
  1. 文献标引工作如何为新馆建设做准备

    How to Prepare for the Construction of the New Library by Using Literature Index

  2. 如何做好文献分类标引工作

    How to Classify and Index Documents well in Library Work

  3. 我国文献标引标准化工作探索把素质教育渗透到文检课教学之中

    Exploration about the Standardization of Document Index in China Competence Education Permeated in Document Index Instruction

  4. 本文总结了我国文献标引标准化工作取得的成果,分析了文献标引标准化工作中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的策略。

    This paper sums up the achievement of the standardization of document index in china , analyzes the problems during the process , puts forward to the strategy to solving these problems .