like online dating apps , it also includes a biography of the potential father containing their educational history , job and personality traits .

  26. 研究结果还表明,网上个人简介也没那么有用,而且可能造成对潜在伴侣的物化。

    The findings also indicated that the concept of an online profile is not entirely useful and can result in the objectification of potential partners .

  27. 根据该网站上的个人简介,科尔伯特会演奏大提琴和曼陀林(一种琵琶乐器),而且致力于解决气候变化、全球贫困及食品安全等问题。

    According to the site 's bio , Colbert plays cello and mandolin and wants to fix climate change , global poverty and food insecurity .

  28. 当有人单击这个标记时,会弹出一个小窗口,其中包含所选好友的图标、姓名和个人简介。

    When someone clicks the marker , a little window will pop up that contains the selected friend 's icon , name , and short biography .

  29. 每个所谓“同义者”都具有自己独特的心理状态、个人简介和写作风格,佩索阿用他们的名字和自己的名字发表了大量作品。

    Each so-called " heteronym " possessed unique psychologies , biographies and writing styles , and Pessoa published prolifically under their names as well as his own .

  30. 网站列出了一些典型捐精者的简况示例,包括一位奥斯卡获奖演员、一位上议院议员和一位前英超球员的个人简介。

    The website lists a range of sample profiles of typical sperm donors , including an Oscar-winning actor , a member of the House of Lords and an ex-Premiership footballer .