
  1. 但是,目前公共文化供给总量的依旧不足和区域、城乡和群体之间供给不均等的问题已严重影响了社会的公平公正,阻碍了人人享有公共文化服务的整体目标的实现。

    However , the insufficient overall supply and the unbalance between regions , urban and rural areas and personal distribution have been severely influenced the fairness and justice of the society , which is a great hamper to the goal of everyone enjoys the public cultural service .

  2. 最后,提出了加强H乡农村公共文化服务供给的建议。

    Finally , we put forward the suggestion that how to strengthen the rural public culture service supply of H Township .

  3. 西部农村公共文化服务供给模式研究

    Study on the Supply Model of Rural Public Cultural Services in West China

  4. 本文主要介绍了法国近些年来的文化旅游供给与需求的发展。

    This article mainly introduces the latest development of cultural - traveling supplies and needs in France .

  5. 我们的全身便于这时变成一种盛受器械,能充分去享受大自然和文化所供给我们的色声香味。

    We then transform our bodies into a sensory apparatus for perceiving the wonderful symphony of colors and sounds and smells and tastes provided by Nature and by culture .

  6. 特别是随着城乡一体化进程的加速和农村经济的发展,改善和加强农村公共文化服务供给日趋紧迫。

    Especially with the acceleration of urban and rural integration process and the development of rural economy , the improvement of the rural public cultural service supply has become increasingly urgent .

  7. 就鄂尔多斯市农村牧区公共文化服务供给的现状、问题进行了梳理,并对提升鄂尔多斯市农村特区公共文化服务供给提出了相应的对策。

    Erdos on the status of public cultural service provision in rural and pastoral areas , the problem of the sort , and enhance rural SAR Erdos public cultural service provision put forward the corresponding countermeasures .

  8. 在我国现阶段,农村体育在资源供给上主要体现为社会福利性质,是构建农民文化服务供给体系的一个重要部分。

    At this stage of our country , rural sports is mainly reflected in the supply of resources for social welfare nature , it is an important part of building the peasants fitness services supply system .

  9. 通过网络文献的搜索获知,当下国内学术界基于农民需求导向研究农村公共文化服务供给问题的成果较为鲜见,因而本文的研究视角具有一定的创新性。

    First , the achievements of the domestic academic circles at present based on the farmers ' demand oriented rural public cultural service supply problems by searching the network literature is relatively rare . Therefore , research angle of view of this paper is innovative to certain extent .

  10. 本文最后一个创新点就是解决路径的创新,即提出要把社会效益的计算纳入农村文化基础设施供给的成本收益计算中。

    The last innovation point is solution innovation , namely puts forward to putting social benefits into the calculation of the supply of rural cultural infrastructure cost-benefit calculation .

  11. 四是加快西南区域物流的发展,改善西南地区人民物质文化需求与供给的时空关系,有助于缩小东西部差距。

    Fourthly , accelerating the development of regional logistics industry in southwest China and improve the time and space relation between material and culture demand and supply contributes to narrow the gap between east and west .

  12. 民族地区基层公共文化产品的供给关系到少数民族和民族地区各族群众的基本文化权益、民族地区优秀文化的传承与创新、民族地区政治稳定、经济发展和社会的和谐。

    National grass-roots public supply of cultural products related to the basic cultural rights and interests of ethnic minorities and people of all nationalities and ethnic areas of culture , heritage and innovation , national and regional political stability , economic development and social harmony .

  13. 究其原因,主要是由于农村文化基础设施的供给模式存在严重缺陷。

    This is because there are some problems in the supply mode of rural cultural infrastructures .

  14. 指出政府机构及官员的自利性以及受政绩利益驱使等是当前农村文化基础设施政府供给不合理的部分主要原因。

    Points out that government agencies ' and officials ' self-interest and driven by such achievements for the interests are the main causes of rural cultural infrastructure government supply unreasonable .

  15. 但免费开放实行后,博物馆自身管理体制上的诸多不足日益明显,影响了公共文化产品和公共文化服务的供给质量。

    But since the implementation of free admission , the insufficiencies in the management system of museums are increasingly remarkable and affect the supply quality of public cultural products and public cultural services .

  16. 根据农村文化基础设施缺乏、文化产品供给不足、现有文化资源没能有效利用,涉农图书不能满足农民要求的具体情况,从四方面提出了建议。

    The rural cultural construction has encountered four difficulties : the lack of cultural infrastructure in rural areas , insufficient supply of cultural products , ineffectively use of existing cultural resources , and agriculture-related books can not meet the requirements of farmers .

  17. 现阶段,我国农村文化建设相对落后,公共文化产品供给严重不足,加快农村文化建设,改善农村公共文化产品供给,是新农村建设的题中应有之义。

    At present stage , the construction of rural culture is backward , the supply of rural public cultural products is acute shortage .

  18. 随着社会对文化的强烈需求与现有文化产品供给严重不足这一基本矛盾的日益加深,文化是否产业化已经成为经济界和文化界讨论的热点。

    As the basic contradiction between the strong social demand of culture and the insufficient supplies of cultural products at present , whether culture should be industrialized has already become the focus of both the economical and cultural circles .

  19. 实证分析表明,财政资金投入不足、专业人才缺失、农村文化基础设施缺乏是我国农村文化服务供给不足以及城乡文化服务供给差异的重要原因。

    Empirical analysis shows that lacking of financial investment , professional and rural cultural infrastructures lead to insufficient supply of cultural services in rural areas and a big difference between urban and rural .

  20. 基层政府作为向公众提供优质公共文化服务的前沿阵地,不仅影响到公共文化服务供给的数量和质量,更能够影响到公众参与公共文化活动中的积极性。

    The grass-roots government as the forefront of the quality of public cultural services available to the public , not only affect the quantity and quality of public cultural service supply , and more able to influence the public to participate actively in public cultural activities .

  21. 该部分在交代农村公共文化的含义和内容之后,重点阐释农村公共文化服务供给的概念和研究农村公共文化服务供给的理论基础。

    After explaining the concept and content of rural public culture , this part focuses on expounding the concept and the theoretical foundation of rural public cultural service supply .

  22. 农民们常说我们和城市最大的差距是精神文化,这正反映出新农村建设中公共文化产品供给的重要性。

    Farmers always say that the largest gap between citizens and them is the culture . It reflects the importance of public supply of cultural products in the process of new Rural constructing .

  23. 在社会转型时期,农村基层群众对文化的需求在日益增长,与当前公共文化产品的供给与服务的不足之间形成明显的矛盾。

    In the period of social transformation , the need of culture in lower-levels from rural areas is increasing everyday . This forms an overt contradiction with the supply of public cultural products and services .

  24. 农民们常说“我们和城里最大的差距是文化”,一句话道出了农村文化建设和公共文化产品供给的重要意义。

    Farmers often say that " the biggest gap between us and the city is culture ", it points to the importance of rural culture construction and public culture supply .

  25. 但文化建设却落后于经济发展,尤其在农村,公共文化服务和文化产品供给与农民群众的文化需求的差距还很大。

    But the cultural construction is behind the economic development , especially in rural areas , public cultural service and cultural products supply and demand of the peasants culture lags behind .

  26. 其中农村文化基础设施缺乏影响农村文化事业发展的最重要因素之一,成为农村文化服务供给的重大阻碍。

    Lacking of cultural infrastructures is one of the most important facts which affect the development of rural cultural undertakings . It becomes a major obstacle for supply of rural cultural services .