
zì yàng
  • model of written characters;words;phrase
字样 [zì yàng]
  • (1) [model of written characters]∶文字形体笔画的规范

  • (2) [words;phrase]∶用在某处的词语或简短句子

  • 在封面上有初稿字样

字样[zì yàng]
  1. 蛋糕上裱了“生日快乐”的字样。

    The cake had ' Happy Birthday ' piped on it .

  2. 抗议者打着“救救我们的野生生物”字样的横幅。

    Protesters carried a banner reading ‘ Save our Wildlife ’ .

  3. 信上标注着“私人”字样。

    The letter was marked ' Personal ' .

  4. 奖章上刻有“功勋卓越”的字样。

    The medal bears the inscription ' For distinguished service ' .

  5. 有人在他的车上涂写了“人渣”的字样。

    Someone had scrawled ' Scum ' on his car .

  6. 银行在支票上标有“保付”的字样。

    The bank marks the check ' certified '

  7. 要了解这些产品的详细信息,请寄来标明HB/FF字样的明信片。

    For more details about these products , send a postcard marked HB / FF .

  8. 封面上有“初稿”字样。

    On the cover are the words " first draft ".

  9. 他在蛋糕上镶上了“生日快乐”的字样。

    He piped " happy birthday " on the cake .

  10. 他们那所房子外面有一块写着“待售”字样的牌子。

    There 's a " for sale " sign outside their house .

  11. 拱形正中刻有“巴黎1924—第八届奥运会”字样。ANTWERP1920Medal安特卫普奥运会奖牌

    In the centre , the inscription " VIIIe OLYMPIADE PARIS 1924 " .

  12. LONDON1908Medal伦敦奥运会奖牌奖牌正面描绘的是两位女性为一名年轻的奥运冠军佩戴月桂花环的场景。正中下方刻有“1908年伦敦奥运会”字样。

    On the obverse , two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of a young victorious athlete , with , in the bottom half , the inscription " OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON 1908 " .

  13. 顶部刻有“ANVERSMCMXX”字样,意为安特卫普1920。

    In the top half , the inscription " ANVERS MCMXX " .

  14. 陶器上印有卢卡·德拉·罗比亚的字样。

    The ceramics bore the imprint of Luca della Robbia .

  15. 运动员图像上面印有“奥林匹亚”字样,右下角注有年份“1904”。

    Above the figure of the athlete , the inscription " OLYMPIAD " and on the rock bottom right " 1904 " .

  16. 用于狭窄尖长的地方,请将喷嘴调校至印有STREAM字样的一方向上。

    Turn the nozzle until the word STREAM is upper most for straight and long distance spraying .

  17. 在伦敦,伦敦交通局(TransportforLondon)向孕妇发放印有“宝宝在内”(BabyonBoard)字样的小牌子。

    In London , the Transport for London agency doles out officially sanctioned ' Baby on Board ' badges to pregnant women .

  18. 其中有一款原型机比现在的iPhone更扁,形状更似砖头,还有一个与现在的iPhone类似,但后面印着iPod的字样。

    One model was flatter and more brick-shaped than the current iPhone .

  19. 随意写在星巴克(Starbucks)杯子上的“种族团结”(RaceTogether)字样,意在激起有关美国种族关系的对话。

    Scrawled on Starbucks cups , the words " Race Together " were intended to stimulate conversations about race relations in America .

  20. 会徽上用色彩鲜艳的线条勾勒出“NANJING”的字样,象征着青年人的激情与活力。

    The emblem , with the letters of NANJING standing out in bright colors , showcases the energy and vibrancy of the youth .

  21. 如果你穿着一件写有Gobonkers!(疯了!)字样的T恤,那可别奢望美国大通银行会聘用你。

    Don 't expect Chase Bank to hire you if you 're wearing a T-shirt that says Go bonkers !

  22. 需要时,可以更改与microsoft文档资源管理器主题相关联的字体颜色和大小、字样及背景色设置。

    You can change the font colors and sizes , typefaces , and background color settings associated with topics Microsoft document explorer , as needed .

  23. 在出气阀上标有“NP”字样的产品不包括在被召回之列。

    Products not included in the recall can be identified with the lettering " NP " moulded on the valve .

  24. 不过在美国各地,人们都展开双臂欢迎他们的客人,所以当你发现有welcome字样的鞋垫为你而时?

    But in all parts of America , people welcome their guests with open arms . So don t be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you .

  25. 这支队伍是由耐克公司赞助的,因此运动员都穿着带NIKE字样的运动服。

    The team is sponsored by NIKE , so the players wear the letters NIKE on their shirts .

  26. 在1987年公司50周年庆聚会上,荷美尔自己给自己做了一个形似奥古斯特洛丹的沉思者的刻有SPAM字样的模型。

    At a50th birthday party Hormel gave for itself in1987 , one celebrant carved a SPAM model of Auguste Rodin 's The Thinker .

  27. 这样的设计与勇士队沿用数十年的经典字样“TheCity”相呼应,只是现在将“TheCity”换成了“TheTown”。(“TheTown”通常用来指代勇士队当前的主场所在地——奥克兰。)

    The design echoes the Warriors ' classic " The City " design from decades past but swaps in " The Town " ( which is the common term for Oakland , where the team currently plays ) .

  28. 查德雷说他总共跑了15英里(24千米),但从5.7英里(9千米)处打开GPS开始跟踪,拼出了求婚字样。

    He explained he had run about 15 miles ( 24km ) in total , but had the GPS tracking turned on to spell out the lettering over 5.7 miles ( 9km ) .

  29. 回到工作室后,他在小便池边上签署了R.Mutt1917的字样,并为这个作品起了个名字&泉(Fountain)。

    Returning to his studio , he signed it on the rim , R. Mutt 1917 , and gave it a title : Fountain .

  30. 如果想让人回复邀请函,就要在邀请函底下注明尽快回复字样(RSVP)。

    If you want people to reply to an invitation , put ( RSVP ) at the bottom .